Aoba Office

Chapter 2161 Fusion (2)

I didn't deliberately pull Qin Shu, I just asked him to follow me closely.

I have sensed changes in the real world. The Yin energy in both worlds is changing.

Malice is like a seed, germinating and growing.

This is something I didn't expect before.

I forgot that the previous tug-of-war was a struggle between gods from two worlds. Ordinary people, ordinary ghost kings, don't understand why, and they are frequently brainwashed. At most, they have a vague understanding. But now, I have erased the personality of the gods in both worlds, and the tug-of-war has turned into a violent attack. Everyone has seen the truth, and as a result, some people immediately became greedy and crazy.

It’s not just the Ghost King who kills people.

It's like any troubled times in history... no, it's worse than any troubled times in history.

I saw that the city in front of me was distorted, and mountains appeared in the city. The cable car on the top of the mountain connects to the real world. The people hanging on the cable car kept screaming. At the foot of the mountain, some people were shouting in fear. A residential area disappeared out of thin air, and more buildings were swallowed up by the extending mountains.

On the cable car, someone panicked and broke the window directly.

I watched the man free fall and disappear into the mountains.

On the mountain trails, a stampede broke out among the huddled crowds.

Qin Shu stared at this scene blankly, "They...this...I...we..."

I raised my head and listened to the sound of plane engines piercing the sky.

The passenger plane flew through the decomposition of the two worlds and entered the future world. It disappeared into the distance. But not long after, I heard the explosion and saw the billowing smoke.

Among these sounds, the collision of chains became louder and louder, and chains continued to break and turn into debris.

Souls are disappearing.

Both the real world and the future world are being consumed rapidly.

The sounds I heard also became extremely tragic and crazy.

No longer is there another world appearing in the sky.

The two worlds began to truly merge, just like the image data with chaotic data. The cities in the real world appeared in the future world, and the cities in the future world were exchanged into the real world.

Some people panicked, while others ignored it and vented their madness wantonly.

I killed two more ghosts and a ghost king. One of the two ghosts comes from the future world. I saw with my own eyes that he was killed by the Ghost King and immediately turned into an evil ghost and rushed towards me.

Qin Shuzhan was very frightened and stayed with me. He observed his surroundings vigilantly, any sign of disturbance would make him move nervously towards me.

I was being slowed down.

Not to take care of Qin Shu, nor to deal with the ghost that suddenly attacked. The things I heard, saw, and perceived became increasingly chaotic, as if countless consciousnesses were converging into my soul.

I seem to have gone back to the past, to the time when I first experienced the side effects of my ability. This is like a side effect of Muge's ability. This experience of feeling empathy and feeling the pain of others is not pleasant.

But I know I can survive it.

I even subconsciously searched for goals in these perceptions.

I still haven't found Ye Qing.

Ye Qing probably doesn't have so many negative emotions, maybe because Ye Qing can borrow and control my abilities.

I didn't find Mr. Yang's consciousness either.

His Yin Qi is like a torch in the darkness, the most stable existence in this chaotic world, but his consciousness has not been transmitted to my soul.

I got closer to the torch.

I saw a sculptural city.

No people, no ghosts, just weird buildings.

Mr. Yang is sitting on the top of the tallest skyscraper.

I looked back at Qin Shu.

He stopped two meters behind me, trembling all over and afraid to get closer.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

I could only sense Mr. Yang's yin energy and didn't notice anything unusual.

I can guess that the yin energy he exudes is calling me over.

Qin Shu shook his head, shook his head again, and stepped back. His teeth chattered, his eyes widened, he shrank and kept retreating.

Every inch of his body expressed fear.

It's quiet around here.

The sky is gray, like the future world before complete integration.

Ghosts and living people seem to avoid this place unconsciously.

"Then you stay here." I said to Qin Shu and flew towards Mr. Yang.

He was still dressed in ancient clothes, and his broad-sleeved robes rustled in the wind. He raised his head and looked at the gray sky, seemingly ignorant of the chaos in the distance.

I stopped next to him and looked down at the strange buildings below.

This kind of architectural style is beyond my knowledge. All the buildings seemed to be made of monster bodies, and special substances were added to make them emit a wonderful halo. They are very regular and have their own characteristics, allowing people to see the unified style at a glance.

This is not a work of art, nor is it the style of an ancient or foreign civilization.

I also felt a unique atmosphere in these buildings.

I raised my eyes and looked at Mr. Yang.

There were faint chains forming on his body.

Mr. Yang just turned around and looked over.

My eyes met his, and I felt an inexplicable sense of enlightenment.

I stretched out my hand and pressed it on the chain extending from his body.

The gray sky above was shrinking.

But when I used my ability to erase the existence of the chain, Mr. Yang did not disappear, and the sky above his head actually expanded a bit.

"You... are not the soul of this world." I was speechless, feeling ridiculous.

"No." Mr. Yang stretched out his hand to me.

I subconsciously held his hand, and my ability naturally flowed out and invaded Mr. Yang's body.

His appearance began to change, the Yin Qi was not weakened, but he gradually lost his human form.

He transformed into a strange-looking humanoid creature that seemed to have no bones or distinct facial features.

The hard claws were pulled away from my hands, and Mr. Yang quickly changed back to his human form.

"The world I was born in was fused here. Our world originally had no ghosts. During the fusion process, we accepted the existence of ghosts and the existence of the Ghost King. I was originally the god of that world, and later became the most powerful person in the world. The powerful ghost king. I am immortal, but I have to watch countless souls disappear one after another in the internal struggle. Later..." Mr. Yang's tone changed slightly, "We have come into contact with your world. We need new people. To replenish one's own consumption, another integration begins. Everyone has changed, but no one is aware of this change. The history is forgotten, and there is a new past here. Only I remember it. Everything. But, I can’t resist this change. All I can do is preserve a little memory.”

He looked at the buildings below.

Buildings are like reflections in water, shattered by external forces and disappearing in the shock.

Mr. Yang's Yin Qi filled this area, and only his Yin Qi existed here.

It's a deserted place.

Nothing at all.

Relying on Mr. Yang's Yin Qi, this small space was supported and isolated from the outside world.

Both worlds have left no trace here.

Goodnight everybody.

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