Aoba Office

Chapter 791 Despair and Hope (3)

After I ended the phone call with Li Xingfang, I was lost for a long time.

It seems that the cause of the problem lies with Li Xingfang, not my inability to do anything. To be precise, I created an opportunity for Li Xingfang, and Li Xingfang chose to escape.

I raised my head and looked at the sofa opposite.

The vague outline is still there, looking like a ghost in a ghost movie. It is different from the Ye Qing I saw several times before.

Ye Qing, or people from Qingye, should have the confidence to seize this opportunity. As long as I can create this opportunity for them to change their destiny, they will firmly grasp it and prevent the tragedy from happening again.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, after a pause, "After I rescue all of you, what are your plans? Will you continue to open a firm? Or..."

"At that time, there will be a new life." Ye Qing said with certainty.

I fell silent.

"Danger and disaster are inevitable, but it's just like I found you. If this happens again, I will still keep going." Ye Qing seemed to be answering the questions in my heart.

I clenched my fists.

It should be said that Ye Qing's idea is the concept I held in the past.

Doom cannot be prevented.

Walk properly on the zebra crossing. Passers-by who stop at red lights and go on green lights will be hit and killed by speeding vehicles that run through red lights. This is bad luck. Should we stop going to the streets and lock ourselves up at home?

Just lock yourself in your home. Fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes... there are too many natural disasters in the world. Minqing City is not in an area prone to natural disasters, but typhoons, heavy rains, and high temperatures are inevitable every year, and people are always injured as a result.

There is no absolute security in this world.

I could not stand it and fell into despair because the misfortune that met me and people like us was full of malice, a force directed against us. If I can't do anything about this power and I have to face disasters for the rest of my life, I don't know if I can persevere.

However, Ye Qing gave an affirmative answer so resolutely. From beginning to end, he has not changed.

Li Xingfang also stretched out his body from his turtle shell and decided to face his fate.

I clenched my fists tightly.

"Have you ever asked Gui Cha?" I squeezed out such a sentence from my throat.

Ye Qing's vague outline moved. He was probably looking at me, his eyes more focused, but his posture more relaxed than before.

"I asked." Ye Qing replied.

My eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Master Xuan Qing asked for me." Ye Qing answered unhurriedly.

I held my breath for a moment.

"That theory is not wrong. This is retribution, paying for the sins of the past life." Ye Qing's tone was wavering, as if he was talking about trivial things.

My mind went blank.

After a while, Ye Qing's voice continued to reach my ears: "However, I am not prepared to commit suicide. I have no memory of the so-called past life, and I am not prepared to atone for things I don't remember."

I looked at the figure on the sofa.

"If this is the current system in the world, I am ready to change it. Let these things stop in our reincarnation."

"It has no right to punish me. And if I want to atone, I should also apologize to the people I hurt and compensate them."

"A public trial and public punishment are justice and fairness."

Ye Qing said sentence by sentence and stood up from the sofa.

"It has gone crazy a long time ago. The current system in this world should also be changed. What's more..."

Ye Qing's blurry figure suddenly became more illusory and disappeared on the spot.

I jumped up from the sofa and just as I was about to call Ye Qing, I heard the crisp sound of the bell.

I turned back quickly and saw the depths of the dark corridor.

There, something is spreading out.

"That's it for today." Ye Qing's voice sounded again.

The door of the office slowly opened, and the scene was a bit strange.

I looked at the end of the corridor, then at the door of the office, and walked over in silence.

After stepping out of the office, I heard the door slamming behind me and Ye Qing's voice.

"Even if you give up and fail, I will continue."

With a click, the door finally closed.

I looked back at the closed door.

What is locked in the corridor of the office?

Ye Qing, he...

I couldn't help but grit my teeth to restrain my trembling.

If the previous information was accurate, something happened to Ye Qing in 2017. Since then, he has been alone in the office for five years. If I give up and fail, will Ye Qing continue to wait for the next opportunity?

No, you can’t give up and you can’t fail.

Li Xingfang is a lesson learned from the past.

I can't escape.

I can't escape either.

This matter has not only affected me, but also my family and friends. I have no way out.

I exhaled and slowly calmed down.

Stepping on the steps filled with moonlight, I went downstairs.

There should be an entrance to a different space in the middle section of the stairs from the sixth floor to the fifth floor. But now, I only see dust floating in the air in the moonlight.

Continuing down, you can hear the sounds of residents’ homes on each floor. The sound of the TV, the sound of the faucet, the sound of voices...

After leaving Building 6, I felt the night breeze blowing. The light from the street lights was a little dazzling and a little dim.

I walked out of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants step by step. On the way, I met residents who were returning late, saw the old man in the guard room, and saw residents returning from a walk outside...

Their lives should be peaceful. Demolition will bring huge changes to their lives, which may be surprises or worries. They also have their own troubles.

As far as I know, among the property owners of the Six Workers and Peasants Villages, there are some elderly people who are in poor health and need to take medicine for a long time. Some have inconvenient legs and feet and are unable to walk. Some are paralyzed and have dementia... Some people have patients at home who need to be taken care of. Some people are divorced, some are widowed, some have white-haired people giving birth to black-haired people... some are disabled, some are unemployed... and some have died...

If I hadn't known about the existence of supernatural events, what happened to me and what Li Xingfang encountered would have been nothing more than ordinary tragedies.

If there is a karmic cycle of retribution, then each of us is repaying debts from previous lives, enjoying the dividends accumulated in previous lives, and creating wealth or debt for the next reincarnation.

In fact, there is essentially no difference between us and ordinary people.

Everyone spends their lives like that.

Instead, I felt confused and angry because I knew too much.

But I agree with what Ye Qing said.

Whether it's his resistance or the changes he wants to make.

If I really hurt someone in my previous life, I hope to apologize and compensate them in person. If you are going to be punished, you should confess your guilt and be punished under his watch.

I quickened my pace.

Before that, I was just "Lynch", and it had nothing to do with my current life, either in my previous life or in my next life.

I will survive and I will protect my family and friends.

I will help Ye Qing and hope to see the kind of change he talks about.

Good night everyone~

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