Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 235: Opportunity

After Han Feng finished speaking, James reported, "The cause of death is because their scientific researchers were unable to purify it. There is a trace amount of GS virus in the serum of Energy Agent 7. They cannot completely remove it no matter what, so the injected people They all turned into zombies in the end.”

After a pause, James continued, "But before mutating into zombies, the injectors will gain nearly infinite energy. They will not feel tired or in pain, and their strength will increase exponentially. Normally, from After the mutation is injected, it will take about an hour. The stronger the person, the more power he will gain. The stronger person can stay sane longer than the weak. "

"Their scientific research goal is to completely eliminate the GS virus in the serum, then mass-produce it on a small scale, equip it with the country's top armed personnel, and create the world's first "war machine."

"Also... from his mouth, I learned that... the GS virus spread to the world with the loss of the mother's body..."

"Grrrr...gurgle..." Listening to James' report, Han Feng's clenched steel teeth made bursts of sound!

With red eyes, Han Feng squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "These damn bastards! Beasts!!!"

At this moment, Han Feng knew the whole story...

It was they who wanted to create "super humans" but inadvertently created the matrix. The loss of the mother body officially opened the beginning of this zombie disaster!

I don’t know how many families have been broken up in the world, and I don’t know how many people have lost their lives as a result! The survivors who survived were displaced and struggling! All these are thanks to them! ! !

Han Feng was so angry that he was trembling all over!

The anger almost turned into substance, burning Han Feng's reason to its heart's content. ඏ ♦ ♦♦

At this time, Han Feng had only one thought. Just kill! Kill them all! Kill all their researchers! Use their blood to make amends to the world!

But he was angry, and Han Feng was not a brainless idiot. He was not stupid enough to slap someone on the forehead just out of passion.

"Wait! Team Han... they seem to have a mission!"

Just as Han Feng resisted his impulse, he heard new information from James.

"Mission? What mission?"

"I saw them gathering in formation! Team Han, wait for a few minutes and I'll find out!" Listening to James' tone, Han Feng felt a sense of urgency...

At this moment, Han Feng wanted to start the radar scan, but then he thought, he was in a no-man's land now, and even if he could scan the other party, there would probably only be a few scattered ones.

Holding back his thoughts, Han Feng went dormant again, waiting for a reply from spy James...

While waiting, Han Feng felt anxious and couldn't help but wonder if these people had discovered me? Did you lead a team here to find me?

Two minutes later...

What Han Feng didn't expect was that James said a little apologetically, "Sorry, Team Han... I didn't get the information."

"Huh???" This was the first time that James had gotten hold of the things that the other party was strictly guarding, but he didn't get what the other party was going to do?

"What's going on?"

"I saw most of them gathering, so I went directly to their highest-level commander, but what I didn't expect was...the door was already closed to anyone.

"Then what?" Hearing this, Han Feng could easily guess that this mission must be extraordinary.

"Then I went to find their subordinate commanders... They didn't know the content of this mission, but I got some clues. They would organize a large number of people to go to the mother body every few days, and all orders were temporary. notify."

Hearing this, Han Feng narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment and asked, "What about them?"

"They left, and they left very quickly. When I came out, they had already left. If you give me a minute more, I can go up and ask."

"How many people did they leave?"

"One hundred people, half of them were dispatched for this operation. They are 50 people from the Japanese special attack team and 50 people from the Korean 707 special forces." After a pause, James continued, "Now there are only triangle porridge special forces in the camp. The troops did not move, and the other two special forces left ten people each.”

According to the intelligence obtained, there are only a hundred people in the enemy camp at this time... This is good news! Although those who left were all “miscellaneous” people, the fewer people there are, it’s always a good thing!

"How long will it take for them to come back?!" At this moment, Han Feng knew that the opportunity had come.

"The specific time is not known, but according to the estimates of their subordinate commanders, there is no possibility of returning within two hours."

"Okay! James, you should retreat now!" Han Feng did not dare to delay for two hours. James had no force value, so even if he stayed in the enemy camp, it would be useless in a real fight. After much deliberation, it was better to let him retreat.

Han Feng had already thought about the next step of the plan. The first thing he did when entering the enemy camp was to find the thirteen imprisoned Red Police soldiers.

Anyway, the mysterious girl said that these people are not considered deputies, so why are you hesitating? Snipers, heavily armed soldiers, American soldiers, and conscripts are all available. With their help, maybe you can really give it a try!

"Okay, Korean team, I'll retreat now." After a pause, James continued, "Han team, the position you are currently in is not tightly defended. As long as you are careful, there should be no problem."

"Okay, I understand." While responding to James, Han Feng stood up. After stretching his muscles a little, he started to move forward.

Along the way, Han Feng moved forward very quietly, not daring to make too much noise or show his head.

"Captain Han, are you not going to use the Energy 7 potion?" When approaching the enemy camp by one kilometer, Luna's voice suddenly came out in Han Feng's mind.

"What's the use? I don't want to become a zombie, and don't I already have the Wild Beast Serum? I think this thing is useless." Han Feng replied truthfully.

"Captain Han, maybe the combat laboratory can remove the GS virus in the Energy 7 potion?"

"Oh my god?! Yes!!! As long as there is no virus in the Energy 7 potion! Then I won't become a zombie! Who doesn't like free power?!" Thinking of this, Han Feng thought of another possibility, that is, can the Energy 7 potion be mass-produced during combat tests? !

If it can, then the power of his Red Alert soldiers will be a step up? !

When Han Feng was excited, he stood up involuntarily.

"Captain Han! Danger! Get down quickly!"

"Hey! You..."

Suddenly, the voices of Luna and the mysterious girl sounded in Han Feng's mind at the same time.

Then the next moment... "Bang!!!" The loud sound of a sniper rifle firing rang out!

Han Feng felt a sudden pain in his back, which was the body's warning to him! His pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip in an instant, and his eyes subconsciously looked towards the place where the gunshot was.

In Han Feng's sight, a copper-yellow bullet was spinning at high speed and shooting towards him!

The speed superpower was activated, and Han Feng's body began to move slowly!

"Uh..." Seeing the sniper bullet getting closer and closer, Han Feng moved his body desperately. But this little movement of his own could not avoid the sniper bullet that was within reach!

Such a dodge is nothing more than the difference between hitting the left eye and hitting the right eye...

With the speed of the sniper bullet, let alone Han Feng, it is estimated that Wei Peng himself may not be able to dodge it.

When the sniper bullet approached to a distance of dozens of centimeters from his chest,

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