Aoba Office

Chapter 47 No. 066 - Windfall (2)

"He died a month later?"

"Yes, the doctor was right. He passed away a month later. I went back to my hometown to attend the funeral. After returning to work, a customer placed a large order with me. My performance suddenly increased and I received a bonus. , and I got a promotion and a salary increase. Ha... I have a wife and children. I... I had a wife and children at that time. I have been married for seven or eight years. She is a good woman. I just want to be rich, so I will treat her better and give her We bought necklaces and clothes. Golden Week will be in a few months, so we went on a trip. We went to Yunhai Mountain and stood on the cliff to look at the sea of ​​clouds. During Golden Week, there were so many people. I don’t know which son of a bitch recommended it. After a moment, my wife fell down from behind the guardrail..."

"Please have your condolences."

"Huh... my wife has gone, I feel bad, and I feel unmotivated every day at the company. Someone came to invite me to partner in a new company, which is a sales agency. My daughter studied that year, and I thought about sending her to a good school. I might go to school or go abroad or something in the future. The conditions he proposed were also very good, so I agreed. I resigned and started a new company with him. At first, it was going well with our connections. It’s booming. I’m not bragging, and I’m not just saying it casually. It’s really booming. We can sell out anything we represent. People in the industry say we are amazing. Whatever sells well, orders from customers and employers are flying in like snowflakes. . In just one year, our company expanded three times. The two of us thought about going really big. As soon as the plan was finalized, he...he got into a car accident and was hit by a truck. The car was deformed. , others... were also deformed... and died on the spot."

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but when I think about it now, I still feel terrible. He was fine, but he suddenly died. Just like... like those people before... not only my wife and my uncle, but in that year, my relatives... …Sigh… Anyway, I don’t even remember how many white envelopes I gave away.”

"In other words, when your career was developing, people around you were always passing away?"

"Yes, that's it! That's why I felt something was wrong! But if you want to tell me what kind of supernatural incident it was... they died very normally. I mean, look at my wife, it was crowded that day, and she fell , is it a reasonable thing? And my uncle, he was a long-time smoker. He died of lung cancer, is it normal? Besides, my partner was in a car accident, not to mention, how many people are in car accidents every day! But why? Even if I keep encountering this kind of can't say it's me, it's the people around me who have always had trouble in the past few years. daughter...just last month..."

"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with your daughter?"

"She died of food poisoning... She was studying abroad and went out to eat with her classmates, and then..."

"How is her classmate doing?"

"Rescued. Her classmate was rescued. She...she..."

"Mr. Zhang, judging from the situation you have described so far, it is indeed possible that it is just a coincidence."

"Is it really a coincidence?"

"Have you encountered anything strange? For example, strange sounds, strange figures, etc., or have you dreamed about something?"

"No. I felt uncomfortable when my partner died. I mean, this feeling of constant death made me uncomfortable. I asked a Feng Shui master to take a look at everything in my home and company. There is no problem with Feng Shui, and we even invited monks to come and recite sutras. Look at these, they are the Buddhist beads that have been illuminated on Universal Mountain. My daughter also has a string, but still... you are not the first person I have found. In the past five years, , I have invested a lot of money in this area, but people around me still die all the time, old, young, sick, accidental... Really, there are too many people around me. They’re all going to die!”

"Have you ever done anything special before?"


"Things that provoke ghosts, such as visiting some dark places, cemeteries, crematoriums, murder scenes..."

"I...I'm going to attend a funeral. Does it count as holding a funeral for my wife?"

"According to your speculation, the matter started with the lottery win five years ago, right? Then what you are going to provoke should start before then."

"Before...there was nothing before. I didn't do anything, but it should have started from that time. I didn't even win a big prize when I bought lottery tickets, and there was that customer! That customer was originally planning to buy other companies' products. I've been hanging around him for more than half a month, and I've worn out my words. He just thinks I'm a fool! He has no intention of placing an order for me at all, I can be sure of this! At that time, I knew that he After I placed the order, I didn’t believe it myself. I read the contract several times, but I didn’t dare to call him to ask him. I was afraid that I had made a mistake. As soon as I called, the person withdrew the order.”

"For these two reasons, do you think that's where it started?"


"Can you recall what you did before you won the lottery? Also, have you ever received any unexpected gains in money?"

"It's really gone. I've thought about it several times over the years. Before I won the lottery... before I won the lottery, I was pretty ordinary. I went to work and met clients as usual. I was so busy that I didn't have time to do other things."

"Have you ever bought any special items? For example, old items that are old or something that makes you feel uncomfortable at first sight."

"No, nothing, nothing, I have no idea at all."

"In this case……"

"Mr. Zhang, when is it convenient for you, we would like to visit your home and company. Have you moved in the past five years?"

"Yes. But my original house was not sold, but rented out. You can go and see it if you want."

"Then please make arrangements."


June 3, 2010, audio file analysis. Audio file 06620100603G.wav.


"How about mushrooms?"

"There's no problem at all. The recorded sound is very clean and there's nothing weird at all."

"Then it's not a ghost?"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. If people have bad luck, there's nothing they can do about it."

"Has your bad luck affected those around you?"

"Boss, what do you think?"

"Not sure. Maybe... someone like me."


"But the boss is born, right? He only started this five years ago. I think it's a coincidence. He was in his thirties at the time and is forty now. At this age, it is normal for someone in the social circle to die."

"Look up the people who died and look up their finances. If it's a coincidence, there's a line."


On June 7, 2010, the investigation revealed that a total of 19 people in the client's social circle had died within five years, including 8 deaths due to illness and 11 deaths due to accidents.

Attached: Death list.

On June 13, 2010, the client's financial situation was investigated and compared, and it was found that it overlapped with the death list. Every time a large amount of income was received, one person would die within two months, and the frequency increased year by year.

Attached: Financial statements and comparison reports.

On June 15, 2010, he went to the client's company and residence. Audio file 06620100615.wav.

"This is it."

"The house is very clean."

"Yeah. The tenants I found are all pretty good."

"I mean clean with no ghosts."

"Ah...this, several people I invited before also said so."

"Go and see where you live now."

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