Aoba Office

Chapter 328 yiyi (2)

Although Chen Yihan is the chief of the Minqing City Police Department, ordering a park to drain the water from the pond cannot be done in just one or two sentences. I guessed that he might use the recent drowning incident to get the park in order and take the opportunity to bring up the issue of water pumping again. Even so, it has to go through other government departments, and the police department alone cannot issue orders.

We all thought it would take at least ten days and a half to accomplish this. Unexpectedly, Chen Yihan called Chen Xiaoqiu before getting off work on Monday.

If you call during working hours, it must be urgent. Chen Xiaoqiu answered the phone and after listening to a few sentences, he turned to look at me.

I felt baffled and a little flustered. Could it be that the body was found? Did those female ghosts and water ghosts appear on their own?

I thought a lot, and Chen Xiaoqiu had already returned to his usual calm expression. After talking to Chen Yihan in a "hmm, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, situations," situations.

Guo Yujie was impatient and asked directly: "How is Xiaoqiu? Is it the pond in the Forest Park?"

The thin man also urged: "Stop being so secretive and tell me now!"

Chen Xiaoqiu raised his eyes again and looked at me steadily, "Two days ago, starting from the second day of your dream, a man ran to the pond in the Forest Park and jumped down, looking for something in the pond. Park people pulled him up several times, but he would rush in again. He said his son was inside."

I opened my mouth in surprise, "Could it be..."

"After a few days of turmoil, the park called the police today. His name is Tian Mingchun, and his son's name is Tian Yifan. The son disappeared in the Forest Park in 2003 and has not been found until now." Chen Xiaoqiu continued.

I thought about the child and the anxious man I saw in my dream, and I suddenly felt sad.

"It's the person Aoba once investigated...that's the one..." I sighed.

What I dreamed about was actually Tian Yifan, which was beyond my expectation. The feeling of sadness became even heavier.

Disappeared, or should I say died, in 2003. It has been nineteen years now. Did the child just stay in the dark pool?

"The water pumping has only been done for the past two days." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Chen Yihan told her exactly what happened, and the whole thing was by no means as simple as Chen Xiaoqiu's few words.

Tian Mingchun jumped into the pond to look for his son. Visitors and staff in the park initially thought that another child had fallen into the water. But the others checked the surveillance camera and found that Tian Mingchun rushed all the way from the park entrance to the pond and jumped directly into the pond. There were no children. Tian Mingchun acted crazy and screamed that he wanted to jump into the pond to find his son. Everyone then speculated that he had a son who fell into the water and died many years ago. He recently watched the news, so he was stimulated or something. Everyone sympathized with the grieving father, comforted him, and asked him about it, but the stories they heard were even more tearful.

Tian Mingchun said that Tian Yifan disappeared near here nineteen years ago. He heard the sound of falling water at that time. But he turned around and didn't see anyone, so he didn't take it seriously. When they found out that the child was missing, they called the police and looked for someone, and everyone assumed that the child was lost or abducted. If Tian Mingchun could hear the sound of water and go take a look, he might be able to save the child.

Tian Mingchun also said that he dreamed about Tian Yifan, and dreamed about nineteen years ago. But this time, he heard the noise and saw Tian Yifan. He jumped in to rescue regardless of his own safety, but did not touch the hem of the child's clothes.

Everyone thought it was a child entrusting a dream.

Tian Mingchun's madness was also understood.

All five of us thought about my dream.

The reality has not been changed, but Tian Mingchun has been affected by me. Perhaps it was my expectation at that moment that someone would discover the child that caused that dream to pass to Tian Mingchun's mind.

We know the reality and the truth. No one else knows. Although Tian Mingchun was very pitiful and everyone sympathized with him, after all, it had been 19 years. During these 19 years, the park had not cleaned the pond, but nothing had been found. Even during the search and rescue in the past two days, only the body of one child was found.

Tian Mingchun went to the park to jump in the pond every day. The park finally had no choice but to call the police. Chen Yihan stared at the forest park. When he learned about the situation immediately, he took the opportunity to make a decision to pump water and thoroughly investigate the pond.

I called Gumo and told him about it.

Qingye didn't know Tian Mingchun until 15 years ago. Gumo had already been arrested and imprisoned by that Christina. She didn't participate in Qingye's commission at all, but it was Qingye's commission after all. I think Gumo should still be dragged there. This old timer.

I could hear Gu Mo shaking his head on the phone.

"No, no, you already mentioned a dozen female ghosts and a group of water ghosts. I have to go. I'm going to be deaf." Gu Mo sighed.

"If you don't go, what will we do?" I said with a dark face.

"That's it. I'm an old man and I can't bear such torture." Gu Mo pretended to be pitiful.

This old man is still playing games. I can hear the sound effects of swords and swords clearly on the other end of the phone, as well as the characters chirping and shouting the names of skills. It is rare to see such a trendy old man.

"Then we'll record it for you to listen to." I said decisively, "You were used to working like this when you were in Qingye, right? Do you have any recommendations for recording equipment? Do you have professional equipment?"

There was silence over Gumo, and even the game seemed to be suspended.

"Oh... forget it, just go." Gu Mo said helplessly, "You guys can find someone to pick me up."

He finally agreed, and even though the uncle wanted someone to pick him up, I didn't say anything else.

Because it was a working day, Shouzi and Guo Yujie, the two who had not opened their Yin and Yang eyes, did not follow. Fatty, Chen Xiaoqiu and I made excuses to go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, drove out of the office, picked up Gu Mo, and went to the Forest Park together.

I kept questioning Gu Mo on the road, but Gu Mo really had no idea about this matter and had no opinion.

"You also said that I only listen to recordings in the office. How can I know so much?" Gu Mo spread his hands and looked like a scumbag.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "What are you going to hear, and what will you do next?"

"Just tell Ye Zi. Both Ye Zi and Ling are capable. Even that idiot Liu Miao at least has well-developed limbs." Gu Mo shrugged.

"Is Liu Miao incapable?" I asked.

"No." Gu Mo replied carelessly.

I looked at Gu Mo suspiciously.

"Look, I answered, if you don't believe me, then what else do you have to ask?" Gu Mo looked at me with an expression that said, "What a naughty kid!"

I was extremely depressed, but there was nothing I could do about him.

Judging from the files alone, Liu Miao really didn't show any magical abilities. He and Gu Mo should be considered the two more down-to-earth ones among Qingye, always looking like enthusiastic and cheerful young people, while Gu Mo is an old man. Needless to say, Ye Qing; Wu Ling is also cold, always likes to use honorifics when speaking, has a business-like attitude, and even comforts those clients, he is very stiff; Nangong doesn't talk much, I guess he is responsible for Qingye's behind-the-scenes investigations At work, he should be the one who hacked into the public security system and hacked into the databases of various companies. In videos and dreams, I have seen several mosaic people. If I met them in daily life, Liu Miao would be the least likely to make people suspicious. Ye Qing, Wu Ling and Nangong would all be suspicious. Sense of distance. As for Gu Mo, it’s really hard to describe.

"We're here." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

It’s the last day of January~

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