Aoba Office

Chapter 792 No. 004-Chicken Head and Human Body (1)

Event number 004

Event name: Chicken Head Human Body

Client: Liang Qiyi

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XX, Meihua Garden, Minqing City

Contact number: 138XXXXXXXX


On May 27, 2001, the client visited. Audio file 00420010527.wav.

"Hello, Miss Liang, please sit down. Tea, please."

"Thank you, thank you..."

"Ms. Liang, can you please tell me what happened to you? On the phone before, you said you were being monitored?"

"Yes...I...I recently moved to a new house. It took more than two months to move. It is a staff dormitory. Four people live together, with two bedrooms and one living room. I live in one room with a colleague. She joined the company much earlier than me. After I moved there, I found... I found that in the opposite building, which was about ten meters away, on the same floor, there was someone standing by the window... The glass was reflective, and there were people standing by the window, which was normal... The first time I saw it, I didn’t care.”

"Yeah. What happened next?"

"... Later, for several days, I saw that... because the bathroom in that house was very small, after putting toiletries for several people, there was not enough space. Changing clothes and other things were originally in the room. . But several times, I saw someone standing at the opposite window... Every time I went to open the curtains, I felt very uncomfortable. I told her that she was very careless. After that, she went to see it, but there was no one there at that time. She and the other two colleagues were very angry when I found out. They wanted to go over and argue with someone. Then, that day, I saw the person standing opposite again. But I turned around and called them out of the room. When I returned to the room, the person there was gone. My colleague didn't care and just took me to the opposite building. We...we rang the bell and knocked on the door, but no one opened the door for a long time. My colleague just stood in the corridor and cursed..."

"Miss Liang?"

"... She... a neighbor, a woman who lived next door came out... She was a middle-aged aunt, and she looked at us... She looked at us strangely... She said that no one had lived next to her for a long time... That family, that family moved away a long time ago and went abroad. The house is empty and nothing has been done.”

"Didn't you and your colleagues confirm what was going on inside the room?"

"No, we... the aunt was also very nervous. We called the police and waited at the door of the room. After the police came, they broke the door and went in, but inside... I saw an empty room... there was no furniture, and it was all on the floor. Gray. The police also looked at it, but there was no sign of anyone entering. But on the window... on the window sill, I saw marks... marks made by fingernails... I pointed it out to the police, and the police also saw it. We don’t know what’s going on. But…”

"Are you still living in the dormitory?"

"Yes. We closed the curtains on that window. Since then, we have kept the curtains closed and did not dare to open them."

"If that's all, this case should be over, right?"

"It's not over! It's not... I'm in the office... We are working in an office building. There is also an office building next to it, but it is much higher than ours, and it has glass walls. When I was working, I felt that the building next to me was... There was a flash, the sun was reflecting. I took a look...I couldn't see clearly, but there was someone standing there by that window...I...I felt uncomfortable all over, as if I was being stared at. That feeling. ...After the sun goes down, there is no reflection. On the other side of the glass curtain wall, I can still see more clearly. There is a figure behind him. Those employees on the opposite floor are moving, but he...he is. Stand...I..."

"Please relax, Miss Liang. Have you told your colleagues about this?"

"Say, I told the three of them. They didn't see it, but... the four of us went back to the dormitory together, and no one talked on the way that day. From the company to the dormitory, it was only three bus stops away. During the rush hour, there were a lot of people. The four of us were together... and I saw... on the road... the bus next to me, the parallel bus, and that person was standing on the edge of the seat..."

"Did you see what he looked like?"


"Miss Liang?"



"The chicken is the head of a chicken! The head of a chicken! That man's head is the head of a chicken! I...I...ha...huh..."

"Ms. Liang, please calm down and drink some water. Come on, take a deep breath..."


"You said you saw a chicken's head? Where's the body?"

"It's a human body, but that head...I was so scared. I thought I was dazzled. But...but my eyes eyes met...that chicken, looking at me..."

"Are you sure this is the same person you saw several times before?"

"I don't know... I haven't seen his appearance before, but I... I think it's him, that thing..."

"Did you tell your colleagues to confirm it?"

"No. I... the car drove away at that time, and I was too late... I still felt dazzled... I... several days later... I couldn't help it, I couldn't help it, so I quietly opened a little of the curtains. . Opposite... Behind the window of the house opposite... I saw it again, it was a chicken's head! I thought I might have gone crazy... How could it be... "

"Did he do anything?"


"Miss Liang?"

"He, he knocked on the glass window hard. I looked at each other for a while, and he suddenly knocked on the glass window hard with his mouth. The glass shattered... Someone yelled downstairs, and the guy next door Aunt... I was shocked, put down the curtains, and left. Later, I heard the sound of a police car, and my colleague pulled me over to see that the glass was broken from the inside, but the police investigated it carefully.

"Didn't the police find out?"

"Well... they and the gate guards in the community have stepped up patrols, and the neighborhood committee will use loudspeakers to remind them every day. I... I don't know if I am... I may be too nervous and I am sick. I am sick. That day, they all went to work. I was in a daze. I didn't dare to sleep in the bedroom, so I slept in the living room. I was confused, so I went to the door... I looked out through the peephole, and it was that thing... He was pecking at the door, again and again... I... I could only hide in the house... I didn't know him either When did I leave... When my colleagues came back, I heard a noise. They opened the door and called me... There were small holes on the door... above the wooden door... all small holes..."

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