Aoba Office

Chapter 1940 The message conveyed (1)

Chen Xiaoqiu and Ye Qing held different attitudes.

Although Ye Qing didn't stop me from entering the dreamland, he always kicked me out of the dreamland when I faced off against the black cat.

Chen Xiaoqiu doesn't mind if I try a few more times, even if every attempt will result in new casualties.

In my heart, I agree with Chen Xiaoqiu's view.

Even if I stay by my parents and sister's side, I still can't be foolproof. Only by getting rid of the black cat and every ghost with malicious intentions can it be possible to ensure their safety.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

I returned to the couch and looked at the list.

Previously, I chose the two drivers who were the first drivers in the accident to be possessed in my dream, and those two were not the only ones who died.

The traffic police who arrived later, other drivers whose cars were blocked there, and pedestrians on the road.

My eyes ran over every photo on the list.

These people are my opportunity to enter the dream world.

If there had been any location close to the black cat, I would have been able to find a way to catch it.

My eyes fell on the last photo.

I recognized the person's face, and the vehicle information attached at the back made me even more convinced that I had found the right person.

It was the driver who was speeding and hit Jin Haifeng's vehicle.

Wang Teng.

An ordinary white-collar worker, the brief information does not show that he has any special experience.

I looked at the ID photo with dull eyes and closed my eyes.

The process of entering the dreamland was very smooth.

Instead of hearing the car engine, I heard gunfire.

Da da da da da…

Machine guns kept ringing, and there was the crisp sound of bullets falling to the ground.

I opened my eyes and saw fierce gunfire on the big TV screen.

My hands are controlling the characters in the game to pour out firepower.

Bang bang bang!

The door was smashed several times.

"Be gentle!"

After a roar, the door panel was kicked again.

My hand shook, and several blood flowers appeared on the screen, and the color picture instantly turned into black and white.

Throwing away the operating lever, I jumped out of bed, opened the door and walked out.

Instead of drying clothes on the balcony of the living room, a small bed was set up.

For example, most families with limited housing conditions can only use this method to provide independent beds for everyone in the family.

There is no one on the small bed now. On the small table in the corner of the balcony, the lamp is on, and a young man is reading a book at the desk.

I walked over angrily and slapped the young man on the head.

"What are you doing!" The young man hit his head against the wall and jumped up immediately.

The door of another room opened and a middle-aged woman came out.

"What are you two brothers arguing about..." Before she could finish her words, the two of them started fighting.

"Ah!" the woman screamed, but she didn't show any panic. She only showed an angry expression and scolded the two people in a sharp voice. She also rushed up and slapped their heads.

A middle-aged man quickly walked out of the room, also with an angry look on his face.

At this time, there was a noise at the door of the house. The door was opened, and a woman wearing a navel-baring top and a short skirt, with several earrings on her ears, lips, nose, and stomach, walked in.

When she saw this scene, she didn't change her expression. She went directly into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took out the beer.

"Enough! Have you beaten enough?" the man yelled.

The young man who looked somewhat similar to Wang Teng had sinister eyes, licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and glared at me.

This family is not harmonious, and conflicts have been brought to the forefront. This is probably not the first time that this kind of conflict has occurred.

I thought about this and glanced around.

Whether this kind of family conflict is natural or induced by the black cat, I'm not sure.

The abnormal acceleration and crash at that time may not be accidents.

I walked around this narrow house twice, but I didn't see the black cat.

It should appear...

There must be a reason for entering this time period.

According to my previous experience, this should be Ye Qing's handiwork. He took control of my power and wanted me to see something.

Black cats are expected to appear around the family.

When I moved, I didn't see Wang Teng.

Even if I can't see the figure or hear the voice, I can still guess where Wang Teng is by looking at the eyes of other people in the Wang family.

I stretched out my hand in that direction, but as expected, I didn't touch anything.

My complexion should be similar to that of Wang Teng's brother.

I can't see anything this way, which greatly limits my movement.

There is no Wang Teng in sight, and maybe no black cat either.

I couldn't help but spin around in circles a few times impatiently.

What kind of power does it have? Did it confuse me and make me see something like an illusion, or did it directly affect my mind? Is that why I can't see the possessed objects, the people whose fate I want to change?

I fell into thinking, and the scenery around me changed.

I moved from that house to the outdoors.

Wang Teng's job is sales, and he has done supermarket sales, food sales, electronic product sales, and real estate sales.

I can receive Wang Teng's vague consciousness, but only when he has strong emotions can I receive his consciousness.

At this moment, I felt Wang Teng's impatience.

I heard the complaints from Wang Teng’s colleagues.

The work is not easy to do, the environment is not good, and there is no longer the good old days where you can get tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan just by selling something.

Of course, the so-called commission of hundreds of thousands is the situation of other people. Wang Teng and his colleagues have never done such a large order.

He said he wanted to change jobs and asked Wang Teng for his opinion.

I didn't hear Wang Teng's answer, and the only emotion I received was Wang Teng's anxiety.

The surrounding scene changed again and returned to Wang Teng's house.

I heard a cat meow and my heart skipped a beat.

"Be good. I'll call you Black Jazz from now on." I heard Wang Teng's sister's voice.

The sound came from the living room.

I carefully hid my soul and glanced towards the living room.

I expected to see a woman holding air, but instead I saw a black cat.

Black cat!

No, not that one.

I saw the gray-white eyes of the black cat, and one of its four paws was white.

That black cat changed form?

I slowly approached, stretched out my hand towards the black cat, and pressed it on its head.

The black cat felt something, raised his head alertly, turned his head, looked around, shook his head, and rubbed my palm.

Not the black cat.

I was a little disappointed and doubtful.

The woman holding the cat suddenly sneered, as if she heard something, and retorted sarcastically: "I do whatever I want. If you don't like it, just move out! The house is not yours! I occupied a room for you, and you paid the rent. ?"

She put the cat aside and quarreled with the air by her waist.

The cat ran under the sofa as if it was frightened.

The young man on the balcony turned his head and shouted a few times.

The three brothers and sisters started to quarrel.

The middle-aged couple in the bedroom came out. Instead of mediating, all three of them cursed. The three of them were not afraid of their parents, but instead scolded them together.

I knelt down and looked under the sofa.

The black cat lay there, not shivering, but rolling its eyes and looking at the family with a strange look.

Not a black cat, but it seems, there is something wrong.

I had doubts.

What exactly does Ye Qing want me to see and do?

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