Aoba Office

Chapter 930 Wu Ling’s actions (2)

Wu Ling was going to do something, and he wanted to explore the abilities of Chen Yihan and Chen Xiaoqiu.

After experiencing the dream, I know that it always takes a lot of time to prepare for Wu Ling to "do something".

It was daybreak, and the storm outside had subsided. The clouds parted and the sun shone.

But the situation outside must be bad, not much better than the firm that was under heavy attack.

I stayed away all night, and in this bad weather, my family must be very worried.

I have several missed calls. The thin man also called.

While Wu Ling was preparing, I quickly called back.

At the demolition office, the old leader also called. I hurriedly answered the phone again.

The old leader is here to inform us of the suspension of work today.

In fact, the city government's notice of school and work suspensions was sent to everyone's mobile phone via text message in the early morning. Among the many missed calls and unread text messages on my phone, this is one of them.

The old leader just came to confirm and asked me to inform our group.

Although the storm has subsided, the disaster caused by last night has not stopped.

Chen Yihan's mobile phone was out of battery and she could only use Chen Xiaoqiu's phone number to contact people. She was even busier than me.

Chen Xiaoqiu and I looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Even if you don't know what happened specifically, you can still imagine the bad situation outside from just a few words from Chen Yihan. I even experienced a serious car accident. It is unknown how many people were killed or injured in that car accident, but it was probably not many. But that car accident was just the impact of that spirit’s birth moment. She got worse after that, and she killed who knows how many people, which was another bad debt.

News messages popped up on my phone.

Minqing City encountered a sudden storm, and the entire city was affected. Preliminary statistics on the number of casualties have been made.

I looked at the numbers, breathed out secretly, diverted my attention, and looked at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling cleared the coffee table, set up a formation on it, and drew a simple formation.

In the middle of the formation is a copper bowl, or it may be a bowl made of gold. The color is very strange.

Wu Ling took out a broken bone from a worn cloth bag and threw it into a small bowl.

There was a crisp tinkling sound, with a long echo, swirling around the room.

Wu Ling wriggled his lips, muttered something, took out a mummy of an insect from another rag bag, and threw it into a small bowl.

This time it wasn't a crisp sound, but the insect's wings vibrated twice and made a buzzing sound, as if it suddenly came to life.

Wu Ling then threw some more things in. After the bowl was full, she cut her wrist and poured blood into it.

This seemingly witchcraft ritual gave me goosebumps.

Wu Ling had no expression on his face, and Gu Mo and Nangong Yao just looked on.

Wu Ling didn't bleed much, but the bowl was quickly filled with blood, drowning everything she had thrown in before.

A bubble emerged from the thick blood, gurgled for a moment, and then calmed down.

The wounds on Wu Ling's hands have healed, leaving no scars.

Knock knock!

A knock on the door sounded at this time.

I was immediately nervous.

Who came running at this time? After seeing the situation in the room, seeing the three people in Qingye, and the witchcraft props on the coffee table, what would you think?

My mind suddenly became confused, thinking about how to get rid of the people outside the door.

The best person to answer the door is me. I am already quite familiar with the workers and peasants here in Sixth Village.

Just open a crack and send people away.

I took a deep breath and was about to open the door, but it opened automatically.

who? Ye Qing opened the door?

I was surprised when my full attention was immediately attracted by the person standing outside the door.

The person outside the door was wearing black clothes and black trousers, not a suit. He was dressed casually, but his whole body was wrapped in black, with only his face exposed. They all had black turbans on their heads, looking like characters from a nonsensical comedy.

I didn't know who this person was for the moment, but at least I was sure that there should be no such unusual people in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

The man glanced around the room and looked at Wu Ling with a frown.

I thought he was looking at the things on the coffee table, and my heart tightened.

"Don't you know that you are obstructing official business? Don't summon us casually if you have nothing to do." The man reprimanded unceremoniously.

I looked at the man in confusion, then at Wu Ling.

"Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but we have something to ask. We want to ask about the identities of these two people." Wu Ling pointed to Chen Yihan and Chen Xiaoqiu.

I suddenly understood who this man in black was.

The man frowned and looked at Chen Yihan and Chen Xiaoqiu, "I don't know. They have been reincarnated, and I can't just check their previous lives."

Gu Mo said "Huh".

Wu Ling asked: "Can't we check? Forgive me, are you a ghost from the underworld?"

The man said angrily: "Yes, but I don't have the authority. They are not under my control. You can find someone else."

"My spell cannot target a ghost. Can you help..."

"No. I don't have the authority." The man interrupted Wu Ling and turned to leave.

"What's your attitude? After all, we've been looking at this place for so long, and yet our voluntary labor is still being despised?" Gu Mo said angrily.

The man turned back and snorted, "You brought it upon yourself. This is your punishment. Transform yourself in this life, and be reincarnated as a relaxed ordinary person in the next life."


Before Gu Mo finished speaking, the man disappeared.

"Damn! What's going on? Are these guys bullying the weak and afraid of the strong? They didn't have this attitude when Ye Zi was here!" Gu Mo was resentful, a bit like a child who didn't get a free balloon.

He looked around, "Where's the leaves?"

"Get some rest. He was the one who kept me going last night." Nangong Yao said and glanced at me.

I'm a little speechless.

The reason why I have been delayed in the dream for so long is not because I am curious about Wu Ling and Qingye's past. It is the natural development of the dream, and I have no choice at all. If possible, I also hope to rescue Wu Ling in one second and then deal with that spirit.

However, thinking that when I was leisurely being a bystander of history, Ye Qing carried the spirit alone - Nangong Yao and Gu Mo's abilities must not have helped, and Chen Yihan's help must have been very limited - I I felt a little ashamed and admired.

Wu Ling held his chin and pondered for a while, then said, "Maybe what he said is true."

"What?" Gu Mo blurted out two words, seemingly without thinking about it carefully.

What Wu Ling said was indeed a bit abrupt, making people confused for a moment.

Chen Yihan asked: "Do you think it is true that he said he has no authority? Are you doubting our identity? Why are you doubting it?"

Wu Ling put down his hands and packed up the things on the table, "The Nian beast has appeared before. Now that spirit has been stimulated and emerged, plus you people... the situation has worsened, right?"

Wu Ling said, looking up at Nangong Yao on the side.

Nangong Yao nodded, and Gu Mo gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, it has gotten worse again."

"Well..." Wu Ling continued to ponder and looked at me, Chen Yihan, and Chen Xiaoqiu, "I don't know if Nangong and the others have introduced you..."

"No." I also gave an affirmative answer, somewhat with resentment in my words.

Gu Mo said "hehe" twice, indicating that he didn't care about a little brat like me.

Wu Ling smiled and said, "Well, let me introduce to you, um... it can be regarded as the supernatural history of this world..."

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