Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 120: The inexplicable tide of corpses

"Yes!" Wayne answered in the cab. Then he turned the car around and faced the prison gate.

The prison gate was now open, so even if a large number of zombies followed, Wayne could reverse and escape from danger in an instant.

Next to the armored vehicle, more than 20 mobilized soldiers arrived one after another. Through the glass of the armored vehicle, Han Feng also saw several mobilized soldiers carrying rocket launchers on their shoulders.

Looking at the Red Alert soldiers around him who were ready for battle, Han Feng felt relieved. But the lack of mental power at this time made him feel very tired. Due to his lack of attention, Han Feng did not enter the radar to search, but directly contacted Simon in his mind, "Simon, report your position..."

"Report to Captain Han, I am on alert at the No. 2 watchtower of the East Gate! At two o'clock behind you, report completed!"

"Did you find anything?"

"Report to Captain Han, there is nothing found at this time!"

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"Okay... notify me immediately if you see zombies." After instructing Simon, Han Feng contacted Luna again, "Luna, does the radar have their information?"

"Report to Captain Han, the remaining five armored vehicles and eight American soldiers are on their way here, and are expected to arrive here in 3 minutes and 47 seconds."

After listening to Luna's report, Han Feng fell silent... When he left the prison before, he brought 18 American soldiers with him. Unexpectedly...

But now the only good news is that not all American soldiers were killed, and all the armored vehicles have returned. Han Feng, who was slightly relieved, lay on the co-pilot seat, quietly waiting for the return of the soldiers.

One minute later...


The unique sound of the sniper rifle suddenly shook the four directions! Even Han Feng, who was "confused" sitting in the armored vehicle, was startled.

"Simon, is it..."

"Bang!!!" Before Han Feng finished speaking, the sound of the sniper rifle sounded again...

"Report to Captain Han! I saw them in the sniper scope!" Before Han Feng finished asking, Simon's report sounded first in his mind.

Sensing that the number of gold coins suddenly increased by 600, Han Feng knew that Simon's two shots just now killed two level 3 zombies in seconds. After a few seconds, Han Feng did not hear the sniper rifle sound again, so he asked, "Simon! How many zombies are there? Are there still many? There is no need to waste your bullets on low-level zombies!"

"Report to Captain Han, I have successfully cut off the two "tails" of the enemy. At present, there should be none."

"Okay, just in case, you keep an eye on it for a while." Although Han Feng guessed that there should be no zombies following, for the sake of safety... let Simon work harder.

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

After Simon finished speaking, Han Feng heard the roar of engines. Sure enough, after a few seconds, five armored vehicles appeared in front of him.

"Let's go back to the prison." Seeing the Red Alert soldiers successfully escaped, Han Feng whispered.

Due to the lack of electricity, after Han Feng entered the prison, the prison gate was "manually" closed by several mobilized soldiers. Then, Han Feng had an instruction in his mind, and the six armored vehicles stopped together.

Jumping out of the car, Han Feng walked towards the five armored vehicles behind him.

"Hiss... this..." Looking at the "scars" on the armored vehicle, Han Feng couldn't help but take a breath.

A deep scratch on the armor of the armored vehicle shocked Han Feng... You know, the armor of this armored vehicle is made of special bulletproof steel! Just... just like that, the surface of the steel plate was easily scratched open by the third-level zombie with bare hands? !

That's not all, there was a fist mark on the trunk of another armored vehicle!

Looking at this fist mark, Han Feng was silent for a long time... thinking, could it be that the third-level zombie has become stronger again? !

Being able to punch this special and tough steel plate... Thinking of this, Han Feng remembered the scene of the mobilized soldier being "punched through the chest" by a third-level zombie.

"Engineer, come here. See if you can repair this..." Han Feng clenched his fists halfway through his words... He realized that the engineer had died halfway through his words...

Although this engineer was summoned by Han Feng, he has been with Han Feng for a long time, and has saved Han Feng several times with his engineering skills.

Han Feng was instantly ignited by anger, and his clenched fists and chattering teeth also proved that Han Feng was now on the verge of "runaway".

One second... two seconds... ten seconds... half a minute passed, and Han Feng had been forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart.

After a long pause, Han Feng finally recovered a little.

Han Feng, whose expression gradually became clear, raised his hand, gently clenched into a fist, and began to compare the fist marks left by the third-level zombies on the armored vehicle.

"No..." After mumbling, Han Feng continued to ask, "Luna, check it out, why is the fist mark on the car door so much bigger than my fist?!"

Han Feng knew that although the third-level zombies were strong, fast and powerful, their fists were obviously a circle smaller than this one? ! According to the size of the third-level zombies, their fists were at best the same size as his own fists, but the fists on the steel plate in front of him seemed out of place.

"Captain Han, if you want to create this punch with such force... I'm afraid it's difficult for a level 3 zombie to do it."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng asked thoughtfully, "What? So you mean... this punch was not created by a level 3 zombie?"

"Sorry, Captain Han, I don't know. I just analyzed the attack forms, attack speed, force and other data of the third-level zombies in the past. After comparison, the conclusion is that if the third-level zombie wants to deal such damage, its hand bones will inevitably be broken."

"Hiss... Can't it?" Luna's report made Han Feng frown. According to his understanding of the third-level zombies, it basically would not do such a thing of hurting the enemy by 1,000 and hurting itself by 800. Could it be that the third-level zombies have been strengthened? This thought was not the first time Han Feng thought of it.

"Bang!!!" Less than ten minutes after entering the prison, the sound of sniper rifles suddenly rang out again!

Han Feng, who originally thought he was safe, narrowed his eyes instantly after hearing the gunshot. He knew... what should come will always come.

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies are coming." After that, another gunshot rang out...

After hearing the gunshot, Han Feng quickly glanced at the gold coins, and another 600 gold coins were credited. Han Feng was not happy about the 600 gold coins. Because this also indirectly confirmed that "the one who comes is not kind", Simon killed two level 3 zombies in just two seconds, and what about the follow-up...

"Bang!!" The sniper gun fired again, bringing Han Feng another 300 gold coins...

The gunshot shocked Han Feng. He was just going to the bus company terminal, why did he attract so many level 3 zombies? ! Simon killed five level 3 zombies plus the level 3 zombies killed by the American soldiers before, and he killed six in less than an hour? !

Oh my God... Looking at the system showing 2667 gold coins in the gold coin column, Han Feng's heart became colder...

"Simon, what's the situation over there?" Han Feng asked Simon on the watchtower after calming down.

"Report to Captain Han, I can handle it." Although Simon's answer was relaxed, Han Feng still heard a hint of caution.

"Luna, connect the vision! Target Simon!" Without further ado, Han Feng directly activated the vision connection function in the radar and focused his sight on Simon.

"I... Shit..." When Han Feng opened his eyes again, his perspective had already changed to Simon. Through the scope of Simon's sniper rifle, Han Feng saw a different "tide of corpses"...

The image range in the scope alone could no longer accommodate these zombies... With an instruction in his mind, Simon moved the scope away.

"Hiss..." After seeing the panoramic image, Han Feng took a breath.

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