Aoba Office

Chapter 2163 Life (1)

I feel like I didn't sleep very long. I have been dreaming all night, but I can't remember what I dreamed about.

The hand holding my clothes started to exert force again, causing my body to sway.

I was startled, opened my eyes, and saw the dazzling sunlight.

"Brother! Get up! You're late! It's over, it's over!!!" my sister shouted, "I have my final exam today..."

I covered my ears and fell on the bed.

My sister, who was tugging on my clothes and yelling at me just now, has already run out.

I glanced at the bright sunlight filling the room, turned my head, and saw the open bedroom door.

There was a tinkling bell outside, and I wondered what my sister was doing. Her screams still came in from time to time.

Next to the door is a bookcase. Most of them are piled with clutter, as well as textbooks that were not put away after graduation. Even elementary school textbooks are still stuffed on the top of the bookcase.

"Why don't you get up!!! Don't you go to work!!!" My sister passed by the door and shouted loudly without turning her head.

"I'm going to the community today. What time is it now?" I picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, "It's only eight o'clock. The moving car doesn't arrive until ten o'clock."

My sister passed by the door again. She had already changed her clothes, and she took the time to glare at me in her busy schedule.

"Don't stare at me." I got up from the bed, "I told you yesterday that you should go back to school at night and don't have to rush for the exam in the morning. You still have to follow us to have barbecue." I changed clothes and said He continued: "You should give up struggling and prepare to make up the exam."

"Bah! I can still make it in time for the nine o'clock exam!" My sister came in with her neck stretched out, glared at me again, and ran away.

With a bang, the door opened and quickly closed again.

The sound of the door closing still echoed in the room.

My head hurts.

I only drank two bottles of beer last night, but now I seem to be hungover, and my head suddenly feels dizzy.

I slowly changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up.

I rummaged through the kitchen and refrigerator, and as expected, there was nothing to eat at home.

I started to miss my parents.

They won't be back until Wednesday.

Yesterday, I also sent us photos of the fireworks on the cruise ship, oh, and the seafood dinner they had at night.

If it hadn't been like this, my sister wouldn't have become so greedy and insisted on following me to eat barbecue.

Just thinking about last night, my phone rang.

The caller ID was Ari.

"Why did you call me so early?" I picked up the phone and asked directly.

"I left your key here, brother." The thin man muttered.

I was stunned and searched around the room, and found that the key was indeed missing.

When I came back last night, my sister opened the door first, and I didn't even notice it.

"Oh. Where are you now? In your unit?"

"Almost there. I got up late and was almost late..." The thin man sighed.

"Hey, so are we. My sister just rushed out." I laughed.

"Isn't she going to take a test? She said yesterday that she has a test today, right?"

"Yes, I missed the first final exam in the first semester of college." I gloated.

"You brother is going too far." The thin man said this, but laughter still came from the mobile phone. He stopped laughing, "You really didn't catch up?"

"No, there was time. It's just that breakfast was gone. She ran out in a panic, not knowing how she would do in the exam." I said as I packed my things and prepared to go out for breakfast.

"That's good. You haven't gone out yet? You don't have to go to work today, right? Then I'll see you when I get off work? Or do you come over now to get the keys?" asked the thin man.

I heard the bus announcing its stop on the other end of the phone.

"Wait a minute, I'm here, get off the car." The thin man said, and shouted "I borrowed it, please let me go" on the other end of the phone.

I waited for a while and then replied: "I'll go find you now. It's just on the way from your work to the community."

"Oh, by the way, you have to help them move today."

"Yes. There are two families who are elderly and their sons are not here. We went to help."

"They won't come back even after they were demolished."

"People don't like that little money. They are earning foreign exchange outside. They run companies."

"Then their family still lives in that community? Can't bear to part with the old house?" the thin man asked gossiping.

"Old neighbors, we all have a good relationship. This time we are demolishing the house next door, so we can live together. It will be lively." I held the phone in one hand and opened the door with the other.

"That's good. I don't have any old neighbors here. The new house I've been eyeing in vain is quite good, but I don't even recognize the completely new building. I probably won't get to know him in the future."

"You might as well buy a house with A Guang at that time. It would be great for you two to live next door. Doesn't Qi Bai often go shopping with his wife?"

The thin man couldn't help complaining, "They have only known each other for two years, but their relationship is better than ours. We live together, and they scold us all day long?"

I burst out laughing.

"Don't laugh, really. The two of them are in a gang now. They are ostracizing us. Fatty wanted to go shooting last time, but his wife said it was boring to play with him, so she called Baibai and the two of us went to play together."

"Hey, your Qi Bai is also shooting now? How many shots can he hit?"

The thin man and I chatted and went downstairs.

When I left the community, he also walked to the unit and hung up the phone with me.

I found a breakfast stall at the entrance of the community. The people eating breakfast at the moment are all office workers. The grandparents have finished shopping for groceries and are cleaning up the house at home.

The man sitting at the table was slurping noodles and holding up his mobile phone, staring at the news on it.

It was current political news, and our peacekeeping troops were fighting abroad. One of the handsome soldiers was shown in close-up.

He made headlines on social media a few days ago and has a lot of fans licking the screen. A lot of information about him, whether true or false, has been uncovered.

I do know some real news. His niece works in our city. I've met him a few times, but I didn't chat with him, I just looked at him from a distance to make sure he looked pretty. This is probably the family's genetic advantage. I have also heard some gossips calling her the flower of the high mountains.

Relatively speaking, the famous student Guo in the university is relatively approachable.

During the alumni association this year, I saw that she was enthusiastic and able to mingle with everyone.

Yesterday when we were having supper with the thin man and the fat man, the three of us talked about this matter.

This is also a skill.

I hope my sister can have more of a character like Guo Yujie. You won’t be bullied and you won’t be hated.

I didn't say this yesterday, but if I did, my sister would roll her eyes, and both skinny and fat people would tease me.

Sometimes I think about it, I feel like a little old man, always thinking about a lot of things.

The man watching the news ate the last noodle, kicked his phone into his pocket, and left.

I also quickly ate my breakfast and walked to the bus stop.

The bus arrived quickly, but it was especially crowded during the morning rush hour.

At this time, there are no empty shared bicycles, otherwise I would not be crowded.

I tilted my head back and tried to catch my breath.

My eyes caught sight of the TV screen on the bus.

Mobile TV is playing entertainment news, promoting the new album of gold medal music producer Gu Mo. Of course the singer is not Gu Mo, but a newly emerging idol star, but the focus of the news is the producer behind the scenes.

I looked at the song titles reported on the news, and several familiar melodies came to mind.

Within a few seconds, the news ended and new content began to be broadcast on the TV.

The main story should be finished tomorrow, and there are still a few extra chapters, all of which should be finished before October.

Among the planned extra chapters, there was one that readers signed up to participate in, but because it was too scary, it was abandoned. Send myself a bento and call it a day. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

P.S. Well, there are still readers, but they appear as a group, so I won’t write down specific names. Let me give you a warning in advance. If you don’t want to take it easy, don’t watch the extra episode. _(:3 ∠)_

Then, I am also doing the final statistics on the debts that everyone is concerned about.

The new book will be released in these days as part of debt repayment. It will be a collection of ghost stories similar to the earlier archives.

(Yes. It can basically be regarded as a default._(:3 ∠)_)

Today, let me say good night.

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

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