Aoba Office

Chapter 794 No. 004-Chicken Head and Human Body (3)


"...Yes, that's what happened. When I came back from get off work that afternoon, I saw the door to their house open. I wanted to say hello and ask why I came back. As soon as I entered, I found the house empty. The house was empty and the door was open. I didn’t know what was going on. It was my husband who told me that there might have been a thief, so I thought of calling the police. The thieves these days are so lawless, they just broke into the empty door. , I moved all the family’s belongings, and there was nothing left.”

"Has the police contacted Mr. Qian about this matter?"

"How to contact me? I'm overseas, and I don't know how to contact him. When they left, oh, it was when Lao Qian was leaving at the beginning, I heard his wife say something. After Lao Qian got there, After settling down, I sent a letter to my family. He should have arrived there to confirm where to live. Later, his wife and son left together, so there is no way to contact him. "

"Doesn't he have any relatives in the country?"

"There seems to be some. But I don't know anything about them. I mean, we secretly guessed that the old man might have run away because of debts. Otherwise, tell me, why did the whole family suddenly run away in a hurry? If you lose it, you don’t even care about the house? It’s a good house. How much does it cost? It’s a waste of money to buy the house at that time.”

"Mr. Qian has any debts outside?"

"Who knows?"

"Then do you know the contact information of his relatives?"

"I don't know about that either. I've only seen him twice, and someone came to their home. It seemed like he was a relative of some kind."

"Hmm. So, how much do you know about someone entering the room and breaking the windows some time ago?"

"That thing, I feel scared when I think about it now. This is in the next room, and the window is so close. What do you think we would do if those people climbed through the window and got into our house?"

"Didn't you see any suspicious strangers in the building and didn't you hear any movement next door?"

"No. If there had been, I would have realized something was wrong a long time ago. Some girls in the building opposite found out about this. That person must be a pervert who went to watch other girls change clothes. Oh, it's really disgusting. I It’s uncomfortable to think about it now.”

"Yes. We also want to ask one thing. Is there anything related to chickens while the Qian family lived here?"

"Chicken? What chicken?"

"Live chicken."

"Huh? Live chicken? I haven't noticed it. His family doesn't seem to particularly like eating chicken..."

"Okay. If you remember anything else, you can call us on this phone."

"Oh. Does your newspaper provide bonuses?"

"Yes, I will provide a reward to the person who broke the news."

"Well, I understand."


"... That Qian Yongqiang was a car driver. He first drove a large truck, drove for other factories, became the captain of the transportation team, etc., and was a minor official anyway. Later he bought his own car and drove goods. I heard , The business is quite big, and he is very rich. However, that person is stingy. When our neighborhood committee collected money from each house, he refused to pay for it. Spraying insecticides is good for everyone, right? Otherwise, there will be so many mosquitoes in the summer and it will be uncomfortable.”

"Aunt Zhang, how much do you know about Mr. Qian's going abroad?"

"I heard his wife say something about that. He knew someone abroad. He seemed to be running a company or something, right? I can't remember exactly. He was looking for money to drive a car and do transportation. He was overseas. Why would someone from our country drive a car? I didn’t believe it at the time. Later, his family ran away in a hurry, and I knew there must be something wrong with their family.”

"What was the condition of the house before and after the Qian family left?"

"There was nothing before, but after that, there was a thief and everything was emptied. However, it may not be a thief. He ran away because of a debt, and it makes sense for the creditor to move things to pay off the debt, right?"

"Do you think this was done by Qian Yongqiang's creditor? Is there any evidence?"

"Hey, what evidence can I have? It's just a wild guess."

"What about the recent incident? Has anyone reported the situation to the neighborhood committee?"

"Recently? Oh, you mean those little girls... Someone said that there are many unknown people in the community recently. But there is nothing we can do about it. Just say those little girls, they are also strangers. They The company bought the residential house here as a dormitory. Some people in the company resigned, others applied for jobs, and the people in the house also moved in and out..."

"Yeah. There's one more thing we want to ask about."

"Oh, you say."

"This is the Qian family. Is there any special situation related to chickens? The chicken that is a live chicken may be a live chicken or a dead chicken. As long as it has something to do with this thing..."

"What? What are you asking about? Chicken? Qian Yongqiang is in the transportation business, and he doesn't transport live chickens to people..."

"That's it...thank you. If you remember anything else..."

"Uh, wait a minute."

"Did you remember anything?"

"You mentioned seems like there was something going on...Who came to the neighborhood committee to bang the table and quarrel with us, saying what chickens are not chickens...Xiumei, Xiumei, do you remember that incident? My impression There is such a thing..."


"Did I remember it wrong..."

"Ah! That's right! It's not a chicken, it's a tiger!"

"Tiger? What tiger?"

"It's a tiger toy, such a big toy. Qian Yongqiang's son's thing was made of cotton and had a tail. Lin Fang's son, Haohao, pulled off the tiger's tail. Qian Yongqiang The son pushed him and pushed the child down the steps, breaking his head. "

"Oh! Yes, that's the thing! Hey, I remembered correctly, there was a chicken! Qian Yongqiang took Tiantian to the hospital to see someone, and gave him a tiger. Haohao said he wanted the chicken, and then Qian Yongqiang took Tiantian there again, and Tiantian hit Haohao with the plastic toy, and the two families started to quarrel again..."

"Is Tiantian Qian Tianyun, Qian Yongqiang's son?"

"Yes, that's the kid."

"So, he has a tiger toy and a chicken toy?"

"Yes. Lin Fang also took the chicken to our neighborhood committee to pound the table. I said, I remember it correctly. That toy is quite high-end. It is said to be imported from abroad. It can lay eggs and walk. It also cackles, which is quite interesting.”

"What happened to that toy?"

"Later...then I don't remember it. I probably threw it was all smashed, so I won't keep it."

The weather is hot, everyone should pay attention to preventing heatstroke and cooling down..._(:3 ∠)_

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