Aoba Office

Chapter 793 No. 004-Chicken Head and Human Body (2)

"Ms. Liang, are you okay? If you are uncomfortable, you can rest for a while and we will talk again."

"No,'s's just this matter...the four of us can't stay in the dormitory any longer. We told the company. If the company doesn't resolve this matter, we would rather wash dishes in a small restaurant. I also want to quit my job. Moreover, the police came twice about this matter... We changed places and moved to a new house. On the day of moving... I saw an aunt carrying a chicken. In the past...the chicken had just been killed, it had lost its feathers, and was bloody...I...I always felt that the chicken was looking at me..."

"Are they really looking at you, or is it just your psychology?"

"It should be a psychological effect. It's a psychological effect...I couldn't bear it later..."

"Have similar things happened since you moved? Have you seen that thing again?"

"Look, I saw... I was still... in the office, and on the road... I resigned. I couldn't bear it, so I resigned. I moved out of the dormitory and rented a new house. It was a one-bedroom apartment, very small. , I live alone in the suburbs. Before I moved in, I looked around and asked people around. There were many people in the community, but...but that night. , I heard again... on the balcony, the thing was pecking at the balcony window, and there was the sound of claws scratching the balcony... I... I hid in the house, I didn't dare to look, I called the police... ...but...the balcony window was broken before the police came. I screamed in fright, and the neighbors woke up. I saw...after the balcony window was broken, there was wind, and the curtains blew up. Saw it..."

"Is it the thing you saw before?"

"Yes, and..."

"And what?"

"Hands... He doesn't have hands, no, his hands, his hands are paws, cat paws, or other animal paws. Two paws!"

"What about the others? Does he have other characteristics?"

"I don't know...I just saw the claws..."

"Where are the clothes?"

"The clothes...the clothes are, a sweatshirt and a pair of trousers. It should be...I didn't pay attention, I just looked at it..."

"Did he do anything to you?"

"No, there were neighbors knocking on the door right away, and neighbors were shouting outside. Later, the police came too. I didn't dare to say what I saw... I was afraid of being regarded as crazy. They thought there was a burglary... I Then I tried to contact you, I don’t know... the glass was broken, there must be something there, but I don’t know... I may not be in my right mind... I..."

"Ms. Liang, before you encountered these things, that is, before you moved to the company dormitory, did you do anything special?"

"Special? Before that, I worked in my hometown. I have a classmate who came to Minqing to work a few years ago. When I came here, I also... stayed with him for a while, and I found a job. He moved into the dormitory. He went on a business trip and hasn't come back yet..."

"Did he show anything strange when communicating with you?"

"What? You think...this is impossible, he and I were normal in those days..."

"Where is his house? Is there anything strange?"

"No, none, they are all ordinary. It can't be him. He is very nice, and he has nothing to do with this kind of thing. It's impossible..."

"So, besides this person, who else have you come into contact with? Have you come into contact with anything special?"

"No, probably none...I don't remember anything strange..."

"In this case, we can only check from that empty house first. If you think of any clues, you can contact us again. During this period, our firm can provide you with a homemade amulet to temporarily protect your safety. ”

"Is this useful?"

"We can't guarantee this. As of now, the thing you encountered is not a ghost. If it is a rare monster, it will take some effort for us to deal with it, and the certainty of success is not that great."


"If Ms. Liang is worried, you can find other people to help. In addition, if you are not sure, we recommend that you go to the hospital for a check-up. Although according to what you said, some things have been damaged that cannot be explained by science, but it is not It is ruled out that this situation occurred after you had some physical or mental problems. I want to confirm that no one except you has seen that thing, and you have not mentioned it to anyone before. That thing, right?"

"...It's...I, I know..."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

On May 28, 2001, the investigation client said the house was empty. The address of the vacant house was confirmed to be Room XXX, No. XX, Lane XXX, Annan Road, Minqing City. The identity of the owner is Qian Yongqiang, who is married and has a son. He went abroad on March 1, 1998 and settled abroad. There is no record of a case in this house, and Qian Yongqiang and his family have not been involved in the case.

On May 29, 2001, the client’s former dormitory house was investigated. Confirm that there are no criminal records on the property. The owner of the house is Haoan Sales Company, the company where the client once worked.

On June 1, 2001, the empty house was investigated. Audio file 00420010601.wav.


"...That room...the security situation was not good some time ago. Maybe a thief sneaked in because the house was empty."

"Do you know about the owner of the house? We found out that the owner's surname is Qian and he has been abroad for two or three years."

"Well, yes, I went abroad. It's a big deal. I was supposed to go abroad to work, and I had connections. My wife and son stayed here. It took me a long time to pack my luggage. There are also passports and approvals... They The family was very busy at that time. I don’t know what happened, but my wife and son went out together, and he was also very capable.”

"Have you heard the reason for this? If he is working, it shouldn't be possible for his family to go abroad with him, right?"

"No! But it's good if you have the skills. Who knows what's going on. If you have connections, they won't tell anyone about it outside."

"With their whole family going abroad, will the house be empty? They haven't considered selling it or..."

"No. They left the country in a hurry. Wasn't he the only one going abroad? Then he had to leave, and it was too late. People don't wait for anyone abroad. If you want to leave, you have to leave. I can't bargain with you."

"We heard before that all the furniture in the house is gone? There should still be time to deal with it, right?"

"That's not true. They didn't move the furniture."

"That furniture is..."

"After they left, one day...I forgot how long it was, one day, their next-door neighbor found their door open and thought someone had come back. When he looked around, he saw that everything was gone and the room was empty. The door was wide open. After calling the police, the police came to check. The doorman also said that someone must have known that the house was unoccupied and had come to steal it! The police could not contact him. That's what happened. So, this is not a one-time thing. The gatekeeper here lets anyone in. Now many houses are sold to people who don't know where they are from. They were all old neighbors here. Neighbors in the street, now..."

There are only two updates today, good night everyone

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