Aoba Office

Chapter 92 Cornucopia (2)

"That's what his ex-wife said." I was helpless.

"That Tao Hai is really drunk." Director Mao muttered to himself.

If they hadn't seen Tao Hai's experience of gambling and debt evasion, there might be some people who would rather believe it than believe it when it comes to the cornucopia. However, most of Tao Hai's life has passed, and there is no sign of getting rich at all. Who can believe this nonsense? Probably because of this, Peng Dongyuan no longer hides this matter.

"Has no one in the community heard of it?" I asked.

Director Mao shook his head, "No one has ever said anything about it, and no one has ever put their thoughts on that house."

"Have any of his neighbors seen people dressed as monks entering and exiting his house?" I then asked.

"I haven't heard anyone mention this. I'll take you to ask." Director Mao heard what I meant and said proactively.

We went to Tao Hai's house, but Tao Hai was still not there. Director Mao knocked on Aunt Xu's door next door.

Aunt Xu is a strong old lady. She chatted enthusiastically with Director Mao and welcomed us into the room. During this period, she glanced at me and Guo Yujie from time to time, her eyes full of curiosity.

After sitting down, Director Mao explained his intention.

Aunt Xu's eyes widened as Director Mao did before, "What?"

"I really don't know what to say about this." Director Mao sighed.

"Did Tao Hai lose his mind and go crazy? Can you believe this?" Aunt Xu shouted, "Old Tao and his wife really died unjustly. Their son was deceived by a monk all his life, and he was ruined!"

"Aunt Xu, have you seen that monk?" I had to interrupt Aunt Xu's complaint.

Aunt Xu thought for a while, shook her head, and then began to ponder hesitantly.

"Aunt Xu, have you really seen her?" Director Mao was surprised.

"No, I've never seen anyone wearing monk clothes, but I think I heard Lao Tao mention it...let me think about it." Aunt Xu tapped her fingers.

We had to wait quietly.

After about a few minutes, Aunt Xu slapped her thigh and shouted, "I remembered!"

"How is it?" Director Mao looked more anxious than Guo Yujie and I.

"There is such a person, a fellow villager of Lao Tao. His parents died when he was young. He became a monk in the temple in his hometown and then returned to secular life." Aunt Xu recalled, "Old Tao said several times that the relationship is still there. fine."

"He came here to see the Feng Shui of the house?" Guo Yujie asked.

Aunt Xu shook her head, "Then I have no impression."

Now it is basically certain that there is indeed such a monk as Peng Dongyuan said, and the matter of the cornucopia is probably close to ten.

"Thank you, Aunt Xu." I thanked you.

"Hey, no, I can't help you much." Aunt Xu waved her hand.

Director Mao left with us and asked us what we should do on the way.

"Let's talk to Tao Hai. He knows our faces, so we can only ask our colleagues to come." Of course, I couldn't say that I wanted to find someone to act in a show to deceive Tao Hai. How can a public servant of the people deceive the people?

Director Mao was not optimistic about this. Looking at Director Mao's face and rolling eyes, I guessed that she might have thought of the same method as me, but she, a people's servant, couldn't give me any ideas to trick Tao Hai.

As soon as we got back to the office, the thin guy asked us how it turned out.

"We have to find Ma Yibing. The trouble now is how to let him get close to Tao Hai smoothly and gain trust." I touched my chin.

"This is more difficult than just acting. Can those college students do it? It's better to do this kind of thing professionally." The thin man looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, "Can you ask your uncle to find a fraudster for Brother Qi?"

Chen Xiaoqiu ignored the thin man's nonsense.

If you really start to implement it, you will find that things are not as simple as you think.

I thought about it and called Peng Dongyuan again.

"Ms. Peng..."

"What did you not understand about what I said before?" Peng Dongyuan's tone was harsh.

"Every sentence is very clear. I want to ask, how did the monk deceive Tao Hai? We are currently doing Tao Hai's ideological work, and we need to prescribe the right medicine." I said sincerely, "You may also be interested in Tao Hai. If there are complaints, I think this is also an opportunity. Tao Hai has been obsessed with it for so many years. Most of his life has passed, and it’s time to wake up. Although this awakening is a bit late, it will definitely still shock him. "

I deliberately emphasized the word "shocked".

Peng Dongyuan was indeed a smart man and laughed, "You are quite interesting."

"Ms. Peng, are you free to tell me more about the monk and the cornucopia?" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I don't know. When Tao Hai married me, I knew that he was a gambler, but I could tell that he was not bad, and he didn't seem to be a gambling addict. I was not in the same situation at that time. Well, you are marrying well if you can marry Tao Hai like this." Peng Dongyuan slowly told her, "I followed him home and met his parents. We were all very satisfied. His parents asked me to persuade Tao Hai a little bit more. , I also persuaded him. I had thought about why he gambled. At that time, I suspected that some bad friends had led him astray, but after getting in touch with him, it was not the case, and he didn’t seem to like gambling. I deliberately quarreled with him a few times. This time, he was scolded by me so much that he didn't say a word or get angry. Later, I decided to divorce him, and he told the truth."

Peng Dongyuan's words were sarcastic, "He said that a monk saw the Feng Shui of his house. The house was prosperous and the people living in it would definitely get rich, so he started gambling. Do you think it's ridiculous to hear this kind of thing?" Tao Hai and Tao Hai's parents lived in that house all their lives. Who got rich? I told him, but he didn't listen. I asked him who the monk was, but he didn't tell me."

"We found out from his neighbors that his father, a fellow villager, is a monk who has returned to secular life."

Peng Dongyuan stopped talking and breathed lightly. After a while, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Is that fellow bald guy named Liu?"

"We haven't heard about this yet. Do you know such a person?"

"I've seen him. He came when the banquet was held, and when my son was one month old and one year old." Peng Dongyuan's breathing became heavier, "It turns out to be that bastard!"

"What's his name? Do you know anything about him?"

"My name is Liu Yunhao. He is a pyramid schemer. He also wanted to deceive Tao Hai's parents into making investments, but I stopped him. I scolded him once, and he never came to Tao Hai's parents again." Peng Dongyuan replied, "Others I don’t know what’s going on.”

I wrote down the name.

Peng Dongyuan has deep resentment towards Tao Hai and Liu Yunhao, but she escaped from the "sea of ​​suffering" early. She doesn't know much about Tao Hai's affairs before marriage or after divorce, and the information she can provide is limited. Please contact her if I have any information. Then, he hung up the phone.

The thin man came running up to me and asked me how I was doing.

I waved my hand and asked Xiao Gu to check on Liu Yunhao. He was found in a labor camp.

"Participating in a pyramid scheme and defrauding hundreds of people out of tens of millions of assets." Xiao Gu said on the other end of the phone.

I thought about how to use this piece of information to make Tao Haifan regretful and miserable, and I explained the situation to the thin man and others.

"This Tao Hai is quite straightforward. Liu Yunhao obviously wanted to deceive him into investing and doing pyramid schemes. He went to gamble." The thin man clicked his tongue twice, "Is Liu Yunhao so angry when he knows about this?"

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