Aoba Office

Chapter 735 Waineck Village (14)

"Well, I saw one. But I only saw it vaguely, so I can't be sure. I want to go back and take a look now, but the police are stopping me." I said.

I didn't see clearly what that alien space looked like at all. I only saw darkness and felt darkness.

Judging from this point alone, it might be a place similar to the other space where Gu Mo stayed, a dead and silent space. In the alien space where Gu Mo was, there was only Christina's singing voice. There is only darkness in this alien space. It is not like the different space that Nangong Yao experienced, nor is it like the different space that Wu Ling went to when Qingye solved the commission incident. It has rich content.

Thinking about it carefully, except for the time in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, this was the first time I saw a "door" to a different space. I originally thought that the connection between the different space and the real world was invisible, because in other experiences, I did not see a "door". Although, that "door" is more accurately a black hole.

Gumo paid so much attention to it, which made me think a lot.

"According to your statement, that guide actually sealed off that alien space, right?" Gu Mo spoke again.

I was stunned again.

When he said this, I started to sweat.

Could it be that my subconscious thoughts were wrong from the beginning? What the guide did was to seal the door to another space, to protect Huixiang? It's like a ghost from the underworld stuffed the ghost into the alien space in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants...

"Is he also a ghost?" I blurted out.

Gui Cha should be considered a good thing, right? Although there are some scum among civil servants in reality, there may also be some in the underworld...

Thinking about this, I started to have a headache.

"Is he wearing black clothes? Have you seen him twice?" Gu Mo asked.

I shook my head, realized I was on the phone, and said, "No. I saw him twice, and he dressed up very strangely, very mixed."

"That shouldn't be the case. It's possible that he's a little special." Gu Mo answered ambiguously.

I asked feebly: "Then what conclusion did you draw?"

"I don't know." Gu Mo spoke in that angry tone again, and added casually, "Anyway, those who deserve to die will die, and those who don't deserve to die will always survive. Take care of yourself. ”

My hand holding the phone was so hard that I almost crushed it.

Anyway, Gu Mo still gave me a serious suggestion: "Since he has taken over Huixiang, it must be in Huixiang. If you have caused such a big thing, he will definitely notice it and take action. Just wait. Wait until he comes to the door."

I just said "goodbye".

After I finished talking on the phone, the people in Wainneck Village over there also negotiated with the police.

I saw them coming out and stepped forward.

The police in Huixiang were very enthusiastic, and their attitude changed completely from before. They introduced me to the people in Wainneck Village. When they introduced it, it was just like the spy joint of the villain, which made it a bit obscene.

The three people in Huixiang all tilted their necks, their heads had to be tilted, and their eyes were also tilted. The way they looked at people was a bit weird.

I left the police station with them, took Zhuang Huai and Lu Qiaolan with me, and went directly to the hotel room to talk.

The three of them thanked me non-stop all the way. Only when we got to the hotel did I have the opportunity to ask them about Wai Neck Village.

As people from Crooked Neck Village, they have more specific information than others, and they also have many secrets that outsiders don't know.

"Originally, it is impossible for us to tell outsiders about these things. This is the matter of our village. It has been hidden for so many years and has been passed down orally from generation to generation. Ah, people in our village didn't know how to write in the past, so we couldn't write it down even if we wanted to. "The man who introduced himself as Li Jiaming laughed at himself, and his smile was also crooked.

"As far as I know, your village helped a person a long time ago..." I told the story I heard from the old ghost.

The three men all looked angry, their bodies tensed, and they clenched their fists.

"Yes! It's that scum! That bitch, our ancestors treated him kindly, but he harmed us like that! And that girl!"

Li Jiaming could still restrain himself, but his cousin Li Shengyi couldn't restrain himself and started scolding him directly.

I raised my eyelids and said, "The girl you are talking about is the little girl who was hidden in your village and was spotted by others, right?"

All three nodded.

Pang Li, who was not related by blood to the two Li brothers, said: "Our family heard about the rescue of the girl from other people in the village." He glanced at the two Li brothers, "Our family moved here later. In the village. When my grandma was just born, relatives from her grandmother came to visit her in Wainneck Village. One of her cousins ​​was just married at the time and was not even twenty years old. She just walked outside the village. Her husband said that they encountered the girl with a big knife in her hand, and there was blood on it. Before they could react, my grandma’s cousin was beheaded by her, holding her head with one hand and grabbing it with the other. He picked up his body and walked toward the mountain. My grandma’s cousin was so frightened that he went back to the village to call for help. Many people followed the blood trail and went to the cave, but the villagers did not dare to go in. "

Li Jiaming said: "The cave is originally haunted, and those who enter do not come out, which is what you said."

I felt a little chilled when I heard that, "Is that female ghost so unscrupulous?"

Pang Li smiled bitterly.

Li Jiaming and Li Shengyi sighed, and the other hammered their thighs, full of anger.

This is really beyond my expectation.

"The ghosts in Huixiang are not..." As soon as I started speaking, I suddenly realized something.

Li Jiaming said: "That girl is not from Huixiang."

The room was quiet for a while.

Li Jiaming continued: "At that time, there were still emperors, which was different from modern society. The people in the village tried various methods, but to no avail. They could not just leave the village and find another place to settle down. They could only stay like that... ... Around the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many people in the village moved out. However, the world was not good at that time and they could not find a way to survive outside. It was probably a few years before the founding of the People's Republic of China that a Taoist priest came to Huixiang. At that time, our family had moved to Huixiang. My grandfather heard that the Taoist priest had captured several ghosts, so he took the initiative to find him and asked him to help eliminate the last female ghost. "

When Li Jiaming said this, he shook his head, "My grandfather was just a child at the time, not yet an adult. He later told us that he was afraid that when he grew up, he would have a crooked neck like my great-grandfather and great-grandmother. I went to see the Taoist priest after being laughed at.”

Zhuang Huai interjected: "At that time, Huixiang had already rejected outsiders?"

Good night everyone~

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