Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 158: Neutron Weapons and Wild Beast Serum

s I made a lot of changes to the scientific content of this chapter. So, technical experts, please don't argue after reading this... It's all fake, all fake...

For a whole morning, Han Feng quietly watched Brother Wang and his team collect various things. However, he didn't encounter many zombies, so the number of times he mobilized soldiers was not many. Han Feng's income this morning was only six gold coins...

"Report to Captain Han, the research project gene of the combat laboratory - violent serum, the research has ended." Just as Han Feng was still immersed in the "3D" vision, Luna's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, the research project of the combat laboratory, the magical disappearance of the human body, one of the ten unsolved mysteries in the universe, has ended." Han Feng hadn't reacted yet, and Luna said again.

"These two research projects... ended at the same time?!" Han Feng was a little surprised by this surprise.

"Yes, Captain Han."

After exiting the visual connection, Han Feng couldn't wait to say, "Introduce it quickly! First... Let's talk about the research results of the human body's magical disappearance technique, one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the universe!"

Han Feng was very curious about this extremely bombastic and extremely childish name. He wondered what research results the combat laboratory would produce on this "illusory" thing.

"Okay, Captain Han." Luna corrected her tone and began to explain, "The main research result of the human body's magical disappearance technique, one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the universe, is weapons."

"Weapons?" Han Feng was excited after hearing this information!

You know, the things that the combat laboratory had researched before were all about genes, and they all appeared in the form of medicines. This time, a weapon was produced?

"Yes, it's in the form of a weapon."

"Explain it." Knowing that the "highlight" was coming, Han Feng listened attentively.

"Okay, Captain Han, according to the report on "The Magical Disappearance of the Human Body, the Top Ten Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe" given by the combat laboratory, Guo Yongxing's superpowers do not fall within the scope of genetic anomaly mutations and positive gene mutations. It seems that he was disturbed by special particles, which formed his autonomous consciousness superpowers."

"..." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng felt a headache...

"Special... pear? The autonomous consciousness of the pear? And superpowers?"

"Captain Han... It's not the pear of apples and oranges... It's a particle in the field of physics!" After correcting Han Feng's magical "brain circuit", Luna continued to explain, "This is a special particle that is "entangled" with Guo Yongxing's genes under unknown circumstances. For this reason, Guo Yongxing has this kind of Superpower. "

"Uh..." Han Feng barely understood a little bit, and with a "desire" for knowledge, he continued to ask, "What is autonomous consciousness?"

"This is a rather bizarre thing... How can I tell you..." After thinking for a while, Luna continued, "Let me tell you this. Cancer cells are the smallest individuals of fatal diseases in the human body. Cancer cells are super cells evolved from normal healthy cells, and they have the special property of infinite division. Normal people cannot control them. Cancer cells will infinitely absorb nutrients from the human body, plus other special reasons, so they lead to death, but... What if your superpower is to control cancer cells in the body? "

"For example?" Han Feng understood most of it, but he couldn't help but ask Luna to give an example.

"For example... You can now let cancer cells quickly heal all injuries in the body. As long as the body is injured and damaged, you can use the characteristic of infinite and rapid division of cancer cells to quickly close the wound and restore it. "

"Wow... You are talking about instant healing? !" Han Feng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect cancer to have such a "benefit".

"In theory, as long as there are enough cancer cells and you can fully control them...instant healing is possible." Luna gave the exact answer after a simple calculation.

"Of course, this can only be achieved under the premise of fully controlling your own cancer cells. Correspondingly, Guo Yongxing completely controlled this special particle in his body and made it serve himself, which formed this superpower."

"What particle can have such a magical ability? It can make the human body disappear without a trace?!" Han Feng completely understood this time, but at the same time he was also very curious about what this magical particle was.

"It's a neutron (neutrons are generated when protons and electrons combine)."

"Neutron?" Han Feng seemed to have some impression of this name... but he was not interested in physics knowledge at all, so he basically returned all the knowledge he learned to the teacher.

"Yes, it's a neutron. But the strange thing is... free neutrons are extremely unstable particles, and their normal existence time is about 896 seconds. Under normal circumstances... neutrons will never meet Guo Yongxing."

"Uh... Luna, you don't need to explain to me... I just want to know what this neutron is for, just tell me directly." Han Feng had a "splitting headache" when he heard this strange professional term...

"Okay, Captain Han, the neutron (ron) is one of the nucleons that make up the nucleus of an atom, and it can play an important role in nuclear fission reactions."

"Hiss... a walking nuclear bomb!!!" Hearing this straightforward explanation, Han Feng almost jumped out of bed!

Nuclear bomb! Nuclear bomb! If you are not happy with someone, just...

"Ahem...Captain Han, neutrons are neutrons! Nuclear bombs are nuclear bombs! They are not the same thing! Water is an important component of the human body, but water is not a person..." At this time, Luna had collapsed... Luna had no way to deal with such a physics rookie.

"Oh... Can Guo Yongxing perform nuclear fission?" Han Feng didn't want to give up this walking "nuclear bomb", so he asked weakly.

"Yes! When water can evolve into a human, it will be fine!"

"Haha~ I'm kidding~ Why are you so serious~" Han Feng also felt Luna's "bitterness" at this time, so he said jokingly.

"Then... what about weapons? What do they look like?" Before Luna spoke, Han Feng quickly changed the subject.

"The combat laboratory has gone through multiple experiments such as analysis, extraction, reorganization, and experimentation. The weapon obtained is the neutron gun."

After explaining the name of the weapon, Luna introduced that "the neutron gun will directly erase enemy troops and buildings from time and space instead of destroying them. The higher the health or defense of the enemy unit, the longer it will take, and in the process of erasing the enemy troops, the erased units cannot attack or move."

After listening to Luna's introduction, Han Feng frowned slightly. He asked thoughtfully, "Uh... After listening to your introduction, why do I feel so familiar? Isn't this the weapon of the Trans-Dimensional Corps (Red Alert's cutting-edge individual unit)?"

"Yes, Captain Han, this is the neutron gun used by the Trans-Dimensional Corps."


"Under normal circumstances, Captain Han, you need to build the necessary buildings before you can obtain the summoning unit of the Trans-Dimensional Corps. But since you have obtained the combat weapons of the Trans-Dimensional Corps in advance, this individual summoning unit is open in advance."

"!!! Can you summon the Trans-Dimensional Corps now?!" Han Feng, who was a little depressed, instantly became energetic after hearing this news!

Trans-Dimensional Corps! A strange army that comes and goes without a trace, nothing else! With the ability of "teleportation" and weapons that make objects disappear magically, it is simply a large "assassin" type of army!

"Luna! How many gold coins are needed to summon the Trans-Dimensional Corps?!" At this time, Han Feng couldn't help but want to meet this "hero" level soldier.

"Report to Captain Han, the price of summoning the Trans-Dimensional Corps is 30,000."

"How much more?!"

"30,000 gold coins."

"..."Hearing this outrageous price, Han Feng almost fainted...

30,000 gold coins, enough to build three heavy factories! So much money to summon a Trans-Dimensional Corps? ! How unreliable is this system! ! ! At this time, Han Feng's mentality exploded.

"Forget it... I'll just pretend you didn't say this..." Han Feng replied to Luna in a decadent manner, and then said, "Now let's talk about this gene - Crazy Beast Serum..."

"Okay, Captain Han, Gene - Crazy

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