Aoba Office

Chapter 91 Cornucopia (1)

With the guidance of our old leader, we regained our goals and put Chu Run's affairs aside for the time being.

Shou Zi and his trio began to investigate the leaders of the Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau, while Guo Yujie and I called Xiao Gu and Director Mao respectively to find Tao Hai's ex-wife. Xiao Gu found the person as soon as he checked the information. Director Mao didn't know Tao Hai's ex-wife and couldn't be our introducer, but she reminded us that we'd better be careful about that woman.

Guo Yujie said in surprise: "Be careful about her? Why? What does she do?"

I looked at Guo Yujie. Xiao Gu said that Tao Hai's ex-wife Peng Dongyuan was a retired employee and worked as an accountant in a state-owned enterprise before retirement, but did not mention anything else.

Guo Yujie said "hmm" twice, thanked Director Mao, hung up the phone, and sat in a daze with her eyes straight.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

The three men of the thin man also noticed something strange about Guo Yujie.

"A strong life doesn't need a reason." Guo Yujie suddenly uttered this sentence.

"What are you talking about?" The thin man wondered.

"That Peng Dongyuan is really..." Guo Yujie was speechless for a moment, as if she couldn't find the words.

"What did Director Mao say?"

"Talk about someone in the community... it's a rumor." Guo Yujie thought for a moment, "Peng Dongyuan married Tao Hai out of town and followed her home. She was abducted and trafficked when she was a teenager."

"Ah." Fatty exclaimed in surprise.

"She stayed in the mountains for two years. She poisoned the man's family, including the child she was forced to give birth to, with pesticides, and escaped overnight." Guo Yujie started, and then she spoke smoothly, " After escaping, she found a job in a small restaurant to raise travel expenses and returned home. Her parents felt that she had been ruined and had disgraced the family, so they disowned her. So she ran out again, working and living. She studied, went to adult school, and then met Tao Hai, who was out of town to collect debts. She married him and moved her household registration to Minqing. After giving birth to her son, she divorced Tao Hai because Tao Hai couldn't get rid of his bad habit of gambling. After her son remarried, it seemed that she had married a rich man and now she is a rich wife."

"She now lives in the Luoqujiang villa area." I interrupted.

"Is this just a rumor?" Chen Xiaoqiu said suspiciously.

"For such a rumor to exist and be believed by others, she must have a very hot temper." Fatty said sincerely.

"Her parents came to the Sixth Gongnong Village to look for her, but she scolded her out. The experience of being trafficked was what she told herself at that time." Guo Yujie added, "Tao Hai was gambling, and someone came to collect debts. She also took She drove people away with a kitchen knife. Once she had a quarrel with Tao Hai, and she almost cut off Tao Hai's fingers to force him to quit gambling."

"After all, he is a difficult person to deal with. Be careful." The fat man warned Guo Yujie and me.

I was very calm and picked up the phone receiver. "It's not like you just come to the door. What are you afraid of?"

Guo Yujie patted her chest, "Don't be afraid if someone comes to you, I will protect you."

The thin man and the fat man laughed. Chen Xiaoqiu had known about Guo Yujie's strange power before, so he covered his mouth and chuckled when he heard this.

I felt that my self-esteem as a man was stabbed. It hurt, but I could only ignore it. I seriously dialed the number I found from Xiaogu and signaled them to stop making noise.

"Hello, are you Ms. Peng Dongyuan?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very gentle, not at all reminiscent of the tough experiences Guo Yujie mentioned. "Yes. Who are you?"

"I am the government demolition office here, and I am currently responsible for the demolition project of the Six Workers and Peasants Villages. Your ex-husband Tao Hai owns a property here, which may involve the rights and interests of your son Tao Zheng, so there are some things that need to be verified with you. "I didn't rush to ask why Tao Hai didn't agree to the demolition, so I found a reason in a roundabout way.

Peng Dongyuan's voice suddenly cooled down, revealing a rebellious and gangster air, "Demolition? Tao Hai's parents' house?"


"Ha! Did that gambler agree to the demolition?"

"He is somewhat resistant..."

"It's not resistance, it's opposition, right? That gambler still believes in that bald donkey's nonsense, how could he give up his cornucopia!" Peng Dongyuan said sarcastically.

I was interrupted twice, and when I heard her suddenly say this, I was a little confused and said, "What?"

"Oh, you don't know anything." Peng Dongyuan sneered, "The die-hard gambler agreed, you can contact my son again. If you can find me, it won't be difficult to find my son, right? He is an adult and independent. I don’t need to worry about that gambler.”

"Ms. Peng..."

There was only a busy beep on the other end of the phone.

I hung up the phone in a daze and looked at Guo Yujie, who was looking forward to it.

"How is it?" Guo Yujie asked.

The thin man and the fat man pricked up their ears.

"She said that a monk told Tao Hai that the house was a cornucopia." I thought about it and sorted out Peng Dongyuan's informative words.

Now, even Chen Xiaoqiu, who was dedicated to his work, focused his attention on me.

Suddenly my mind wandered, and I deeply reflected on the poor working atmosphere of my group. Chen Xiaoqiu, who was not focused on work, was led astray by us.

"It means that the house has good feng shui and can bring wealth?" Guo Yujie was speechless, "I never heard Director Mao say that."

"Maybe he kept it secret and didn't tell outsiders. Otherwise, anyone who heard that it was a cornucopia would be jealous." Fatty analyzed.

"But he didn't get rich. He still had debts everywhere and was in poverty." Chen Xiaoqiu hit the nail on the head.

"Peng Dongyuan doesn't believe this, and her tone is sarcastic." I said, "Only Tao Hai should believe it."

The thin man chuckled, "Hey, that's great, Brother Qi, you don't have to find anyone to find ghosts this time, you have to go to the Feng Shui Master!"

I said contemptuously: "What kind of Feng Shui master are you looking for? Just say hello to Ma Yibing and ask him to hire someone from the acting department to perform."

The thin man gave a thumbs up, "What a great idea!"

This method is the simplest one. Since a monk said that the room was some kind of cornucopia and Tao Hai refused to let go, let's find an "expert" to reprimand the monk. As long as Tao Hai believes that the house is not that magical, he will definitely be willing to demolish it and get money.

"That's it?" Guo Yujie asked listlessly.

"Aren't you happy to be able to solve this trouble?" I criticized Guo Yujie's work attitude of looking for excitement when there is nothing to do.

"Is this considered fraud?" Chen Xiaoqiu thought about legal issues.

"I'm curious. Tao Hai has lost gambling all his life, so why does he still believe this? Is what his ex-wife said true?" asked the fat man.

I nodded, "I just want to confirm again." I turned to Guo Yujie and said, "Let's go to the Sixth Gongnong Village and ask Director Mao and Tao Hai's neighbors."

"Where's that Peng Dongyuan?"

"Let it go first." I rubbed my temples.

Peng Dongyuan is still full of resentment towards Tao Hai. He cannot communicate well at all and cannot cooperate with us in our work.

The thin man and the fat man sent us off and wished us good news.

Director Mao was already very familiar with us, and he didn't do anything like reception. As soon as the office door was closed, his eyes widened when he heard what we said.

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