Aoba Office

Chapter 260 No. 055-Story Solitaire (9)

The camera shook violently, and only the turned corpses and an abnormally long pale arm could be seen. The arm bent wantonly, slithering like a snake. The scene went back and forth, and in addition to the sound of corpses turning over, there were also screams and exclamations.

Immediately afterwards, a clear female voice drowned out these noises. It could be called an ethereal and melodious voice, but it had a wonderful deafening effect, like the rumble of many monks chanting sutras together in a large temple.

The arm in the picture froze in place, shrinking back in panic. In the process, the pale skin on my arms fell off piece by piece like paint peeling off an old wall. There is always a limit to arm length. A deformed hand appeared at the end of the arm, flying from the upper left corner of the screen into the right half. The palm of that hand was very small, and the fingers were very long, like a mechanical hand. The knuckles were not three, but five or six, and each section was as long as a normal human finger. The nails are black and shaped like needles. The hands were as pale as the arms, with no trace of blood visible, and no palm prints on the palms. There was a piece of yellow talisman paper taped there, which was so yellow that it looked dazzling, as if it had been sprinkled with gold powder.

When the arms and hands were completely retracted into the pile of corpses, a lot of white paper-like skin fragments fell on the corpses on the ground.

"Just now... just now..." Geng Qian's voice came from outside the screen, with a frightened trembling tone.

Another girl suddenly burst out screaming, followed by a series of rapid footsteps.

"That's it..." The old man's voice was hoarse and he asked again, "What should we do now?"

Wu Ling's tone was the calmest. Her voice was no different from before, "It's a bit troublesome. Do you have a fire here?"

The old man responded, "There are firewood, firewood, and some cooking oil in the backyard."

"Go and get it." Wu Ling ordered.

"I, I will go too...I..." Geng Qian stammered.

No one answered this, but the footsteps that followed were not from one person, and the sound of bare feet stepping on the floor tiles was obvious.

The camera is focused on the pile of corpses, searching around, and zooming in from time to time. The terrifying appearance of those corpses suddenly enlarged, which was a bit scary, but after a few times, the impact weakened.

At this time, the old man and Geng Qian also came back.

Wu Ling turned the camera to the door.

The two came out of the first door in the corridor. The old man held firewood in his hand, and Geng Qian held a bucket and a fire seal in his hand. The bucket was old and stale, and the surface was covered in dust like the furniture outside. Geng Qian held the bucket in one hand and the fire stick in the other hand, blowing it as she walked.

A cigar is shaped like a cylindrical tube, similar to a cigar, but smaller than a cigar. Geng Qian blew it several times, but she didn't know whether it was a matter of technique or if it had been left out for a long time, and the sparks always flashed away.

The old man was holding firewood and didn't pay attention to this for a while.

The camera was focused on Geng Qian, and it suddenly zoomed in, enlarging Geng Qian's face to the entire screen.

The pixels of DV are very high. In this case, every subtle change on Geng Qian's face was recorded. She was blowing the fire tune, but her eyes were spinning in her sockets, extremely restless. From time to time she glanced at the top of the camera, probably observing Wu Ling.

The camera suddenly zoomed out again, no longer showing Geng Qian in close-up.

Geng Qian was very close to Wu Ling now. She walked in a hurry, her bare feet slipped on the caked blood on the ground, and her body suddenly jumped forward. She yelled "Ouch" and threw the bucket in her hand. The light yellow oil spilled out, filling the air. the whole picture.

The camera quickly swiped and focused on the ground. A hand appeared in the screen. The hand was clenched into a fist and raised up, breaking through the layer of oil. In the picture, oil was poured on Wu Ling's body, and the camera quickly returned to its original position. The fist had been extended, and its palm was aimed at Geng Qian's face.

Geng Qian, who was rushing forward, raised her other hand at this time. The fire stick in her hand had already ignited with scarlet fire, and she stabbed it like a sword. Her expression was ferocious, and a black aura covered her face like a mask. The ferocious expression turned into fear in the next second.

Wu Ling pressed her hand on Geng Qian's face, and Geng Qian let out an earth-shattering scream.

Dong dong dong...

The old man dropped all the firewood in his hands. He looked at the scene in front of him at a loss. That dull face and Geng Qian's distorted face appeared in the screen one after another.

Wu Ling stopped. Geng Qian rolled on the ground in pain, holding her face and howling non-stop.

The camera drooped and focused on Geng Qian.

"What...what's going on?" the old man murmured.

He must have experienced strong winds and waves, but seeing this scene, he still couldn't recover.

"Possessed. That woman has been possessed by her for a long time. There was no chance to get close to her before, but now I finally have one." Wu Ling's tone was as calm as water, as if he had done something insignificant.

"The hand just now..."

"It's just a small trick." Wu Ling still disagreed.

Black smoke came out from between Geng Qian's fingers, as if her face was burning. She kept screaming, hoarse at the top of her lungs. Slowly, the struggle lessened and her screams became weaker.

When Geng Qian stopped moving completely, Wu Ling knelt down and pulled away the hand covering Geng Qian's face.

That was no longer Geng Qian's face, but a strange woman's. Her face was full of resentment, her eyes were round and bloodshot, and her pupils were abnormally gray. Because of that expression, her facial features couldn't be said to be good-looking or ugly, but that face made people feel chills running down their spines just by looking at it.

"It's Yang." The old man said in a complicated tone, "How come... this has never happened before."

"It's nothing strange. You were all thinking about your own survival before, right? And you are determined. This girl is different. She has a crush who is currently being protected by us. If this matter is not resolved, he may come in at any time. "Wu Ling stood up, and the camera zoomed out, so there was no need to take a close-up of Yang's face.

The old man sighed, and then changed his tone of expectation, "Then she is dead now, can we go out?"

The camera pans to the room where the body is kept.

"The key to this alien space is not Yang himself."

The camera moved with Wu Ling and entered the room.

"These corpses still need to be cleaned up." Wu Ling said, turning around again and focusing the camera on the old man who followed him to the door. "Let's set the corpses on fire."

The old man went to get firewood, reminded him that the oil was gone, and then went to pick up firewood to make a fire. In this regard, Wu Ling was probably not able to help at all, so he dragged the body of Yang or Geng Qian into the room and threw it into the pile of corpses. The old man lit the fire, but it didn't burn very well. The two had to wait.

The flames gradually devoured the piles of corpses and covered Yang's spiteful face.

After the body was burned, the fire jumped and became more intense. There was a hint of dark green in the red and yellow fire, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

"Is this okay?" the old man asked anxiously.

"No problem." Wu Ling was very calm.

As the flames continued to burn, the dark green slowly receded, and the color of the flames returned to normal. However, the corpse in the flames melted unnaturally and turned into a pool of viscous liquid, which condensed together and the intensity of the fire also decreased. But it continues and burns quietly.

Thanks to Zizhu Qingfeng, Book Friends 151223190544742, Book Friends 161228144708493, Book Friends 160426215840313, Xinge Dujiu, layerll, I want to reward the bookworm with the longest name. Thank you so much everyone!

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