Aoba Office

Chapter 48 No. 066 - Windfall (3)

"This is it."

“The house is very big, you’re the only one living there?”

"I don't think I live here either. My daughter only comes here when she comes back from vacation. She is usually busy on business trips and stays in hotels all over the place."

"Are you staying in a fixed hotel?"

"There are two. Does this also need to be investigated?"

"Not needed yet. The villa here is no problem."

"Then, the house is fine..."

"Mr. Zhang, I still want you to recall carefully what you did before winning the lottery."

"But I really can't remember, it's been five years..."

“Is there anyone in particular who likes or dislikes you?”

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"If you haven't done anything, maybe the people around you have done something. Curses or blessings are all possible. Do you know such people?"

"I...shouldn't have, right? I mean, my wife and family members may mention me when they pray for blessings, but there are no people in my family who are particularly Buddhists. They are probably the kind who visit when traveling. In the temple, just burn incense. This won't be effective, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

"Ah...then, what should we do?"

"Have you ever heard of anyone traveling or visiting temples during that time?"

"No, no one travels."

"Where's the curse? Do you have any enemies?"

"I haven't offended anyone."

"In terms of family and social relationships, we will continue to investigate. In addition, we will check if there is anyone who has experienced the same thing as you."

"Oh, that's up to you."

"You are Welcome."

On June 20, 2010, the client's social circle was investigated and no suspicious target was found.

On June 22, 2010, an investigation into similar incidents in previous years tentatively targeted 137 wealthy businessmen in Minqing City and the client’s hometown of Fangshui City. Among them, 9 people died: 4 due to illness, 2 from car accidents, and 1 from natural disasters. He killed one person and committed suicide.

Attached: a list of wealthy businessmen and nine death reports.

On June 25, 2010, the list of wealthy businessmen was screened and the target Lin Yifan was found. He started doing business in 1995. In 1996, he became rich overnight and opened a private machinery factory, which has continued to expand since then. Lin Yifan's family, friends, and subordinates have been dying since 1996. Until 2003, Lin Yifan committed suicide by jumping into the river on Binjiang Avenue in Luoqujiang River. He was alone and all his relatives and friends died.

Attached: newspaper clippings and information on Lin Yifan.

On June 26, 2010, the client was contacted. Audio file 06620100626.wav.

"This is the result of our investigation. Mr. Zhang, do you know this Lin Yifan?"

"No, I don't know him. I've seen news about him. At that time, in 2003, there were a lot of news about him in the newspapers. He started from scratch, was praised as a business genius and so on, and then died young. And it was very Poor...the newspapers you collected said that all his family members were dead. I the same as him?"

"It seems like this so far. If you don't know Lin Yifan and have never interacted with him, then we need to find out what you two have in common. This is Lin Yifan's life experience. See if it looks familiar to you. Content."

"Well, this... s-no, I mean, except that we are both in Minqing City now, there is no overlap, and the companies are not together..."

"What about social relationships? Is there anyone you have in common who is your mutual friend?"

"This... not even. I don't know anyone here."

"Okay. Then we will continue to investigate."

"Does the amulet have any special reaction?"

"Ah? No. I always carry the amulet you gave me. It's nothing special."

"You've stopped communicating with people, right?"

"This... this can't be completely stopped, right? And many people are already my relatives and friends..."

"It is best to reduce contact. We are currently unable to figure out the pattern of this kind of death. For the sake of safety, it is best for you to reduce related behaviors recently."

"I understand. I...I...I want to ask, did Lin Yifan really commit suicide?"

"I can't be sure. It may be that, as the newspaper reported, family and friends died and committed suicide after they couldn't bear it any longer. It may also be that after death, it was his turn."

"Scared! This...this, what, what should I do?"

"That's why I asked you to stop related behaviors. If this supernatural event has a selection criterion, we can also make some arrangements. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is completely random. The distance from you is not the criterion for selecting the deceased, so we will It’s hard to grasp.”

"But as an attempt, we hope it will have a standard. Please suspend your money-making behavior and contact with others, and only keep in touch with us, just in the hope that it will target us."

"Then you are not!"

"You don't have to worry about our safety."

"That's it...I understand."

On June 30, 2010, Lin Yifan’s old colleague Sun Xiangbao was contacted. Audio file 06620100630.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Sun."

"Hello everyone. I didn't expect that Lin Yifan has been dead for so many years, and there are still newspapers that want to write about him."

"Mr. Lin's deeds are very inspiring. No matter how many years have passed, some people will remember him and it can touch many people."

"Haha, probably."

"Can you tell me about your impression of Mr. Lin Yifan?"

"My impression was that he was a pitiful man. When he died, reporters came to interview him. That's what I said, but it didn't appear in the newspapers. The words published in the newspapers were, as you say, 'inspiring.'"

"The poor man refers to the loss of his relatives and friends?"

"No, it was the years he was in business. You outsiders have no idea that he and I worked together in a scientific research institute at that time. The salary was not much, but the benefits were very good. Life was pretty good at first, and he liked it very much. He was working, but in 1994, his wife was diagnosed with a serious illness. I remember it was a tumor, and it cost a lot of money to treat the disease. The family took out all their savings and borrowed money from everywhere, but it was still not enough."

"This point seems not to have been reported in the past news. However, we did find Mrs. Lin's medical records."

"He hid it from his lover."

"Hiding it from Mrs. Lin?"

"Yes, he hid it from his lover and from many people. Because the medical expenses were too high, he was afraid that his lover would give up the treatment on his own initiative, so he didn't say anything. I only found out about this by chance."

"Did Mr. Lin go into business to raise medical expenses?"

"Yes. He went into business, buying and selling, because at that time, how should I put it... it was just right, the market was just right, he was smart, and he did make a little money, but he invested it all in his lover's bottomless pit. I didn’t have much money, so I kept working as a small trader. Later, I made a lot of money, and then I started to stabilize and built my own factory.”

"Do you know what happened to that business that made him so much money?"

"I'm not very sure. I also read it in the news. He said it was a pie in the sky. He was trying to save something, and a rich man took a fancy to it and bought it at a huge price."

"That's indeed what the previous interview record said. He was still in contact with you at that time, right? Didn't he reveal any information?"

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