Aoba Office

Chapter 734 Waineck Village (13)

The police in Huixiang must have very mixed feelings about me now.

They probably think that I am a really capable person, but also a really troublesome person.

The headless ghosts in Crooked Neck Village did not deal with me, nor did they deal with them. They helped deal with the criminal gang, which made them less afraid of me. Finding so many headless bones in the cave made them somewhat grateful to me.

"Forget it if there are no whole bodies, they are not even buried. It's so pitiful. If you hadn't found them, they wouldn't have been lying there for how long." The policeman who greeted me was quite emotional and mentioned the crooked neck. People from the village.

Wai Neck Village is already empty. It is said that some old people still live there, but this is said to have happened a long time ago. Judging from this investigation, Wainneck Village has long become an underground den of criminal groups, and there are no normal people living there at all.

However, if you check the household registration information, you can still find a few people who moved from Waigou Village. Those bones may be their ancestors. Of course, they need to be identified, and then a DNA test or something can be done to determine the identity of the bones. If there is no one to take care of it, then it is under the control of the state. It has academic value and may be properly preserved. If not, it will be cremated and buried uniformly.

No matter what the outcome is, it is more in line with the traditional concept of settling down and settling down. It is better for a person to find his final destination than to stay in a cave and never see the light of day.

The Huixiang police officers awkwardly thanked me, which made me feel as complicated as they did.

However, after seeing the flags and bells, I temporarily forgot about this feeling.

The bell has been broken.

I was in the cave and didn't have a chance to look carefully. Now I can hold it in my hand. After looking carefully, I found that the pattern on the bell is a lotus. The carving is not very clear, mainly because the concavities and convexities are not obvious, but the graphics are still very beautiful and have an elegant feeling.

The police said that this thing may be an antique, and they need to ask experts to identify it.

I have some suspicions that what I experienced was caused by the bell. That Taoist priest should have been seriously harmed by the guide. After death, the ghost will not be as powerful and free as Ye Qing's ghost. He may have used this magical weapon during his lifetime to achieve his goal.

Putting the bell aside, I looked at the flag again.

The flag was even more completely damaged, and even the pole was broken.

The police in Huixiang thought I was an expert and asked me what magical power these two things had and whether I should secretly take them back and repair them.

The corners of my mouth twitched and I didn't talk nonsense to them.

He also talked about going to the cave to visit. They were in a bit of trouble.

It's easy to say that no one would notice such a small thing like going through the back door. It would be more difficult for the guards and inspectors at the cave, as well as the police transferred from other places, to open the back door for me.

"I'll call you when I get the chance." The policeman assured me and asked me some gossip.

They all know that I came to find my missing friend. However, I originally thought it was the trouble caused by the ghosts in Huixiang. As an expert from out of town, I might have to confront the ghosts here in Huixiang, which would cause chaos just like similar things in the past, so they didn't want to see me. Now they have changed their minds. I took the opportunity to fool around and said that maybe other ghosts came here to kill people.

The police in Huixiang really started to think about it.

I originally meant to fool them, but after saying this, seeing them thinking, I couldn't help but start thinking too.

It was a casual remark, but now that I think about it, it makes sense.

The guide looked strange and out of place in Huixiang. Maybe he really came from out of town. After arriving here, he was allowed to occupy the magpie's nest and became the ghost boss of Huixiang, a self-proclaimed guide...

The name "Guide" is also strange. Could it be that there is a more powerful ghost boss above him?

The Huixiang police officer and I fell into an inexplicable thought.

At this time, people from Waineck Village arrived at the police station.

I followed and took a look.

Three men came, all with crooked necks and obvious features.

The police must have explained the situation to them, but they burst into tears, and one of them even burst into tears.

Lu Qiaolan and Zhuang Huai were both waiting for me to finish taking notes and read the physical evidence, and happened to be watching from the side at this time.

I heard what the man crying loudly said in dialect, so I asked the Huixiang policeman next to me.

The policeman from Huixiang also had red eyes, "He said that after he died, he could see his family in peace. He also said that he was going to visit the grave and tell his family that his ancestor had been found."

My eyelids twitched.

They still had something to do and were quickly taken away by the police.

Zhuang Huai, Lu Qiaolan and I decided to wait at the police station.

The three of us are the odd ones in the police station. Many people look at us when they pass by. Even Wang Xiaopeng and the others didn’t look right at us.

When Zhuang Huai and I chatted, all we could talk about was the Huixiang case.

"...They don't believe it, and they can't believe it. Even Wang Xiaopeng is deceiving himself." Zhuang Huai crossed his arms and sounded helpless.

Believe in ghosts or not, it was originally an indifferent matter, but now it has become critical.

The Huixiang police who believe in ghosts are unwilling to care about the ghosts here. The police from other places who don't believe in ghosts are unlikely to get any results if they investigate this supernatural incident.

"The missing person, above..." I asked vaguely.

Zhuang Huai shook his head, "It's just what's reported on the surface."

Zhuang Huai may not know that the country also has a special expert database.

When I thought of this, my mind moved.

I greeted Zhuang Huai and Lu Qiaolan and called Gu Mo.

Gu Mo asked in surprise: "Hey, you can still call? Didn't you call me to tell me that you were lost and wanted me to go to Huixiang?"

I was too lazy to chat with Gu Mo, so I talked about the matter.

Gu Mo fell silent after hearing this.

"How about it? Can you think of anything?"

It's impossible for me to stay in Huixiang for a long time, but I don't know how effective this kind of investigation and search will be.

Now that the matter has become a big deal and the police in Huixiang have changed their view of me, I might be able to use the same rhetoric as before to win the trust of the police in Huixiang and make them believe that the people who are harming people are not their ghosts but outsiders.

If this matter can be reflected above, please invite some "expert" to conduct a thorough investigation, and maybe we can make progress as soon as possible.

I don't know much about how it works, so I can only ask Gu Mo and others. Ye Qing had been an "expert", and Wu Ling should also know a lot of "experts". Master Xuan Qing had a good relationship with them. Although everyone is avoiding Huixiang, if something big happens, we can always grab two strong men to solve the problem, right?

Gu Mo exhaled and his tone became serious, "Did you see a different space, and did you see the different space many years ago through a dream?"

I was startled, but I didn't expect Gu Mo to mention this first.

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