Aoba Office

Chapter 262 No. 055-Story Solitaire (11)

When the old man said this, his tone was full of regret. I wonder if he regretted his decision to save the child? Do you regret not approaching an official immediately? Or did you regret that you were kind-hearted and left Yang in the hospital for treatment?

The old man continued: "I saw how miserable she was, and she was really pitiful. Her husband's family and her mother's family didn't care about her, and she became a crazy woman... I tied her to the bed and gave her medicine, and she became Good times and bad times, even when she was good, she just lay there silently, letting others control her, as if she had lost her soul. I treated her for more than half a year, and when I checked her pulse again, I found that she was much better, so I let her It's not possible to send her back to her husband's house, but she can be sent back to her parents' house or to a charity... At worst, our Li family can spend some money to do good deeds. The medical center gives medicine to poor families for one month every year and takes care of a weak woman. It’s not a problem. I didn’t expect that…”

"Is she really crazy, or..." Wu Ling asked.

The old man smiled bitterly, "There is nothing wrong with her pulse."

"But it's not possible to completely judge her mental condition just by relying on her pulse."

"From the point of view of modern medicine, yes. But in our time..." The old man shook his head, "When she bit me to death, she was very smart, and she also knew how to thank me and kowtow to me. Of course I want to I bent down to help her, and she took advantage of it... She was later sentenced to death, and my family didn't have anyone to clear it up, all because she did this kind of thing in front of everyone, and in the eyes of others, she did it intentionally. "

"Your nephew told you these, right?" Wu Ling asked again.

The old man frowned, "My nephew told me this when he got here. He also talked about my eldest grandson. He..." the old man looked at the baby's body and covered his face, "He has kissed me since he was a child. , my death was a huge blow to him. My nephew said that he didn’t go to the hospital for a long time, and he didn’t live at home. Then he suddenly came back, and he was not satisfied with the toilet. He got angry over some trivial matter and asked someone to change it. Toilet."

The camera suddenly focused on the baby.

"This body was not put in by that woman, but your grandson?"

"After the child died, he was taken back by his family. Because he died young and for fear of breaking the taboo, he was buried somewhere outside the city." The old man said dullly, "That woman was in and out of the hospital. She didn’t even bring anything with her. It can’t be her, it can only be..."

"The disappearance occurred probably after the toilet was renovated."

"Probably..." The old man cried softly.

"I'm going to get rid of this body." Wu Ling said.

The old man didn't answer and was still crying.

Camera movement.

Wu Ling went to get the fire seal thrown in the front room and prepared to go back.

The girl who ran away showed her head in the corner of the screen, looking at it fearfully and acting timidly.

Wu Ling probably noticed her, but didn't care, turned around and left, and the camera followed.

There were clumsy footsteps outside the screen. The girl must have deliberately stepped lightly, but she couldn't do it right. The footsteps were intermittent and she was very hesitant.

Wu Ling returned to the toilet. The old man stopped crying and looked at the child blankly, his lips moving.

When Wu Ling came closer, his voice was recorded on the DV.

"That kid is just trying to vent my anger... I don't know how he is... He is just trying to vent my anger..."

Wu Ling didn't care about the girl or the old man. He knelt down and held a piece of talisman paper in his hand, pasted it on the baby's body, and blew on the fire fold.

The old man's body suddenly shook, "Some people may be here."

Huo Zhezi stopped in the picture.

The old man hurriedly said: "Some of the young people who came in with her lost control and moved their hands, died, and some ran around and entered the darkness outside... Are they going to..."

"I don't know the situation in this darkness." Wu Ling said decisively.

The old man was uncertain, "What do you mean..."

"In this case, only a few can survive this big trouble." Wu Ling continued to stretch his hand forward, and Huo Zhezi touched the talisman paper.

The talisman burned instantly, as if it had an accelerant, and the fire instantly swept over the body, turning it into a small fireball.

The screen twisted and trembled again.

This is definitely not Wu Ling's hand shaking.

The girl screamed, "What's going on? What happened? Ahhhhh!"

No one spoke up.

The old man looked excited and a little bitter.

Suddenly, the screen went still.

Two seconds later, everything on the screen returned to the room where Wu Ling first told the ghost story. The DV should have fallen to the ground, and the perspective was skewed. There was movement next to them. Someone picked up the DV and took pictures around it. The sofa and wall clock were the same as before. The DV pointed at the sofa was also still there, and the red light that was recording was on.

Wu Ling held up the DV and left the closed room. When he turned the doorknob, messy footsteps and shouts came from outside.

The door was pushed open first, and the camera was almost hit. Wu Ling also stumbled, and the camera shook.


A chest blocks the entire frame.

"Great! You're back!"

"Hmm. How long has it been?"

"about an hour."

"Just over an hour?"

The camera keeps shaking.

Some scenes in the living room outside were captured. On the sofa, there was a man with a mosaic on his face sitting.

"How's it going over there? What's going on?"

The video ends abruptly.

On July 28, 2009, two female classmates who were identified as the client reappeared, including the items that disappeared with them. Everything was as usual, and no one involved in the incident knew about the disappearance of the two people. The members of the firm recovered their memories of previous contacts between the two. The belongings and related memories of other missing students did not appear.

On July 29, 2009, the client and his girlfriend left the office, and nothing unusual happened.

On July 30, 2009, the investigation was concluded.

On May 3, 2014, an ancient burial barrel was excavated underground at the original site of Shennongtang in the capital, containing the bones of an elderly man. Attached: Newspaper.


After reading the last line of the file, I still couldn't come to my senses.

Different space? Parallel space?

Isn't this more nonsense than ghosts?

But if such a thing really exists, is there any clue as to the whereabouts of Ye Qing's missing friend Tang Yu? Maybe he fell into some parallel space and lived a normal life, or maybe he had an extraordinary life like those protagonists in novels who were reborn and traveled through time?

This is the most optimistic idea.

The worst-case scenario is probably that like the old man and the missing people, he falls into a different space and cannot escape.

I remembered again the cracks Ye Qing told the God of Death in the file I read last time...

Thinking about it this way, I felt a little nervous inside.

It's like seeing on the news that someone was walking at night and fell into an opened manhole cover, and was injured or killed as a result. What's even more tragic is falling into a manure pit and drowning...

Fortunately, Guo Yujie called me and interrupted my terrifying fantasy.

Guo Yujie walked in from outside and shouted as soon as she entered, "Lin Qi, the person the old leader found last time has found out."

Thanks Oo. Rewards for Lolicon, Mole Star°, and tsnxyz. thank you all!

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