Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 122: Strange

Lin Lan asked this because she couldn't see the battle outside the prison through the tall walls.

When the first sniper shot sounded, Lin Lan thought it was Han Feng "playing around", so she didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until the second sniper shot sounded that Lin Lan felt like there was an enemy and rushed to the battle area...

Sure enough, when Lin Lan ran over to find the location, the sound of rocket bombing had already begun.

Han Feng didn't say anything, but handed over the telescope in his hand, then turned his head to look at the window, and asked Lin Lan to go over and take a look.

Taking the telescope, Lin Lan walked quickly to the window.

"Why... why is this happening..." Lin Lan stood there and looked for a few seconds before asking.

"What is that?! Is it a zombie too!" When Lin Lan saw the muscle zombie, he made the same shocked voice.

"Don't worry, they can't get in, it's just a waste of time." Han Feng said calmly when he came to Lin Lan.

"Da da! Da da da!" Han Feng had just finished speaking when fierce gunfire sounded from under the watchtower.

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies have entered the shooting range of the American soldiers." After firing, Luna reported to Han Feng.

"Okay, I got it." After replying to Luna, Han Feng glanced at the sky, and then said to himself, "Fortunately, it's afternoon now. If it was night, it probably wouldn't be as easy as it is now."

Hearing Han Feng's relaxed tone, Lin Lan's nervous heart also relaxed.

"Wow!!! Woo... Woo!!" Amid the dense gunfire, Han Feng heard a cry and patted Lin Lan randomly, saying, "Lin Lan... Listen, this is..."

"Fox Fox!"

"Fox Fox!" Suddenly, the two said at the same time.

After shouting the word Fox Fox, Han Feng hurriedly ran to the watchtower.

Following the cry, Han Feng really found Fox Fox with tears on her face, less than 50 meters away from the watchtower.

Seeing that Huhu had cried like a kitten, Han Feng quickly squatted down and hugged her to comfort her.

"What's wrong, Huhu? Are you scared?" At this time, Han Feng heard bursts of gunfire coming from the prison, and hugged Huhu tightly with his arms.

"Big brother doesn't want me anymore! Wow!" Suddenly, Huhu said this out of the blue.

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies seem to have launched a general attack..." Before Han Feng had time to ask Huhu what this meant, Luna's voice came to his mind.

"Bang!!" The unique sound of the sniper rifle suddenly came from the watchtower.

Everything... happened too fast. Huhu crying heartbreakingly in his arms, the "general attack" of the zombies outside the prison, Simon's gunshot... The information in this moment filled Han Feng's brain, and Han Feng had no time to think or react.

"Luna! If anything happens, let Simon handle it first! If the muscle zombie doesn't die, blow it up!" Han Feng finally decided to take care of Huhu first. Even if the zombies outside came to the wall, they couldn't get in for a while.

"Wuwu... Big brother, don't, don't Huhu!" Huhu cried and repeated this sentence with a choked voice.

"Da da! Da da da!" In an instant, the sound of firing was almost twice as dense!

The abnormal increase in gunfire made Han Feng upset. Suppressing the bad premonition in his heart, Han Feng asked, "Luna, what's wrong?"

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies have entered the range of the mobilized soldiers. Then..." At this point, Luna hesitated.

"Then what?!"

"Then the zombies are now rushing towards the prison, not just the third-level zombies... but all the zombies! Captain Han, you may not have noticed that they just entered the design range of the American soldiers a minute ago. According to the system's prediction, they will need at least three minutes to reach the shooting range of the mobilized soldiers."

"Could it be that the third-level zombies emitted special sound waves? Let these low-level zombies "run wild"?!" After listening to Luna's report, Han Feng hurriedly asked.

"No, Captain Han, the system did not detect abnormal sound waves, which also proves that the third-level zombies did nothing."

"Is it that the muscle zombie did it?!" Since it was not the third-level zombie, Han Feng could only think of this "only" possibility.

After Han Feng finished speaking for a long time, Luna replied, "Captain Han... the muscle zombie... is dead, and the zombie group is still "running wild"..."

Now, Han Feng had no tricks. Looking at the heartbroken Huhu in his arms, Han Feng said directly, "Let Simon command the battle! Don't disturb me unless the zombies attack."

After exiting the system, Han Feng gently touched Huhu's head and said, "What's the matter, Huhu? How could big brother not want you? Big brother likes to be with Huhu the most."

"I don't know! Big brother just doesn't want me! Wow!!!" Raising her head, Huhu looked at Han Feng with tears in her eyes, and then started crying again...

When he saw Huhu's hands turned white because she was holding his sleeves tightly, Han Feng felt distressed and sad... Huhu was afraid that he would not want her, so she held on to him desperately...

"Huhu, look at me. Good boy~" Han Feng patted Huhu's back with his hand and comforted Huhu softly.

"Come on, tell big brother why big brother doesn't want Huhu?" Seeing that Huhu's emotions were a little more stable, Han Feng asked.

"Huhu just had a dream. I dreamed of my big brother... My big brother doesn't want me anymore! Woo woo woo..."


At this moment, Han Feng felt angry and amused... There was already a lot of gunfire outside, and he, the highest-level "commander", was still here to coax the child? But Han Feng thought of Simon who was more professional than him, so he was not too anxious.

"Let me tell you, dreams are the opposite. You said you dreamed that I left you, so the real world is just the opposite~ Big brother will always be with Huhu." In order to comfort Huhu, Han Feng said something he had never said in his life...

"Really... really?" Huhu opened her red eyes and looked at Han Feng.

"Really, come~ let's make a promise! I won't lie to Huhu!" After saying that, Han Feng took out his hand and stretched out his little finger, making a hook gesture.

Looking at Han Feng's hand, Huhu also let go of Han Feng's sleeves, stretched out her little hand and made a hook with Han Feng.

When they made a pinky promise, Han Feng and Hu Hu said a "spell" together, "Pinky promise, don't change for a hundred years! ("Hanging" means "adjusting upwards", which means that the thumbs of both parties are turned up and touched after the pinky is hooked. That is, after the pinkies are hooked together, the thumbs are stamped on each other.)"

"Look, we have already made an agreement! You can't go back on your word, and I can't go back on my word either~ Did you hear me~" After completing the "ritual" of swearing, Han Feng teased Hu Hu.

"Yeah! Don't change. Hehe." The little eyes with tears finally narrowed...

Seeing that Hu Hu was in a much better mood, Han Feng also picked up Hu Hu. When he turned around, he found Lin Lan not far behind him, and then said, "Hey? Lin Lan? Why are you here?"

"...I ran over with you."

"Shh... Sister Lin Lan can't tell anyone else. This is an agreement between me and my big brother." Seeing that there was a third person, Hu Hu lowered his head and said embarrassedly.

"Haha? You clever little ghost! Okay~ I promise you, I won't tell anyone. Do you want to make a pinky promise with me?"

"No, no, I believe in you!"



Han Feng handed the fox in his arms to Lin Lan and walked towards the watchtower. The little "farce" caused by the fox came to an end for the time being.

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