Aoba Office

Chapter 326 The tug of war in the pond

The narrator of the news was still explaining the salvage and rescue process, but I was not in the mood to listen anymore.

The scene switched to interviews with rescue workers, and I was still thinking about those heads and eyes I had just seen.

The video ended and the four of us remained silent.

The thin man came back from the toilet. Seeing us like this, he asked uneasily: "What's wrong? Is there really a ghost?"

"Well, quite a bit." Chen Xiaoqiu replied, his voice quite calm.

The thin man rubbed the back of his head, "Now, what do you decide to do?"

Guo Yujie and Fatty looked directly at me. Chen Xiaoqiu thought for a while before turning his gaze to me.

I was startled and quickly thought of another question.

"Tonight..." I just started, but I couldn't continue.

But they all understood what I meant.

"Then let's make a decision after you see the situation." Chen Xiaoqiu continued to be calm.

I smiled bitterly, but couldn't say anything to refute.

That night, I didn't resist and was in bed early at nine o'clock.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard the sound of water.

There was a loud pop.

The leaves brushed my body and the water drowned me.

I floated up subconsciously and saw the bright sunshine.

The sun was a bit dazzling, which made me dizzy for a moment.

The sound of rushing water brought my attention back.

When I lowered my head, I saw the duckweeds undulating and colliding, and water droplets splashing around.

Even though I had experienced what happened to Lu Yanning, I still reached out and grabbed his body when I noticed the little face squeezed out of the duckweed.

A drowning person will struggle desperately, and the rescuer may be dragged into the water and drown together.

I have no such concerns. I am only conscious now. I have no body at all. I don’t need to breathe. Even if I am immersed in water, I will not drown.

The child's strength was not as strong as Lu Yanning's. His struggle was just instinct, not Lu Yanning's hatred of wanting to kill me. I quickly grabbed his two arms and was able to pull his little body up. Out of the water.

At this time, I thought of a question.

In my dreams, I could sometimes touch things and sometimes not. If you can, you might be able to change reality, and you might even be able to bring things directly into reality.

Do I pull this kid up, do I allow him to be rescued, or do I just drag him to my bed? This is not Gumo, it is not a file. If it is really dragged to my bed, how should I explain it?

This struggle lasted for a while, but my hands did not relax.

The child's head stuck out of the water, spit out water, and breathed heavily.

I thought that I would just keep this strength and drag him to the shore. He turned around and looked around. It would be great if someone nearby discovered the child in the pond.

There were indeed people by the pond, all tourists playing in the park.

A man happened to look over. There was a woman standing next to the man. She was about the same age, both in her thirties. They looked like a couple. I thought the man could see me, but when he turned back, I realized that he couldn't see me, and the child's current position was in the blind spot of his sight.

The child was held by my hand and had lost all strength and no longer struggled. There was still a frightened look on his face, his eyes were wide open, and he looked like he was about to cry. How could anyone detect me without making any sound?

"Are you okay?" I asked, dragging the child to the shore.

The place where the child fell into the water was not far from the shore. This made it difficult for people on the shore to spot the child, but it also saved me a lot of trouble.

I don’t know if the children heard what I said. He was silent and looked frightened.

Seeing that the bank of the pond was right in front of me, I didn't ask any more questions. I pulled the child's body up a little higher and moved one hand to his armpit to pick him up.

The hand touched the duckweed and the water. I also put my other hand under the child's armpit, held the child's body with both hands, and lifted him up.

The child's upper body was completely exposed from the water, and the water made a splash.

I was startled and turned my head to look at the shore.

This sound indeed attracted the attention of the man on the shore, and he turned his head again. He must have seen the child now, his eyes widened suddenly, he turned on his heels and rushed over.

"Yiyi!" the man shouted.

The woman also turned her head and suddenly screamed in the same panic as the man.

The child I was holding burst into tears when he heard the cry and saw the man.

"Dad! Dad! Save me! There is a monster!"

I'm confused.

Suddenly, I felt the child in my hand sink, and the upper body exposed in the water suddenly fell back into the water.

I was carried down and my arms fell into the water.

The child's head was soon submerged, and his hands were waving wildly on the surface of the water.

I tried my best to suck the milk, but I couldn't compete with him at all.

At this moment, I really didn't think about anything. I didn't think about my own safety or what the "monster" in the child's mouth was. I instinctively took a deep breath, held my breath, and got into the water.

The sun was shining brightly above the water, but it was dark below the water.

Duckweed blocked the sun. The bottom of this pond is as dark as the Luoqu River at night.

I could only reach out and grope, while holding the child firmly with one hand to prevent him from being completely dragged under the water.

I followed the child's legs and finally touched the monster's claws. I quickly determined that it was not a claw, but a human hand, and it felt like a woman's hand.

Without thinking too much, I opened the hand.

My body and the child's body jumped to the surface of the water.

But at this moment, our ascent stopped. I heard a sound under the water, and when I reached out to touch it, what I touched was no longer a hand.

I was horrified, and what immediately appeared in my mind was Lu Manning's four hands grabbing mine.

Corpses and ghosts appeared at the same time?

Even so, I can't just let go of the child. I could only continue to pull. Gradually, more hands stretched out from the water and grabbed the child's body.

I was exhausted and desperate.

Lu Yanning, a ghost, was dragged into the puddle like an abyss by countless hands, and died like this. What are my chances of winning against so many water ghosts on my own, plus a child with no fighting ability?

I don't have time to count now, and I forgot to count when I was watching the news video, but it is certain that the total number of these water ghosts exceeds ten.

I became exhausted, and the child's motionless body had already sunk a little.

Suddenly, my eyes lit up.

There was the sound of water and shouts overhead.

There was a pop, and someone seemed to jump down.

I thought of that man, and I felt hope again.

Just as I was thinking this, my eyes adjusted to the light and I saw clearly the water ghosts holding the children.

I thought I would see many pairs of eyes, but what I saw was a ferocious head.

Those heads were full of scars, without hair, lips or eyelids, as if their skin had been peeled off.

I was excited and an idea suddenly came to my mind.

In the incident of "Ghostface in the Water", the client, Fang Guoying, encountered the ghostface while boating in the Forest Park.

Forest Park is located on the original site of the old ancestral temple.

The faces of those women changed into grimaces, and they wandered to different places, where they continued to cause trouble.

So, what about the bodies of those women?

These corpses worked together, and I was caught off guard. My hands were gone, and the child was completely dragged into the dark water.

I'll take a break today and do three updates as normal.

Goodnight everybody.

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