Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 121: Simon the Timid

"Bang!" After the eighth shot of the sniper rifle in Simon's hand, Simon contacted Han Feng "Han... Captain Han... Look! What is this?!"

As soon as Simon finished speaking, Han Feng's hair stood on end!

Who is Simon? Simon is a famous sniper in the Red Alert Allied Forces! An elite personnel with a fast and advanced awareness of the battle situation! But such a Simon actually "panicked"!

"What's wrong?!" Han Feng really didn't dare to breathe, and ran towards the No. 2 watchtower where Simon was.

"This... Is this a wild orc?! No! No!!" In his mind, Simon's voice has begun to tremble...

"Calm down! Stay steady! I'll be there soon!" After instructing Simon, Han Feng quickly quickened his pace.

Entering the watchtower, Han Feng ran up in two steps.

Wild orcs, wild orcs! How could there be wild orcs? ! At this time, Han Feng was extremely confused.

This is the world of zombies, not the world of Red Alert, and even less the world of Yuri's revenge! Why did Simon say the word "mad orc" and then strongly deny it? !

Thinking of this, Han Feng had already arrived at the observation room of the watchtower.

As soon as he entered, Han Feng saw Simon standing by the window. At this time, Simon changed his usual confidence and humor, and instead... showed a posture like a frightened bird.

Although he was holding a sniper rifle in his hand, his body seemed to be uncontrollably curled up as far as possible in the enemy's visual blind spot, and he kept muttering "No... Impossible, Impossible..."

In a few words, Simon looked up at the sky several times. ♝♦  ♦♦

"Simon! What's wrong with you?!"

"Shh! Shh... Ghost UFO..." After saying this, Simon nervously stuck his head out and looked at the sky, and then quickly squatted back.

"Ghost... Ghost UFO?"

"Report to Captain Han, the ghost UFO mentioned by sniper Simon refers to the laser UFO of Yuri Country..." Feeling Han Feng's doubts, Luna explained.

"Ahaha~ I thought it was something else?! You scared me~ Isn't it just a UFO? Don't worry, this thing is very crispy. Why are you so nervous about such a "crunchy" thing?" Han Feng asked in confusion.

"Captain Han, we don't have an air defense system! Get away from the window!" Simon reminded nervously, and Han Feng picked up the telescope on the table and walked to the window. .

Under Simon's horrified eyes, Han Feng looked out with the telescope in hand.

"I know... It's a zombie..." Han Feng sighed after a few seconds. In the telescope, Han Feng saw a "different" zombie.

This zombie is much larger than ordinary zombies, and its whole body is full of explosive muscles. Just looking at this appearance, it is somewhat similar to Brother Wei after transformation.

However, the only difference from Brother Wei is... This "muscle" zombie does not move slowly.

After Brother Wei transformed, he was inconvenienced because the muscles between his legs squeezed each other, but the zombie in the telescope was much more coordinated.

But what Han Feng was most curious about was the shoulders of this muscular zombie... The high bulging shoulder muscles protected most of the head.

"Damn..." After yelling, Han Feng gently kicked Simon with his foot. Then he said, "Simon, this is not a wild orc! It's a zombie I've never seen before! Get up and blow him up!"

Hearing Han Feng's order, Simon no longer hesitated and stood up with the gun. Then he carefully stood by the window, raised his gun and aimed...

"Bang!!" In the relatively closed observation room, the gunshot was particularly deafening.

With the function of the telescope, Han Feng saw an incredible scene!

This muscular zombie actually used the solid muscles on its shoulders to resist the sniper bullet!

Gently putting the gun down, Simon did not speak.

"This..." At this time, it was Han Feng's turn to be speechless. If the muscular monster's shoulders did not have such a high "armor", this bullet might have blown his head up.

Although this muscular zombie did not die, the bullet also made a hole the size of a small teacup in its shoulder. This injury was not fatal, but it caused great trouble to the muscular zombie - inconvenience in movement.

"Roar!!!" The muscular zombie roared suddenly after being attacked. Then it turned around, trying to find out who did it.

When the muscular zombie turned around, Han Feng saw that there was a bullet hole on the other side of its shoulder. Seeing this, Han Feng realized... Simon's shot was shot here!

"Although the effective range of this A sniper rifle is 800 meters, at this distance, I am fully confident that he will die even if he is wearing a bulletproof helmet! But... I didn't expect his muscle defense to be so strong! Even if it is a steel plate, this bullet can penetrate it. Wild orc! It must be a wild orc!" When Simon said this, his eyes were full of fear...

"Aren't you a sniper? Aren't you good at precision shooting? Although most of the head of this zombie is protected by the muscles on the shoulders, isn't there still half of the head exposed?"

"Report to Captain Han, this zombie is more than 800 meters away from my position... At this distance, I can't shoot accurately, and the sniper bullet will have some deviation... Sorry..." Feeling Han Feng's doubts, Simon admitted the reason for his lack of skills.

"Uh... I don't mean to blame you... I just..."

"Boom! Boom!" Han Feng only said half of his words, and several huge explosions were heard outside the prison.

"Luna!" Han Feng, who was startled by the sudden explosions, subconsciously contacted Luna in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies in the front have entered the range of the rocket launcher, so the soldiers attacked with the rocket launcher first."

After Luna explained, Han Feng lowered his head slightly and looked at the nearby area. Sure enough... the "vanguard" of the zombies was already very close.

The attack range of the rocket launcher is within 300 meters, but at this distance, the zombies still did not enter the cordon of the Red Alert soldiers, otherwise they would be greeted by the sound of machine guns firing.

"Simon, listen to me. You only have one bullet now, you must use this bullet to kill this muscle zombie! I will try to get it closer and keep the distance closer! If he is not dead yet... I am very worried whether the rocket can kill it!"

Compared with the zombie tide outside the prison, Han Feng is more concerned about this special zombie. But the good news is that Han Feng did not find a second zombie like this.

"Okay Captain Han! I will do it!" Simon saluted Han Feng when he said this again. Looking at his expression, he was like a member of the suicide squad, always ready to "sacrifice".

"Relax, it's okay~ Now, you start to command your battle." Patting Simon on the shoulder, Han Feng suddenly had a question in his heart.

Why did Simon look like this? Even if this muscle zombie can't be killed, it can't get in, right? There's no need to be so scared, right?

But due to the battle, Han Feng could only put the question aside and ask again after the battle was over.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the watchtower, outside the prison. The sound of rocket explosions became more and more.

Although the attack was fierce, the effect was not obvious... Because the zombies were not dense, a rocket could only kill a few or a dozen zombies at best.

Seeing that the rockets were not very effective, and even a bit wasted, Han Feng was about to give an order, but Simon gave instructions first.

"The rocket launcher team will suspend the attack and wait for the zombies to enter the 100-meter cordon, and cooperate with the

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