Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 123: The tip of the iceberg of the Red Alert system

"Let's go out and take a look. Since the battle is over, there will be no danger when leaving the prison. Besides, there were no casualties among the red police soldiers in this battle, Han Feng said confidently.

A few minutes later, under the protection of dozens of red police soldiers, Han Feng arrived outside the prison.

Standing here in person is completely different from standing on the watchtower... The smell of blood fills Han Feng's every breath, gun smoke fills the air for a long time, and the remaining fuel of the incendiary bomb adheres to the combustibles and continues to burn. , bringing another hint of burning smell to the air...

Underfoot, the originally flat ground was now "roughed" by rocket bombs, especially with dozens of soldiers standing around. If there were no zombies, Han Feng would really think that he was standing on a battlefield somewhere.

"Is this still the human world... This is the Shura Field..." Han Feng said with lingering fear after seeing the horror of this "flesh millstone" with his own eyes.

In the collision between unarmed zombies and ultra-modern troops, Han Feng won with a record of annihilation and zero casualties. However, this cannot bury the prison's powerful defense capabilities and Simon's precise command.

"Luna, you still don't know why the zombies are so abnormal?" Standing where he was, Han Feng was still struggling with this issue.

"Report to the Korean team, the system has tested the land and air here, and no substances that can affect zombies were found.

"Then study them one by one! First figure out how the high-level zombies control the low-level zombies." After receiving an unanswerable answer, Han Feng could only investigate step by step.

"The combat laboratory is ready to start a research project." After saying this, Han Feng walked a few steps, then slowly squatted down... covering his nose with one hand, and then touched his feet with the other hand The body of a first-level zombie.

"The combat laboratory has been launched. The project name is behavioral research on level 1 zombies." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng walked elsewhere and squatted down...

"The combat laboratory has been launched. The project name is behavioral research on level 2 zombies."

"The combat laboratory has been launched. The project name is behavioral research on level three zombies."

When the combat laboratory started research on level one to level three zombies, Han Feng was in trouble... Looking at the muscular zombie in front of him, Han Feng thought for a long time.

What is the name of this weird zombie...can my muscles stop bullets? Only half of my head is showing? At this time, Han Feng started to have extremely secondary naming ideas again...

"Team Han, now we can't prove whether this weird zombie evolved or mutated... How about temporarily classifying it as a "quasi-level four zombie"?" Luna was also afraid of what Han Feng did last time - —The name of the second of the top ten unsolved mysteries of the universe, the magic disappearing technique of the human body, so I quickly jumped in before Han Feng could think of a name. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Okay, let's call him first - a quasi-level four zombie!" This time, Han Feng did not refute Luna. After communicating the names with Luna, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the quasi-level 4 zombie.

"The combat laboratory has been launched, and the project name is correct: Behavioral Research on Level 4 Zombies." After starting the research on the last type of zombie, Han Feng was a little at a loss.

The confusion here is not that Han Feng is in a daze, but that he feels that there are too many things waiting for him to deal with at the moment. Just how to transfer is enough to give him a headache. He did not expect that such a fourth-level zombie would appear, and he would also A bizarre zombie attack was brought out.

Standing there, Han Feng took out his cigarette and lit it. He didn't mind the harsh environment and started smoking.

Suddenly, Han Feng's body shook suddenly while he was smoking! Even the cigarette ashes in his hand fell with the shaking.

"Virus!!!" Han Feng shouted fiercely with eyes wide open!

"Damn it! Why did you forget the virus!!" That's right. At this time, Han Feng suddenly remembered the "remnants" of virus research that Lin Lan had shown him before.

Aren't there two reasons for rushing to study the combat laboratory in the first place? One is to figure out the problem of his own superpowers, and the other is to figure out the cause of this virus outbreak. Even if you don’t know the cause of the virus outbreak, you should at least know the types, prevention, treatment, etc. of the virus, right?

But after the construction of the combat laboratory was completed, due to various reasons, he forgot his original intention!

"Ouch!..." Han Feng slapped himself on the forehead and cursed himself in his heart for being such a fool.

"Luna, hurry up, study this virus quickly! I want to know how this virus was produced!" After finishing speaking in a hurry, Han Feng added, "This research project is called...g...g...g What's going on?"

"GS virus, full name gradually strehe body (gradually strengthening body virus). Biosafety level four (level four is the highest level of safety isolation). Virus warning hazard red (red warning is the highest level of virus warning). There are many ways of infection, Airborne transmission, contact transmission, blood transmission, sexual transmission, human-animal transmission, etc. are not ruled out. Experts recommend using sterile masks to isolate the face and quickly evacuate the dangerous area. The structure of the virus belongs to the Filoviridae family and the length is 470 nanometers..." See Han Feng said "gggg..." and couldn't come up with the next sentence after a long while. Luna blurted out the original description of the virus.

"Huh? It's been researched? So fast?!" Hearing Luna describe the virus so comprehensively, Han Feng responded excitedly, and even his expression became relaxed in an instant.

"No? The combat laboratory has not studied this virus. Without your authorization, the combat laboratory will not research any projects on its own."

"..." Hearing Luna's unhesitating answer, Han Feng's smile gradually solidified...

"I haven't done any research... Do you know this in detail?" After holding back for a long time, Han Feng said this.

"Didn't you read a document submitted by Lin Lan before? The description I just mentioned is the content of the document?" Hearing what Luna said, Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and then began to think carefully...

"Oh... I remembered it. It seems that there is such a thing!" Suddenly, Han Feng said as if he had an "enlightenment".

"Excuse me, Team Korea..."

"Hey? How did you know the contents of the file? Did I show it to you?" When Luna was about to speak, Han Feng, who had reacted, asked the question that had just occurred to him.

"...Team Han...I can see everything you see, and I can share your vision." After saying this, Luna continued, "Even if you activate the vision connection function, it is through me. can convey perspective, so I know what the document is about.”

"I'm going...it's amazing! You can memorize such a long written record at a glance! So awesome?!!!" Although Han Feng praised Luna, a strange thought suddenly came to his mind... When I took a shower before, wasn't the whole process "live broadcast"? ! Will it be "recorded" if I do something shameful in the future? !

"As the radar liaison officer of the red alert system, and as your full-time "secretary". I must master the ability to memorize important documents and achieve photographic memory, which is also one of my compulsory courses. In this way, you will need this for the first time When you receive the information, I can provide you with it as soon as possible.”

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