Aoba Office

Chapter 261 No. 055-Story Solitaire (10)

At this point in the video, fast forward finally appears. The flames jumped violently, and the pool of liquid burned faster, with the area and thickness shrinking. The red and yellow flames gradually dimmed and turned into a cold color, not dark green, but a mixture of green and blue, and the pool of liquid also turned into this weird color.

When the fire was completely extinguished, a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the room, swirling around and disappearing just as abruptly as it appeared. The body was gone in this room, but traces of blood remained, and many of the household furnishings were damaged and covered in dust. The fire that happened before and the wind that appeared before seemed like a dream.

Wu Ling stepped into the room, and the camera searched the empty room.

This room is a little different from the one next door. It has a bed, a table, a chair, and a bench. The bed is the same, but the table, chair, and bench include a desk, a master's chair, and a cabinet against the wall. The wooden furniture and the thread-bound books in the cabinet were not damaged by the fire just now.

Wu Ling checked the furniture and books but found nothing.

The camera turned to the old man.

The old man's face was one of deep contemplation, sweat squeezed out from the wrinkles on his forehead, and black pus and blood flowed out of the horrific wound on his neck.

"There aren't two rooms, so it's in the backyard. Does the first door lead to the backyard?" Wu Ling asked, already raising his feet to leave.

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up and he clasped his hands together, "That's right! When she was being treated here, she even went to the toilet!"

"A filthy place is the most suitable for laying out some evil spells." Wu Ling commented.

The old man ran out in a hurry. He looked like he was twenty years younger and had a head start in life. But he is a dead person in reality, and a hundred years have passed in reality. What will happen if he goes out?

Wu Ling followed.

The camera captured the scene behind the first door.

Behind the small porch is a spacious yard with a row of houses at the back. The whole yard is square, with a piece missing in the lower left corner and a wall built, which should be where the two rooms are.

The courtyard was open above, but it was pitch black, as if someone had painted the sky with ink. Even a moonless and starless night cannot be this dark. This black color is just like the scene first taken outside Shennong Hall.

The old man ran to the small hut on the right and pushed the door open.

The camera first looked around the courtyard, taking pictures of the entire courtyard, and then moved to the toilet.

The ancient toilets were simple and simple, with a wooden bucket inside. Although it had obviously been cleaned and had accumulated dust like other furniture, it still made people feel a little uncomfortable. The old man didn't feel sick, he was so energetic that he touched all four walls of the toilet, and then turned the toilet bucket over and over to look through it.

Wu Ling reminded: "There are traces on the ground."

The old man then put Gong Tong aside.

The camera zoomed in, facing the original position of Gong Tong. Because there is dust everywhere, there is a very clear mark on the ground here.

"This is just ashes." The old man lay on the ground and wiped it, and said "Hey" again.

Where his hand wiped, the dust was gone, but there was still a trace.

"Could it be that Gongtong has been left there for a long time..." The old man kept groping on the ground, with a strong research spirit.

Wu Ling didn't push him and just filmed from the sidelines.

The floor of the toilet is not paved with blue bricks, but with rammed earth. The old man touched it a little nervously. Gradually, he used strength and began to dig with his bare hands. The nails on his hands quickly turned up and were bloody, but he seemed to have no feeling and was digging like a man possessed.

The excavated soil was thrown aside casually. He didn't dig for too long. His hands stopped and his whole body began to tremble. After a while, the old man turned his head tremblingly.

In the camera, the old man's expression was very strange, looking like he was laughing, crying, confused and filled with hatred.

Wu Ling still didn't speak. He just held the DV steadily without shaking the camera. He didn't take pictures of what the old man dug up, nor did he take any close-ups of the old man.

The old man exhaled and turned his head back. His digging movements became steady, but his body was still trembling slightly. He carefully brushed something away from the pit, and then used both hands to hold something out.

There was something wrapped in a worn-out straw mat, which was not big. The old man carefully placed it on the ground. His energy before seemed to be more than twenty years younger. Now, he suddenly looked older again. His whole spirit was drained away, revealing the fear of being frightened to death.

Wu Ling stepped forward now and lifted up the straw mat.

The old man's hand appeared in the camera lens, as if to block Wu Ling's movement, but it was a step too late.

In the camera lens, the straw mat was lifted, and what suddenly appeared was the body of a baby, which was mostly rotten. There were maggots crawling on it and burrowing through the gaps in the clothes.

"Is it Yang's child?" Wu Ling asked calmly.

The old man touched the straw mat and then the faded clothes, "I don't know... that child... Yang is holding the body..." He spoke intermittently, without gasping for breath or hesitating. Just an unbearable pain.

"What's going on?" Wu Ling's tone was a little more serious.

The camera turned and focused on the old man.

The old man collapsed on the ground, looking at the little corpse blankly, and muddy tears suddenly flowed from his eyes.

After a long time, the old man said: "I remember that day, Mrs. Yang came in with the child in her arms. The child's face was already blue at that time. Doctor Xu called me in a hurry when he saw it. I was in the back giving people an acupuncture, and when I heard He came out in a hurry. When he saw the child acting like this, he snatched him from Yang's arms, took him to the inner room, gave him acupuncture, massage, and asked Dr. Xu to make medicinal soup. Children can't eat that kind of food. Big pills, Dr. Xu turned the first-aid pills into water... We were busy, and Mrs. Yang was crying next to us to save his son... It should be my eldest son, he is also in the hospital. Sitting in the hall, he helped comfort Ms. Yang and told Ms. Yang not to disturb her. When Dr. Xu came in with the medicine, Ms. Yang bumped into him and the bowl of medicine was spilled... In fact, whether it was spilled or not, whether it was poured into the child to eat, or not, would We don’t know what effect it has. Our era cannot compare to your era..."

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "The child is dead. Ms. Yang stopped making trouble. She kept crying while holding the child, as if she had lost her soul. Her husband's family came after them later. As soon as they heard that the child was dead, they said We were the ones who killed people. I only found out after asking around that Ms. Yang was having a hard time in her husband's family. Her parents-in-law didn't like her. She finally got a child, but the child died like this... Yang's My husband's family wanted to extort money, so I made the decision and gave some money for the funeral. I made it clear that it was the money for the funeral, not that we had treated the person to death. They refused to let me go. My eldest grandson, who was only more than ten years old, was in the hospital at the time. He worked as an apprentice there. He was young and had a bad temper, so he argued with the family. He made it very clear that the child's disease was difficult to cure in the first place, and it was already too late when he was sent to the doctor. Yang even spilled the soup. , and also found out that many of their relatives suffered from heart palpitations and died. But no matter how clear he explained it, so what? Those people didn’t reason with us at all..."

The old man shed tears again, "My eldest son was beaten so hard by them that he almost lost his hand and will no longer be able to practice medicine. The eldest grandson became silent after that. I saw that something was wrong, so I had no choice but to ask an official. I asked the official's mother for Ping'an pulse. He always took care of our hospital. He came forward to ask for official duties and finally suppressed the matter. However, the family stopped making trouble, and Mrs. Yang was crazy, but it was not give up."

I can’t, I’m sleepy...I’ll update here today...

I'm about to reach the achievement of Chapter 10. _(:3 ∠)_

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