Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 160: Machine Gunner Liu Hua

"Huh..." Seeing Kong Xiang leave, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking how tired it was of pretending! There is nothing more tiring than this!

"Brother Han? Hehe...hehe..."

"Hey, I'll go!!!" Suddenly! A burst of weird laughter came, which scared Han Feng so much that he shouted out for a while.

"Who?!!!" After recovering his emotions, Han Feng lay on the bed and yelled.

"Brother Han? It's me~"

"Liu Hua? Why are you so evil?!" Han Feng asked in surprise when he saw that the person coming was Liu Hua. Because Liu Hua had just frightened him, his reply at this time still contained a hint of emotion.

"Brother Han, my good brother Han! Hehe..."

"Can you be normal? Let's talk about something, okay? You look like this... I... I'm not used to it." Looking at Liu Hua with a smile on his face, Han Feng got goosebumps all over his body.

"Brother Han..."

"Brother Liu! You are older than me. I can't stand it when you call me Brother Han? Can you call me Xiao Han or..." Listening to Liu Hua talking about Brother Han, Han Feng felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, Brother Han! I listen to you! I will call you little Brother Han from now on, okay?"

Hearing Liu Hua's reply, Han Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, but at the same time he still had a question in his mind... This Liu Hua has always been a man of few words, why is he so abnormal today?

"Brother Han, come today... I just want to ask you a small favor~"

Yeah~ It seems that my title has been determined in Liu Hua's mouth... I can't help it, it's really difficult to deal with this person who greets me with a smile...

"Say it, we are all our own people, there is nothing you don't want, just say it.

"Okay! I've said it then!" Looking at Han Feng lying on the bed, Liu Hua couldn't hide the joy on his face and continued, "That...machine gun?..."

"What machine gun?" Han Feng asked with a frown, listening to Liu Hua's intermittent voice.

"Oh~ Brother Han, please don't hide it from me~ I already saw it yesterday~"


"Sain! Thain's machine gun~ Hehe..." Liu Hua continued as Han Feng looked at him without speaking.

"Do you want to..."

"Yes! Brother Han, you are so smart! You knew it without me saying anything~ I really admire you!! Really! The kind of person who is so smitten!"

"..." Didn't say anything? ! How many times have you said machine gun since you walked in? ! Watching Liu Hua "direct and act", Han Feng felt speechless for a while...

It can be seen that Liu Hua really doesn't know how to communicate. Any emotion can be seen on the face...

"Brother Han... I, I want a machine gun..." Looking at Han Feng's thinking eyes, Liu Hua finally plucked up the courage to say.


"Please, I really want a machine gun! Really!" Liu Hua became a little anxious when Han Feng didn't speak.

"..." Looking at Liu Hua, Han Feng felt a little bitter... He never lacked machine guns. Every time he fought, he would collect weapons from dead American soldiers. As far as 60 machine guns are concerned, there are at least dozens of them in their "inventory". But...but there are no suitable bullets in the equipment warehouse.

Seeing that Han Feng hadn't spoken yet, Liu Hua squatted directly beside Han Feng's bed and begged, "Brother Han? Can you give me a machine gun? As long as you give me a machine gun, your affairs will be my business from now on! You Let me wash your clothes! I’ll wash your socks too! If you don’t want to walk, I’ll carry you..."

"Hey, stop, stop!" Han Feng quickly stopped when Liu Huayue said he was overstepping.

At this moment, Han Feng felt that the big man in front of him was like a "big boy". And the machine gun is his most beloved "toy"...

"I do have a machine gun...but..."

"But what?!" When Han Feng said this, Liu Hua became excited instantly. He asked nervously for fear of missing the machine gun.

"Wait a minute, let me think about it." After Han Feng finished speaking, he saw Liu Hua nodding. Next, Han Feng closed his eyes and pretended to think, but he contacted Luna in his mind: "Luna, I brought over the machine guns from the dead American soldiers. Can Wayne "charge" the machine guns?"

Han Feng knew that once an American soldier died, the bullets in the machine gun would become a "fixed number." Once launched, automatic updates are no longer possible. But at this time, Han Feng thought of a possibility, which was to let other living American soldiers pick up these "ownerless" 60 machine guns to see if they could re-update these machine guns with bullets.

"Report to the Korean team, no. Each Red Alert soldier's weapon is fixed, and other soldiers cannot be replaced to update ammunition."

After listening to Luna's reply, Han Feng's already frowning brows became even tighter. Regarding the change in Han Feng's facial expression, Liu Hua became even more nervous...

"Luna...then I'll ask Thain to "lend" the machine gun to Liu Hua and get it back 24 hours later. Can this be used to replenish and update the ammunition?" Han Feng thought for a moment, this may be the last "hope" .

"Report to the Korean team, yes. The red alert soldier transfers the weapon to another person and takes it back when the update time comes. The internal ammunition can be updated. But one thing to note is that the ammunition cannot be updated when the weapon is not in use."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng thought of the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier's grenades were temporarily lent to Wei Yun for "self-defense", but when it was time to update, I didn't see the updated grenades...

After understanding the "bug" of this weapon update, Han Feng turned his head, looked at Liu Hua and said, "The machine gun does have..."

"Great! Brother Han, when can you give it to me?" Liu Hua was surrounded by happiness and joy, and his voice trembled when he said this.

"I can give it to you now, but you have to remember... Although I gave you the machine gun, you must return it at 12 noon every day! Because..."

"Ah?! No way? Only give it to me for one day..." Liu Hua's heart "clicked" when he heard Han Feng say that he wanted to "return" the machine gun. Even the joyful smile gradually solidified.

"Listen to me, you bring the machine gun back at 12 noon. After adding bullets, I will give it to you, and the machine gun is still yours." As for why it is 12 noon... Because the American soldier Sean's call time is around 12 noon.

"Well. Thank you, Brother Han!" After hearing Han Feng's explanation, Liu Hua stood up and bowed while speaking...

Seeing Liu Hua bowing to him, Han Feng widened his eyes!

Yes! You read it right! Liu Hua! Actually! Bowed to! Him! And at a 90-degree angle! ! !

Han Feng was lying on the bed, and beside him was Liu Hua who had been bowing for a long time! This look was like he was "mourning" himself, okay? !

"Get up! If you continue like this, I won't give you the machine gun!!!" Han Feng almost spit out a mouthful of blood... What is this!

"No, no, no! Brother Han! I'm up! I'm up." After getting up hurriedly, Liu Hua walked to the head of Han Feng's bed and stood quietly beside Han Feng's bed. Looking at Han Feng... motionless...

"Uh... do you have anything else to do?" Looking at Liu Hua with his eyes "straight", Han Feng asked.

"Brother Han, where is the machine gun? When can you give it to me?"

"..." So it was because of this...

Han Feng pursed his lips helplessly, lying on the bed and shouting "Sean."

A few seconds later, Sean came in with a machine gun.

"Sean, give him your machine gun first."

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Captain Han?" Hearing Sean addressing Han Feng, Liu Hua repeated in confusion.

At this moment... Han Feng's heart twitched! I thought, this is bad! I was only concerned with giving this American soldier a name, but forgot to change the way he addressed me!

Now Liu Hua heard this,

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