Aoba Office

Chapter 46 No. 066 - Windfall (1)

That night I had a dream.

The dream was in the past in Country J. A baby girl was born in a wealthy family. The baby girl grew up to be pretty and charming, and was married to a man of the right family. Her mother specially asked someone to customize a kimono for her. She chose the large cherry blossom tree in the courtyard of her home as the pattern, painted it herself, and had the craftsmen make it. The kimono is finished and she is getting married. She married in a kimono, but was treated coldly by her husband. After she became pregnant and gave birth to a child, her husband ran away from home and was never heard from again. Only then did she find out that her husband had a lover outside. He had no choice but to marry her because her parents forced her to marry her. After completing her "obligation", she couldn't wait to stay with that lover, leaving her to guard the family. She raised her son, engaged in intrigues with her husband's relatives, and as an abandoned woman had to endure the ridicule and ridicule of others. The son she was dependent on died young in an accident. She was completely abandoned by her husband's family, and her natal family also gradually declined in those years. She finally became resentful, and the hatred in her heart grew more and more. She did not live long, but she was as old as a centenarian when she died. She wore that cherry blossom kimono and died alone in a simple thatched house. She had no peace after her death. A thief took away the beautifully crafted kimono. What did she do? Nothing is left.

I woke up from my dream and relaxed a little when I saw the familiar ceiling of my home.

That woman's hatred was so strong that it made my scalp numb and my whole body trembled.

Is the scene in the dream the experience of that old witch? It's very pitiful, but who wouldn't be pitiful for the girl who died in her hands? Maybe she didn't mean it. Ghosts are different from people, right?

I was thinking about it, and the image of the old witch when she was still a girl emerged in my mind, standing under the cherry blossom tree with a smile on her face, and talking about her yearning for future marriage in a voice like an oriole.

Da da da……

I heard the footsteps outside the door, and my heart tightened. I held my right arm, carefully got out of bed, walked to the door, and gently opened the door a crack.

There was light outside the door, coming from the toilet.

I relaxed, secretly laughing at myself for being suspicious, opened the door generously, walked out, and poured a glass of water.

There was a noise in the toilet, flushing the toilet, washing hands, opening the door, and then I heard a soft cry, and turned around to see my sister patting her chest.

"Brother, why are you silent? You scared me to death at night!" My sister complained, "When did you come back?"

Because one of my sleeves was burned off and I was in a state of embarrassment, and it was too late at that time, I went home secretly without letting my family discover it.

"Didn't you hear me?" I put down the cup, "Go to sleep."

"I know." My sister turned off the bathroom light, "By the way, I have a parent-teacher meeting next week, you can come then."

"Where are your parents?" I was surprised.

"The teacher wants to talk about preparing for the exam and they can't understand it, so you should come!" My sister reached out and pulled me.

I moved my body without leaving a trace, with my left arm close to my sister and my right hand hidden behind my back.

My sister didn't notice my little move, so she casually took my left arm and shook it like a baby, "Please, brother!"

"Do you think your parents have Alzheimer's disease? Is there anything you can't figure out?" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Anyway, it's just you!" said my sister.

"Did you do something that you're afraid the teacher will tell your parents about?" I looked at my sister suspiciously.

"No!" My sister threw away my arm and went back to the room angrily.

I shook my head helplessly, "Then you have to tell me when."

"Next Friday at eight o'clock." My sister entered the room, turned around, and gave me a bright smile, "Please!"

Her bedroom door closed, leaving me alone in the living room.

I was a little distracted. The sister's smile overlapped with the smile of the girl in the dream. I quickly put this thought away. How could my sister go through an arranged marriage? What era is this! Besides, if she really married someone wrong, I would definitely beat that bastard up and introduce a good partner to my sister.

In fact, these things are still far away. My sister is only 18 years old this year. The college entrance examination is her most important thing at the moment. Next, she should enjoy college life and get married. I don’t need to worry about it.

I didn't have any more dreams in the second half of the night, and I went to work refreshed and refreshed the next day without any side effects, which made me feel relieved.

The three of them, the thin man, also arrived. Guo Yujie chased after the thin man and asked about the kimono we burned yesterday. She was also worried, fearing that the kimono would come back and cause trouble again. The fat man probably saw something and didn't ask any more questions. After the thin man saw me, he looked at me and asked. I smiled at him and said it was okay.

There was some silence in the office today. The thin man and the fat man went to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants to check their faces again in the afternoon. Looking at the look on the thin man's face, I knew that he was probably a little anxious to go this time. He was worried about my situation and wanted to find out what happened to Qingye as soon as possible. I was touched in my heart, but the thin man didn’t say anything like this, and I didn’t say it either. It was fine as long as we knew each other clearly.

Guo Yujie couldn't sit still in the afternoon. After the thin man and the fat man walked away for a while, she said she wanted to visit the two patients.

I waved my hand and told her to go alone, "Say hello to me."

"no problem."

As soon as Guo Yujie left, I was left alone in the office.

I saw Aoba's file on the table and took out one without thinking too much.


Incident number 066

Event name: Windfall

Client: Zhang Zhi

Sex: Male

Age: 41

Occupation: Businessman

Family relationship: Widowed and living alone

Contact address: No. X, Rhodes Garden, Tiannan New Road, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On June 3, 2010, the client visited us for the first time. Audio file 06620100603.wav.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, please tell me what happened to you."

"Oh...Actually, I'm not sure if what I encountered was that...supernatural event. Is that what you call it?"

"Yes, you just need to describe it and we will help you make a judgment."

"Here's the thing. I used to be a salesperson, a very ordinary salesperson. I sold medical equipment, houses, and cars. The salary was not bad, but it was quite hard."


"Then about five years ago, I bought a lottery ticket and won a prize. I have always bought lottery tickets, but at most I won five or ten yuan, and that time I won three thousand."


"Congratulations! Alas... I received a call a week after winning the lottery. My grandma who lives in my hometown fell and twisted her waist and had to lie in bed for more than half a year. I didn't even keep the money, so I sent it back to my hometown. Give it to grandma."

"That's right. So what happened next?"

"Then two or three months later, the stock market was not doing well at that time, but the stock I bought was Wanlu, and I made tens of thousands of dollars, so I quickly threw it away."

"Well, did something happen after you threw it away?"

"Yes! Two days after throwing it away, I received a call from my hometown. One of my uncles was confirmed to have terminal cancer, and he only had one month to live."

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