Aoba Office

Chapter 928 Wu Ling (20)

Ye Qing and Liu Miao took Wu Ling back to the office.

The dream jumps forward.

I saw them choose a place, and on a quiet night, they dug up a section of the green belt in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, and buried the big bag containing Wu Ling's body inside.

Fill in the soil, level it, and rearrange the flowers and plants.

This place looks like other green belts, and no one will find that there is a special body buried underneath.

I stood where Wu Ling was buried, raised my head, and looked at the top floor of the building opposite.

There is the window of the office.

Ye Qing stood by the window and looked out. He was looking at this green belt and observing Wu Ling's condition, right?

The dream time jumps again.

I was not able to enter the office to see how Ye Qing and Liu Miao were doing, but one night, I felt the changes under the soil of the green belt.

Something is coming out.

I took a deep breath, ready to grab it.

After I waited for a few minutes, something came out of the bushes.

Without thinking, I reached out my hand.

Catch Wu Ling, or catch that spirit!

who? Who did I catch?

That figure turned around.

It's Wu Ling!

The moment I realized this, I felt my body sink.

There was a bang and my head hurt.

I covered the back of my head and sat up from the ground.

The porcelain doll sitting next to me on the couch was undergoing a rapid change.

Human skin, human body.

The eyes opened.

"What did you do? What did you do?" The woman's cold and sinister question came from behind me.

I turned around and saw the spirit.

In the light coming from the corner of the room, I also saw that the office was riddled with holes.

Worse than I've ever seen before.

Has a long time passed in real time?

My heart tightened.

"Kill her." I heard Ye Qing's calm voice.

The woman roared and held out her hand to me.

I subconsciously got up from the ground before I could move.

Chen Yihan jumped out of nowhere and threw the woman down.

"Quick!" Gu Mo urged.

I hurriedly ran over and grabbed the woman's shoulders, which were pressed to the ground.

Kill her, destroy it, go back in time, back to before this spirit took over Chen Xiaoqiu's body, back to before Wang Hongyi took over Chen Xiaoqiu's body!

I heard the woman's angry and unwilling roar. Suddenly, the sound became weird and lost the feeling of a human voice.

Her facial expression kept changing, and for a while, I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

But these voices, these expressions, eventually disappeared.

Chen Xiaoqiu's face was frozen there, with his eyes closed, his expression calm and peaceful.

I exhaled and quickly stopped my ability.

Just when I thought this high-speed train had reached its destination and all the changes that had dazzled me were over, I heard Chen Yihan's trembling voice.


I looked at Chen Yihan and then at Chen Xiaoqiu lying on the ground, and my heart skipped a beat.

Chen Yihan's hand felt Chen Xiaoqiu's pulse and felt her breath.

He suddenly changed his posture and started to give Chen Xiaoqiu first aid.

There was a big emptiness in my heart, and I was a little confused.

Was it a mistake? What did I do wrong when I used my ability? how so?

Chen Xiaoqiu, she...

"I'll do it." The familiar woman's voice sounded, no longer so irritable and gloomy.

Chen Yihan raised his head.

I also looked up at Wu Ling who was walking over.

Wu Ling's face was a little pale, but his eyes were calm and his expression was calm.

She reached out and unbuttoned Chen Xiaoqiu's shirt, and put one hand on her chest.


The sound of wind chimes rang.

By the way, wind chimes!

Wu Ling asked: "The year, month and day of her birth should be accurate to the minute."

Chen Yihan answered quickly and added: "...When I saw her... body, it was 4:36 in the afternoon. When I picked her up, the time when she came back to life should be around forty."

Wu Ling recited something in a strange accent, like the spells of the Wu family in Qingzhou.

The sound of the wind chimes becomes soothing and the rhythm changes slightly.

Ta, tap...

I stared at Chen Xiaoqiu intently and waited with bated breath.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaoqiu's eyelashes trembled.

My whole strength seemed to have been taken away, and I collapsed on the ground.

Chen Yihan also let out a big sigh of relief.

Chen Xiaoqiu's eyes were still a little confused.

Wu Ling drew something on her chest again. Her finger was broken at some point, leaving a talisman made of blood on Chen Xiaoqiu's chest.

Withdrawing his hand, Wu Ling swayed slightly when he stood up, but was supported by Nangong Yao.

"What's going on?" Chen Xiaoqiu sat up from the ground and frowned in confusion.

Nangong Yao helped Wu Ling sit down, pushed his somewhat damaged glasses, and said, "Let me explain."

I really have no energy left.

I just felt that those few minutes, maybe ten minutes, were really nerve-wracking, and I didn’t even know what was going on.

While listening to Nangong Yao's narration, I took a quick look around the office.

Ye Qing doesn't know where he is now. The office has been severely damaged. I think it has become a dangerous building.

The huge cracks on the walls and floors were shocking.

I also saw some blood.

I hurriedly checked on Chen Yihan and the three of them. I was not injured myself, the only pain I felt was a knock on my head. The three of them were more or less defeated.

Nangong Yao's thinking was clear and his language was concise, and he quickly described the whole incident.

Chen Xiaoqiu was very calm and asked: "So, I came back from the dead? Twice?"

"I changed the function of the wind chimes. Before your body dies, you don't have to worry about your soul leaving the body and causing death." Wu Ling explained.

Chen Xiaoqiu thanked him politely.

I always find the atmosphere strange.

"Okay, the matter is resolved, everyone is happy." Gu Mo stretched out and gasped in pain, but still insisted, "Now, let's go back to our homes and find our mothers."

"Wait a minute." Chen Yihan stopped Gu Mo and stared at Wu Ling, "What's going on with Xiaoqiu?"

"Didn't Ling explain it?" Gu Mo looked at Chen Yihan strangely.

The sky outside the window had turned pale, and I realized that the night had passed and it was the darkest moment just now.

The cell phone that Chen Yihan had held onto for so long was broken or out of battery. The light coming from the corner disappeared.

Chen Yihan's face looked very dark in the dim light.

"Have you planned it from the beginning? Use Xiaoqiu to separate Wu Ling and that spirit, right? How did you find Xiaoqiu, how did you plan to let her join the demolition office and contact her? Do you still want to What are you going to use her for?" Chen Yihan's voice was serious, suppressing a surge of anger.

I just felt tired, but I had no intention of settling the score with Qingye's people right away. Probably, he is somewhat used to it.

Chen Yihan is obviously not someone like me.

Chen Xiaoqiu said nothing.

Chen Yihan stared closely at the three people in Qingye. If he can't get a satisfactory answer, he will definitely not give up.

What I didn't expect was that Ye Qing didn't show up. Among Qingye's people, the one who spoke was Wu Ling, who I had just rescued.

Update 31.

Wu Ling has been rescued. The end of the month is coming soon. Is it time to start voting for the monthly ticket? ( ̄▽ ̄“)

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