Aoba Office

Chapter 327 yiyi (1)

The dream came to an abrupt end, and I woke up to find it was dawn.

The dream was obviously very short, but in reality a whole night had passed.

I was in a daze for a while, and suddenly realized that if the ghosts who dragged the children into the pond were faceless female corpses with "faces in the water", then this matter had something to do with Qingye, and would I also be involved? ?

I have a little headache.

Just the number of ghosts makes me feel troubled. Not to mention that they have dragged countless people into the water over the years... If they are really them, their purpose is probably not to capture a substitute for the water ghost. And the dozen or so ghosts with exposed eyes that Fatty and I saw in the news video were definitely not female ghosts, because they had hair.

I was thinking wildly, and since it was the weekend, I wasn't in a hurry to get up.

As usual, touch your phone first when you open your eyes.

The dark screen of my phone reflected my face. Of course, the face that has just woken up is not good-looking. Even if it is a handsome guy or a beautiful girl, I firmly believe that their face will definitely be somewhat deformed after sleeping all night. However, slightly swollen and a little oily, this face cannot be considered scary. Eyes are still eyes, nose is still a nose, nothing weird happens.

I glanced at it subconsciously, opened the screen of my phone a little slower than usual, and searched online for the accidental incident of a forest park pond falling into the water.

Chen Xiaoqiu also searched yesterday. There were many accidents and some deaths. The earliest time could be traced back to several years ago. The photos in the news may not be on-site photos, and even some of them, I can tell at a glance that they are not the pond in Forest Park at all, and I don’t know where the news editor found the accompanying pictures. Such news content is of course useless to me.

The latest news is yesterday's news. In the news, pseudonyms were used and the children were called "Kangkang", which made me a little confused. I don’t know much about journalism, but I also know that some pseudonyms are randomly chosen by reporters and have nothing to do with the names of the people involved. Fortunately, when it comes to irresponsible reporters, the mosaic is thin and cannot be blocked. There are also news video clips that do not cut out the names that other interviewees call someone. Even using a pseudonym won't help. I believe what I heard more than the pseudonyms written by reporters. I heard "yiyi", but I'm not sure which one is "yiyi". I saw more than a dozen ghosts in the news video, and only ghosts know which one is "yiyi".

I want to find "yiyi" and determine whether what I did in the dream last night had any impact on reality. "yiyi"'s father probably didn't notice "yiyi" falling into the water in the "past". It was my intervention that allowed "yiyi" to emerge and be discovered. Although he failed to save the child, maybe the reality will change.

This matter can only be entrusted to Chen Xiaoqiu and Chen Yihan to check.

I stopped lingering in bed, got up, washed up, had breakfast, went to the group, told them about the dream, and asked Chen Xiaoqiu to tell Chen Yihan.

After all, it has something to do with Qingye. I'm afraid none of the five of us can escape from this matter, just like what happened to Xiao Tianci last time.

Speaking of which, the last time I met Xiao Tianci was because Fatty suggested going shooting. This time I discovered those female ghosts because Fatty watched the news.

When I was thinking this, the thin man had already expressed the same opinion and was thinking along the same lines as me.

The expressive power of words is actually very strong. Even though I didn't hear the thin man's voice, I felt the thin man's emotions when I saw the string of "...".

As soon as the screen swiped, Fatty quickly answered a string of "...".

Chen Xiaoqiu didn't know if he went to find Chen Yihan, but there was no response.

Guo Yujie spoke immediately, replacing the period with "!!!!!!". She also said: "Maybe after this time, Fatty's abilities will appear!"

To a certain extent, this guess fits the routine. The premise is that there is a routine to all this.

"Fate! Fate!" The thin man said five words, with a somewhat ancient tone.

Fate and destiny can also be regarded as a routine. As I thought about it, I felt more and more that Fatty would definitely be involved this time.

The fat man flashed several expressions of horror.

I looked very awkward, always feeling that those frightened faces would suddenly distort.

Chen Xiaoqiu came back, "I have already told my uncle, he will check it out. This kind of accidental death is basically recorded in the police station."

After all, it is an abnormal death, and the police need to issue a death certificate, which will be recorded in the police station. Sometimes a body needs to be recovered and someone calls the police, and police records are indispensable.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "The search will be quick. If it is confirmed, he will find a way to seal the pond and drain the water."

"Then what? Do you want to dig up the body?" Guo Yujie asked.


The thin man imitated the fat man's expression of fear.

"You can't dig it out. If you can dig it out, you should have discovered it when the park was built." Fatty analyzed, "There are more than a dozen corpses, they can't be hidden."

The thin man interrupted: "You may need to dig."

He immediately sent another sentence: "Your ability may be the sense of smell, like a police dog, discovering corpses."

The fat man responded with a sideways expression.

The thin man replied with a funny face.

I can't stand it anymore. I always feel like there's something wrong with these emoticons, especially the animated ones, it's really scary.

I put down my phone, closed my eyes, and rubbed my eye point. I'm pretty sure I didn't become a member of Death Solitaire. It's a bit like the aftereffects of watching a horror movie, with a psychological shadow. After a while, this feeling will subside, just like when I opened the door these days, I didn't hesitate or doubt that the door I opened was connected to other places.

Compared to the door, those faces made me more stressed, because Qingye hadn’t solved this incident, maybe the five of us would run into each other. Qingye has found out the culprit of this incident. I think the five of us are completely inadequate. Just like Xiao Tianci that time, we can only hope that Qingye's people have a backup plan.

With this in mind, I picked up my phone again and gave the other four people a heads up.

The thin man just made a habitual scared face, and then he made a series of vertical periods to erase that expression.

"Brother Qi, don't scare me!" The thin man was very excited.

I know that he is a loyal user of blingbling.

Fatty used to be a fat guy, but now he brushes it less.

As for Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu, Chen Xiaoqiu doesn't have an account, and Guo Yujie is about the same as me, only entertaining occasionally.

The thin man first checked his own account and found that the UID number did not end in 8. The other two people also checked and found that it was not the same. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A thought flashed through my mind, and I reminded Chen Xiaoqiu: "Don't register."

"I know." Chen Xiaoqiu's response was very flat.

I don’t think Chen Xiaoqiu is seeking death, so I feel relieved.

Gradually no one spoke in the group, and everyone went to do their own things. At night, the group notification sounded, and it was a message from Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Yihan has asked people to find out, but in all the police records, there is no one named "yi" who had an accident in the pond.

We were all surprised when several rows of question marks appeared in the chat window.

"Brother Qi's dream can't go wrong, right? That means no one noticed?" the thin man replied.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Chen Xiaoqiu replied, adding, "It will take some time to pump out the water. Whether there are corpses or not, we will know when the time comes."

Thanks Oo. Lolicon, keep away from strangers, feng shui guide, disappointment, black python reward ~ thank you all!

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