Aoba Office

Chapter 2162 Separation

"Did you feel it?" Mr. Yang smiled.

I nodded silently and looked at the bizarre world outside.

Most of the chains that covered the sky and filled the two worlds have disappeared, leaving only a few, like candles in the wind, swaying in the air. But in those empty places, new chains are gradually taking shape, but they are still in a translucent state and not stable.

The two worlds are merging, and the rules of the two worlds are being destroyed, reshaped, and constantly circulating.

The consciousness of all souls is being sorted out, and when facing the same big changes, these consciousnesses tend to be unified.

The only thing that is incompatible with both worlds is the space maintained by Mr. Yang.

I am a little worried about Ye Qing.

I can't feel Ye Qing's presence here.

I can see the chains extending from my body, and my chains disappear among countless chains. What is certain is that my body should still exist and still in the real world.

But why can't I feel Ye Qing?

Mr. Yang in the future world, Ye Qing in the real world... These should be the two souls that still have complete memories besides me. I have Ye Qing to thank for preserving my memory.

Did he... disappear? Lost... himself?

I exhaled and let my uneasiness sink into my heart.

I looked at Mr. Yang, who looked very interested.

He seemed to be appreciating the wonders of nature, looking up at the two changing worlds.

"It was you who killed the successor of the new thing, wasn't it?" I asked.

Mr. Yang thought for a moment, "Oh, that... I took those ghost kings with me. Without your consumption of the will of this world, I would have no chance to do anything. I have spent all my energy just to preserve my memory."

He sighed, "Now, finally, enough people have died. They also realized that they are dead."

He said it lightly, and this attitude was somewhat similar to Ye Qing, but with a completely different characteristic.

I remembered the things he did in the real world, the live broadcast of the big-horned deer...

He did not oppose the ghost king, and he had long known the bad influence that the existence of the ghost king had on the whole world, but he enjoyed his identity as a ghost king.

This is the biggest difference between him, Ye Qing, and Liu Che.

I pressed my chest.

The chaotic and unified consciousness was clamoring in my soul.

Mr. Yang turned his head and looked at me, "I was wrong before. I didn't expect you to do this. Because your family and friends are all dead?"

He still talked about death in that light tone.

I saw the light in his eyes. He was looking at me and waiting for my reaction.

I endured the surging emotions in my soul and asked, "Do you want to say that this is Ye Qing's idea?"

Mr. Yang stood up and looked down at me condescendingly.

His face sank, his eyes were indifferent, and the way he looked at me was very explicit, and he did not hide his thoughts about me.

My soul seemed to be pulled by something and slowly rose. I saw the chains in the sky twisted into a ball, as if they suddenly came alive and entangled with the chains on my body.

I was pulled by these chains, and my soul continued to rise.

The emotions of countless souls were injected into my consciousness, leaving me no time to think.

The gray sky enlarged in front of my eyes.

It can't be like this...

I shuddered, and my self-consciousness broke through those clamoring strong emotions.

Life, death, people, ghosts, pain and laughter, all went away at this moment.

I reached out and pressed on the sky.

The power in my body poured out.

Scenes kept passing by my eyes and ears.

Those emotions came back, like a reversed video.

The world of the two worlds began to reverse.




Don't want to die...

Don't want to die...

Don't want to die...

The chaotic and complicated emotions were unified again.

I saw the dead, and I saw the souls who were reborn.

However, at this moment, they all seemed to remember their lives in the last life and the life before that.

Those ordinary lives became distant.

The scenes described in the diary appeared in front of me.

Ye Qing stood on the corner of the street, silently watching the little boy playing.

I vaguely saw my familiar soul, and saw their unfamiliar bodies.

I saw Mingxite, whose appearance was constantly changing.

I saw Ye Zhengyi who was constantly painting.

I saw the porcelain dolls placed in the Wu family warehouse.

I also saw Mo Wen, and Liu Che, who was staring at him with a thoughtful look on his face.

Yellow sand filled the sky.

Buildings were swallowed by the desert, and the desert turned into a vast ocean.

I saw Liu Che standing on the sea.

He seemed to see me.

He was the only one among all these souls who looked at me.

We only looked at each other for a second, but the world has changed drastically, and time seemed to have passed tens of thousands of years.

The sea rolled, and a monster rushed out of the picture. The sea dragon roared. The sky was torn apart, and the black hole exuded an inexplicable and strange breath.

I saw another world.

The buildings preserved by Mr. Yang expanded in this world, like growing creatures, spreading all over the world.

The two worlds separated before my eyes.

The chains of those souls fell off me.

I was still pressing on the gray sky.

The bizarre world around us is returning to normal.

My soul is being swallowed by space.

The whole sky turned gray again.

There was a click.

The chains on my body also fell off.

The ten circles of chains wrapped around the soul slowly disappeared.

My soul seemed to be free, but I could only watch the gray sky getting farther and farther away from me.

There is only where my soul is.

In the world below, strange creatures howled.

I felt the yin energy belonging to Mr. Yang.

His Yin Qi was like an anchor, unchanged from beginning to end.

But from there, I felt his violent fluctuations in emotions.

The yin energy assaulted my soul, and my consciousness was about to be completely swallowed up.

In my mind, memories are like a revolving door, with pictures flashing one by one. a young child, I hadn't pulled my parents out of the car accident, what would have happened?

If everything starts over again, without ghosts, what kind of life will my family and friends have?

At least, it's a long life.

No fear, no worries, not so much... life and death...

Mr. Yang's yin energy has touched my back.

My soul received such an impact that it almost shattered into powder.

Completely blurred consciousness.

The feeling of coldness penetrates the soul.

Suddenly, a hand roughly grabbed my skirt and lifted me up.

I felt as if I had been pulled out of the cold water and suddenly felt warm.

It was the temperature of the sun, shining on my body, making my body relax and my soul fall into deep sleep.

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