Aoba Office

Chapter 93 Dreaming Again (1)

"He is not in the prison here in Minqing. If you want to know, you have to ask the old leader to inquire." I said absently, and something suddenly occurred to me.

"It's a big case involving tens of millions of dollars. Doesn't Tao Hai know about this? Peng Dongyuan scolded people, but Tao Hai believed in Liu Yunhao so much, so there was no reaction?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

All five of us thought about it.

Tao Hai's brain circuit seems to be really different from normal people, and the same is true for Chu Run.

I scratched my head, trying to put myself in someone else's shoes, but I couldn't.

"I think, Brother Qi, you might really want to ask the old boss to inquire." The thin man said.

I sighed and went to the old leader's office.

The old leader was on the phone. He nodded to me and said to the other end of the phone: "Well, don't worry, Xiao Chen is fine. He is much more cheerful here. I have said it before, young people should I work hard at the grassroots level, and my colleagues happen to be young people, so we can get along well with them." Speaking of "colleagues," the old leader smiled at me.

I quickly smiled and lowered my head in embarrassment.

The person on the other end of the phone should be Chen Xiaoqiu's father. It seems that the old leader is very satisfied with Chen Xiaoqiu's current changes. Well, he didn’t think it was enough that the four of us led Miao Zi, an elite strong woman, into evil.

"Okay, I have something else to do here. Well, let's not talk anymore. I'll meet you for dinner when I go to the capital when I have time. Haha, okay, of course it's your kid's treat." The old leader hung up the phone and looked at me with a smile.

I cleared my throat and told Tao Hai's story again, "This matter is a bit illegal, but Tao Hai refused to communicate, so we can only take this approach. If it succeeds, it can be regarded as saving Tao Hai's life-long mistakes." Life."

The old leader asked: "How do you know he was wrong?"

I was stunned, "Old leader, do you think he is right?"

"I think your analysis makes sense. It's not like Tao Hai was deceived by pyramid schemes and went astray. I'm afraid you won't get any useful information from Liu Yunhao. Do you have Tao Hai's social connections? Have you investigated?"

I nodded, "I checked, but there is no..." When I said this, I suddenly got stuck.

"Is that Tao Hai really gambling outside?" the old leader asked enigmatically.

I was shocked.

"Lin Qi, I know you are very anxious to complete the work. Not only you, but other groups are also like this. When our demolition office was established, we set a goal of 100% contract signing rate, and now everyone is working hard towards this goal. But this matter is urgent. No. Don't just think about how to get the residents to agree to the demolition, but think about what they need. Don't worry, my old face can still come in handy. You don't have to worry about anything else. It doesn't matter if you take your time." The old leader said happily Said hehe.

I responded and left the office.

As soon as the thin man saw me coming back, he asked me when the matter would be settled. In our impression, the old leader is omnipotent, there is nothing he cannot do, and all he needs to do it is time. He will not refuse our reasonable requests and sometimes even takes the initiative to help.

"No. The old leader asked us to investigate Tao Hai more easily. He proposed a new idea." I pondered and said slowly, "Do you think Tao Hai really gambled?"

All four people fell silent because of these words.

The three thin men did not follow up on Tao Hai's situation, but only listened to Guo Yujie and I talking about it. Naturally, there was no way to prove whether Tao Hai was gambling or not.

Guo Yujie thought for a while, "This... the gambling thing was all told by Director Mao to the community. His ex-wife also said the same, and debt collectors came to visit. How can this be false?"

"So, who and where was he gambling with?" I asked.

Guo Yujie couldn't answer for a while.

Ever since Tao Hai hid from us, we have wanted to find out where he was hiding, but we haven't been able to find him for so long. The most likely place for Tao Hai to hide is of course the casino.

"Ask who are the debt collectors," said the thin man.

The fat man shook his head, "Gambling is illegal. Even if they are from a casino, they won't be stupid enough to be exposed, right?"

Just look for the shell of a small loan company and they can guarantee their legitimacy.

Speaking of which, we realize that we know too little about Tao Hai. I called Peng Dongyuan, and Guo Yujie called Xiaogu. It's always so troublesome, and we are embarrassed to make phone calls after phone calls, but we can only do it bravely.

Peng Dongyuan was as surprised as us.

"Instead of gambling, what else can he do?"

"Then where did he gamble? Do you know anyone who gambled with him?"

Peng Dongyuan was silent.

Guo Yujie also had no good news. No information about Tao Hai was found in the public security system.

"I checked it before when I found Tao Hai. He didn't buy a plane or train ticket, nor did he stay in a hotel." Guo Yujie frowned.

Tao Hai is like a clam that cannot be pried open, leaving us with nowhere to eat.

Work is not the whole of life, and Tao Hai certainly cannot be the whole of our lives.

When it's time to get off work, we still pack up and go home.

Because my sister is a student preparing for the exam, our family has a very rich meal recently, and we feed her with plenty of fish and meat.

"Are you going to take the monthly exam?" I asked casually while eating.

"You care so much." Mom glared at me, turned to her sister and said softly, "Don't be nervous. The monthly exam is nothing, just relax. Your brother was among the last ten in the class in the monthly exam at that time. It’s not like I was admitted to the University of Political Science and Law.”

My sister giggled, "Oh, the last ten."

I rolled my eyes.

How warm the dinner with the family is, but how cold it is to fall asleep at night.

When I entered the dreamland, I almost exploded with anger. Did Chu Run attack an innocent person again, or did my rescue yesterday fail?

Just as I was thinking this, I found myself in the living room of a luxurious villa.

"I'm so beautiful."

I suddenly heard a voice, which did not belong to Chu Run, but the voice of a child.

"No green tea, I'm a cup for black tea."


I looked down at the coffee table in front of me. There is a set of English tea cups on the coffee table, which is exuding steam.

"I'm so hot, so hot. Turn it off."


The crystal chandelier on the ceiling of the living room was turned off, and the living room fell into darkness.

My heart tightened.

"It's so itchy, it's so itchy down there."

"Don't fall on me."

I searched for the source of the sound in the dark, but there was no light, making it difficult for me to see clearly. I suddenly remembered that this was my dream and I was not using my eyesight. After thinking about this, my eyes suddenly opened up, as if I had night vision.

Suddenly, I saw the little boy sitting on the sofa. His hands patted the sofa, his feet rubbed the carpet, and his mouth opened and closed.

"Why are you pressing on me? My patterns are all blocked."

"I don't want to put pressure on you, but the master doesn't understand decoration at all."

The little boy suddenly laughed, as if he was playing an interesting dubbing game.

Snapped! The chandelier was turned on.

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