Aoba Office

Chapter 736 Waineck Village (15)

The expressions of the three men differed from each other. Li Jiaming is probably the most stable one, thinking carefully. Li Shengyi's face was blank, and he didn't react for a while. Pang Li's expression was one of sudden realization.

Pang Li spoke first: "When you put it like that... I think I heard my grandma say that if her cousin didn't come from other places, maybe she would be fine."

I don't believe this. Xiaofang from Waineck Village was tortured so much by the female ghost that when she was forced to commit suicide, the female ghost even intervened. Pang Li had never seen the female ghost with his own eyes. She was Pang Li's grandmother. She was also a baby at that time. She must have heard about it from the elders. She didn't know the details of the ghost. It was normal, so I didn't refute it.

Li Shengyi said confidently: "Isn't this normal? Those ghosts are originally from our Huixiang people. How can one of our own people kill our own people? The haunted girl and other ghosts are all people from other places. ”

Li Jiaming had thought about it at this time, but his tone was hesitant, "I also remember hearing the old people at home say that rule. It was not so particular at first, but then for some reason, it started to be said like this."

They couldn't tell the details, so I asked them what they knew.

Let’s talk about that Taoist priest again.

Li Jiaming's grandfather asked the Taoist priest who traveled to Huixiang for help. The Taoist priest agreed without even negotiating the price, so he took the flag and stepped on the bell to Waineck Village.

"...The village later contacted our family and said that the Taoist priest came to inquire about the news and went to the cave. After that, he was not seen coming out. But after he went, many vines grew at the entrance of the cave. There are several in the village The brave young man went to see it and could hear a woman's howl in the cave. It must be the girl. Later, as long as the beautiful girls in the village don't go near the cave, they don't have to worry about provoking the ghost. "People in the village have other things besides their necks." Li Jiaming said, "Because of this incident, the people in the village set up a longevity tablet for that Taoist priest. My grandfather said that the village was empty at that time." Every household has a memorial tablet to that Taoist priest, and our family originally had one. I still remember that the Taoist priest was called Falian Taoist, but we don’t know his real name.”

That Taoist priest may have been guarding Wai Neck Village. At least, his appearance stopped the female ghost from killing people unscrupulously. And what happened this time, those headless ghosts suddenly appeared, he may also have contributed to it.

I thought to myself and felt helpless.

Even if that Taoist priest is a good person and has accomplished great merits, I still can't save him.

"Do you know the boundary monument at the entrance of the village?" I asked the three of them, recalling a series of actions taken by Taoist Falian.

Li Shengyi continued to be confused, and Pang Li seemed to have never heard of the boundary monument.

Li Jiaming thought for a while, "You mean, the stone with the name Wainneck Village?"

"Yes." I nodded.

Li Jiaming said: "That boundary monument... I heard my great-grandfather say that the boundary monument appeared suddenly. No one remembers when it was discovered, but it was definitely not erected by anyone in the village. The village originally had no name, but it was later It was not the name given to the official at that time. The people in the village were illiterate, and when we invited people to see it, they all thought that the name was unlucky. It might have been deliberately made by people from the neighboring village to disgust them. "

"When you found out, people in the village had already had their necks twisted?" I interjected and asked.

Li Jiaming answered affirmatively: "Yes. Because of this, the two villages seemed to have fought and had a feud for a long time. That's all my great-grandfather knew. Oh, by the way, the village thought about taking that stone I tried to break it, but it didn't work. The stone was so hard that it was impossible to dig it out. After the weeds covered it, no one cared about it. "

I think this is a bit strange, but I can't get an answer from Li Jiaming's description.

The three people from Wai Neck Village could no longer provide any clues, so they said goodbye and left. Before leaving, they thanked me again.

"What should we do next?" Lu Qiaolan asked in embarrassment.

I don't know either.

I hope Gumo’s crow’s mouth is right and the guide can come directly to the door, saving me the trouble.

I couldn't help but want to sigh, but looking at Lu Qiaolan's appearance, I couldn't put more pressure on her.

I turned around and asked Zhuang Huai if he could let me sneak into the cave and have a look. Like the policeman from Huixiang, he could only say that he was looking for an opportunity to take a look.

By this time, it was getting dark.

Lu Qiaolan and I had something to eat and were about to take a rest.

This whole day is tiring enough.

I was lying on the bed, getting ready to sleep, when suddenly I heard crying.

I was stunned and listened carefully. It was not Lu Qiaolan's cry, but...

I jumped out of bed and walked to the window.

The window of the hotel room is actually a transom. It faces a row of dilapidated residential buildings outside, and there is no view at all. This direction is not quite right either.

I had to change my clothes and leave the room.

There were no windows in the corridor, and I listened to the plaintive crying all the way downstairs. I noticed that the sound was getting louder and louder.

When we got downstairs, the hotel door was closed and there was no one at the front desk. Like the guest room corridor, there were no lights on, and the strange color of the emergency lights illuminated a small area.

When I was about to push open the glass door, the cell phone in my pocket rang.

This sudden ringtone startled me, and when I took out my phone, my hands were shaking.

The words "Chen Zian" were displayed on the illuminated mobile phone screen.

I was stunned for a moment before answering the phone.

"Brother! Master! That ghost has got me!" Chen Zian's voice was filled with tears.

My heart tightened, "Did you hear the crying? Where do you live? How far is it from the hotel?"

"It's midnight, and we don't have that many taxis here. If you want to come here, you can only walk. It takes an hour..." Chen Zian said, suddenly stopped and asked carefully: "Brother, you, you heard it too ?”

I said helplessly: "Yes, I heard it too."

That sad and sad cry is exactly the same cry from the Weeping Tomb Ridge.

Weeping Ridge is in the suburbs, and now the cry has almost spread throughout Huixiang!

"Brother, please save me!" Chen Zian was about to cry. He is a grown man, so when he cries, he is naturally not as moved as that woman.

I don't know what to do either.

The glass door of the hotel was not locked. I opened the door and went out. The night wind blew and I shivered all over. I heard the crying sound more clearly.

I looked for directions. This is quite simple. Because in the northwest, the dark clouds were so clear that it seemed like lightning could be seen swimming in them.

And in the southeast, I can still see the moon, bathed in bright moonlight.

At this extreme distance, the sky was split into two halves.

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