Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 159: Neutron Weapons and Wild Beast Serum Part 2

sToday is the National Memorial Day. May the motherland prosper and the deceased rest in peace. May the living live long and healthy, and may the virus disappear from this beautiful planet soon!

"Report to Captain Han, except for the difference in level, other factors are not in the scope of influence. In other words, as long as they are soldiers of the same level, whether they are mobilized soldiers or American soldiers, they will not affect the combat effectiveness after transformation."

"Oh..." After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng understood.

"Are there any other research reports on the mad beast serum?" Han Feng maintained a high degree of interest in the gene-mad beast serum. Anyway, he was lying in bed now and was idle.

"There are also the following points. 1 Gene-mad beast serum, the time to transform the human body is 30 seconds. After normal humans are injected, the transformation can be completed in thirty seconds."

Han Feng murmured, "It's pretty fast." ✪

"2 Gene-mad beast serum can act on dying humans, as long as the body of the injected body remains intact."

"What do you mean?" When Luna finished this sentence, the first thing Han Feng thought of in his mind was that this serum can have the effect of "resurrection".

"Report to Captain Han, according to the research report of the combat laboratory, the same effect can be achieved if the injured and dying soldiers are injected with serum in time. The gene - Wild Beast Serum, will repair the damaged tissues of the human body during the transformation."

"Even if... the soldier is about to die, as long as he is not dead... he can be transformed by the serum?! And the product after the transformation is the same as the product transformed when he is healthy?"

"Yes, Captain Han, so this potion can be used as a "last resort."

When Han Feng received this explosive information, a burst of excited current swept through his body! Oh my God! I picked up a treasure! This is simply a "life-saving" artifact!

Suddenly, Han Feng thought of the Winter Soldier... If there was such a serum at that time, maybe...

Feeling the question in Han Feng's mind, Luna answered autonomously, "Captain Han, the Winter Soldier cannot be transformed. The integrity of his body was instantly destroyed at that time."


"By the way, Captain Han, there are two things to pay attention to when using potions." Just when Han Feng was sad, Luna continued.

"Ah? What else should I pay attention to?"

"This drug can transform any human body, not just Red Alert soldiers. Based on this, I hope Captain Han will be cautious in the transformation, and it is best to only transform Red Alert soldiers."

"Why?" Han Feng asked puzzled.

"Because after the Red Alert soldiers are transformed, although they will have a series of negative reactions such as amnesia, dementia, exposure of nature, mania, bloodthirstiness, cruelty, etc., they will still strictly abide by your orders, Captain Han. But... the rest of the people will not. Even if they were your close friends before the transformation, they may attack you after the transformation."

"I see... Is there another point to pay attention to?"

"The gene - the wild beast serum, cannot act on any organism other than the human body. That is, it cannot act on all animals and plants other than the human body."

"I didn't plan to give it to other animals... Is this the end of the story? Nothing else, right?"

"Without Captain Han, this is the entire research report on the wild beast serum.

"Okay, now give me a desperate price! "At this moment, Han Feng knew... the price of the Wild Beast Serum must be very high!

"Report to Captain Han, the price of the first-level gene - Wild Beast Serum is 1,000 gold coins per bottle."

"How much? One thousand? !"

"Yes, one thousand."

"Oh my god! So cheap? ! ! "Hearing this price, Han Feng was stunned... thinking, compared with the previous price of 30,000 for the Trans-dimensional Corps, this Wild Beast Serum is only one thousand, which is really a conscience price!!

"Uh... Luna, you just said the first-level gene - Wild Beast Serum, is there a second level? Third level? ! ! "When Han Feng calmed down, he keenly caught the "loophole" in Luna's words just now, the first-level Wild Beast Serum...

"Yes, Captain Han, the first-level gene - Wild Beast Serum can only act on zero-star Red Alert soldiers and ordinary human bodies.

"Then... what about the second-level serum?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, only after you have manufactured and used the first-level gene - Wild Beast Serum. The second-level gene - Wild Beast Serum will open the manufacturing option. "

"Hehe... I knew it." At this moment, Han Feng knew... the system was still the same cheating system, it hadn't changed at all...

Han Feng looked at his remaining gold coins, 514 coins... just enough to buy half of a first-level gene - the serum of the wild beast.

"Luna, how many projects are the combat laboratory still researching now?" Han Feng asked leisurely while lying on the bed, returning to the state of "boredom".

"Report to Captain Han, as of now, there are two research projects under research: "Behavior Research of Quasi-Level 4 Zombies" and "Comprehensive Analysis of GS Viruses".

"These research projects... seem to have been studied for almost four or five days, right? Why is it so slow? How long will it take for such a simple research project like "Behavior Research of Quasi-Level 4 Zombies" to be completed?" Han Feng asked puzzledly after listening to these familiar project names.

You know, before this, the first project of the combat laboratory, "Gene - Rapid Recovery Potion", took only one hour to research!

"Captain Han, the more research projects the combat laboratory has, the longer it takes to research a single project. In addition... the combat laboratory is now researching unknown viruses and zombie behaviors, so it takes a long time..." Luna explained weakly to Han Feng's "dissatisfaction".

"Okay... research slowly, and remember to tell me when you have results."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After finishing the conversation with Luna, Han Feng looked at the ceiling quietly. Thinking and digesting the various information he had just received...

Half an hour later, Han Feng, who was lying on the bed, looked around...

"Wayne, how do you feel?" Seeing Wayne also lying on the bed, Han Feng said.

"Report to Captain Han, I feel good now."

"..."Hearing this answer, Han Feng was a little speechless, paused and continued to ask, "Can you get off the ground?"

"Sure, Captain Han, do you need anything?" Wayne sat up from the bed and asked.

"If you can, pour me a glass of water."

"Okay, Captain Han." After replying to Han Feng, Wayne got off the bed and walked quickly to the table, pouring water with one hand...

Seeing Wayne's "agile" movements, Han Feng stared and asked, "Can you get out of bed?! Are you okay?!!!"

"Of course I can get out of bed, my legs are not injured. I only have fractures in my radius and two ribs. As for the minor abrasions on my body, they will not affect me."

After Wayne finished speaking, Han Feng said nothing. He just despised Luna in his heart, who had said that Wayne was so serious and that it would take more than 40 days to recover...

"Captain Han, water." Holding the cup in one hand, Wayne walked to Han Feng's bed and said.

"Light me a cigarette, thank you~" After drinking the water, Han Feng said to Wayne. At the same time, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind, "What time is it now?"

"Captain Han, the time is now three o'clock in the afternoon. It has been five and a half hours since the Domination Team went out."

"Only three o'clock..." Han Feng thought it was already very late, but he didn't expect it to be only three o'clock in the afternoon... As expected, time is unusually slow when lying down...

"Luna, call me at six o'clock, I'll take a nap now."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After giving the instructions, Han Feng slowly fell asleep...

Three hours later...

"Captain Han,

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