Aoba Office

Chapter 929 Wu Ling’s mobility (1)

"You misunderstood something." Wu Ling sat neatly and elegantly, and did not panic in the face of Chen Yihan's aggressiveness.

Her choice of words and attitude reminded me of Aoba’s archival records.

"We didn't deliberately choose Miss Chen, nor did we deliberately plot against Miss Chen. It was the one who arranged for Miss Chen to take on such a role." Wu Ling pointed upward.

She put down her hands and continued: "Of course, we also played our roles in this matter. Originally, as the container of that spirit, it was me who triggered her birth so that it could be used and move smoothly. But something happened Accident. The first incident happened to the Wu family in Qingzhou. When my ancestors acted, my soul accidentally entered the body of the porcelain doll. They misjudged my identity and terminated the original plan. Death in infancy. 'Death in infancy' is what we call it. For the spirit, there is only birth and disappearance."

She paused and then said: "The second change happened when I died. A few years ago, I should have died, or been annexed and fused, giving up the control of this body and handing over the control to To that spirit. As a result, I did not die. I have been in a stalemate with it for several years until now."

Wu Ling looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, "The third accident happened during this period. That is, you were originally a stillborn child, but you were saved by Mr. Chen. This useful container has an additional owner and is occupied by someone. It and I were still locked in a stalemate in this familiar body, until something happened to your body and soul, and things finally went on the right track according to its plan."

The last "it" Wu Ling mentioned was obviously the same as the first "it" she mentioned. It did not refer to the spirit, but to God.

Wu Ling added another sentence before Chen Yihan spoke: "Ye Qing met Miss Chen during the whole incident and saw what was going on, so he gave the wind chime for summoning spirits as a preparation to add fuel to the flames. Speed ​​up the progress of this matter." She changed the topic again, "Since he is ready to intervene, he must have made all the plans."

Wu Ling glanced at me and then looked at Chen Yihan, "You should understand the key role Mr. Lin played in this. In this matter, Ye Qing did have a plot against Miss Chen, but it was not deliberate as you said. From a very Start early to prepare for this day. All the preparations he made were for me, including finding a proper place and a proper way to preserve my body. He just believed that sooner or later, he would be able to save me. . Just like before, he believed that he would definitely rescue Mushroom and Nangong. Would it be the same for you? "

Chen Yihan still looked angry, but had no way to vent.

Wu Ling's eloquence can't be said to be very good, but compared to Gu Mo's lackluster speech and Nangong Yao's half-hidden and half-revealed speech, she is indeed much better.

The most important thing is that she obviously knows more things, not only about supernatural things, but also about Ye Qing and his plans.

This is not difficult to understand. She was different from Gu Mo and Nangong Yao, not only because of their different backgrounds, but when her accident happened, there were already two people missing from the office, and Ye Qing should have taken action long ago.

Wu Ling added: "I can't tell yet, but there is something unusual about you and Ms. Chen. Can I ask you about your experience? I mean, your experience of encountering supernatural events. This time, it shouldn't be Is this your first time encountering a supernatural event?”

I noticed something different again.

This kind of proactive inquiry is something Gu Mo and Nangong Yao would not do.

I don't know why, but I feel lucky. Compared to Gu Mo and Nangong Yao who were passive participants, Wu Ling's attitude was obviously better.

Chen Yihan has calmed down, probably because he was overly angry, and his rationality has returned to the upper hand, and he once again recognizes the reality that we and Qingye's people have been tied to the same boat for a long time.

Chen Yihan patiently answered Wu Ling's questions, and Chen Xiaoqiu also added a few words.

Wu Ling looked thoughtfully at Gu Mo and Nangong Yao, "What do you think?"

"I don't know. Maybe there's a mistake somewhere. Maybe it's completely crazy." Gu Mo said in a tone that he wanted to be beaten.

Nangong Yao shook his head, "This is the current situation. It is impossible for us to know the specific situation. Do you have a way to find a suitable person to ask questions?"

Wu Ling looked at his palms, stood up and said, "I need some materials..."

The three of them talked to themselves.

As Wu Ling walked inside, he pressed the light switch and stopped.

"There's a power outage?" Wu Ling turned around and asked.

"The power is out. The leaves disappeared in 17 years, and now it is 23 years." Gu Mo said lazily.

Wu Ling maintained that posture for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head and looked towards the end of the corridor.

I followed her out of curiosity and turned on the light source of my mobile phone to give her some light.

There is a painting hanging at the end of the corridor, and above it hangs a cracked bell.

I turned my head and looked at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling's expression was sad and sighing.

She murmured to herself: "That's it..."

I have an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Wu Ling had already calmed down and started rummaging through the rooms on both sides of the corridor.

Nangong Yao followed and said, "Find the medical box as well. And your ID. We don't live here now."

"Yeah." Wu Ling responded.

I feel like I'm a bit redundant here, just a spectator joining in the fun.

Wu Ling had already dug out a box and put it aside. He also found the medical box for Nangong Yao and his ID.

Wu Ling walked out holding the box and declined my help.

She suddenly asked: "It's 2023 now. Did the beast appear that year?"

"Yes. One of their men died once. Ordinary people suffered a lot of casualties." Nangong Yao replied.

I thought about the scene where the fat man died in front of me, and my hands shook.

"Oh, just solve it." Wu Ling nodded and glanced at me, "You will get used to it."

I don't think this is a good word to comfort people.

"I don't want to get used to this," I said after exhaling.

The corners of Wu Ling's mouth seemed to curl up. He didn't know whether he was mocking my naivety or thinking that I was "ambitious".

When she spoke, I realized that both of my ideas were wrong.

"It's great. You can let your soul travel through time and space, and you can also bring other people's souls with you..."

"...and the body." Nangong Yao added.

Wu Ling nodded and said: "And, can you reverse the time of things?"

I looked at Wu Ling in surprise.

If she didn't know it in advance, she would have completely seen through my abilities in a short period of time. When Nangong Yao narrated before, he only mentioned it in one sentence and did not explain my abilities in detail.

"Very good ability. This is luck you can't envy." Wu Ling said, "You have the power to save the world, use it well."

It's really funny when you meet people talking like this in real life.

But Wu Ling is serious.

She smiled at me, "We'll help you."

Gu Mo raised his voice and interrupted: "Don't take me with you. I don't want to be a nanny for a stupid little brat."

I suddenly blushed.

Wu Ling turned his head and said lightly: "Hey, did you hear any sounds? There is crying in this room. That is the sound of spirits grinding animal bones."

There are no changes in voice or tone, but I can imagine the scene of this conversation from a few words of Wu Ling.

Gu Mo snorted and turned his head away, pretending to look at the gray sticker on the window.

Nangong Yao laughed out loud. I couldn't help but laugh. I saw Chen Xiaoqiu also had a smile on his lips, and Chen Yihan's serious expression became somewhat relaxed.

I don't know if I can save the world, but things are going in a good direction.

It will definitely get better and better.

Update 32.

Good night everyone~

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