Aoba Office

Chapter 1941 The message conveyed (2)

The quarrel at Wang Teng's house ended with the police knocking on the door.

The neighbor called the police, and the police came to mediate. It looks like this isn't the first time this has happened.

Wang Teng's father cursed at the opposite door for a while, but was stopped by the police. He stood at the door and cursed upstairs and downstairs for a while.

He didn't stop until the policeman put on a straight face and gave a serious warning.

The police can only mediate such family disputes and neighborhood disputes. If no one intensifies the conflict, it's just a quarrel, so it's not a big deal.

After sending the police away as a formality, the family kept a straight face and did not speak to each other.

I heard the door closing in Wang Teng's room, and when I turned my head, I saw the closed door.

The others also returned to their own beds.

Wang Teng's sister went back to the master bedroom without looking for the hidden black cat. There is also a small bed on the small balcony there, which belongs to her.

The room was not completely dark.

Wang Teng's younger brother was staying up late reading, seemingly preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination. There are also game sound effects that fade in and out in Wang Teng's room. In the master bedroom, the plot of a TV series is being played out, with the male and female voices saying one line and the other.

The lights in the living room were turned off, leaving only the light of Wang Teng's brother's desk lamp.

The black cat got out from under the sofa and looked at Wang Teng's brother's back in a humane manner.

It silently walked towards brother Wang Teng, stopped behind the chair, prepared for a while, and jumped on the back of the chair.

Brother Wang Teng immediately turned around, saw the black cat, and waved away impatiently.

The black cat did not run away, but continued to scratch the back of the chair, leaving traces of its claws on the back of the chair.

Brother Wang Teng pinched the back of the black cat's neck and lifted the black cat up. After looking around, he entered the kitchen. After searching around, he went to the living room and rummaged through the cabinets.

He pulled out a cable from the drawer that looked like the data cable from an old television set.

Brother Wang Teng tied one end of the thread around the cat's neck, tied the other end to the kitchen doorknob, and closed the kitchen door.

"Meow meow! Meow meow meow!" the cat meowed, clawing at the metal door panel and making an unpleasant sound.

Brother Wang Teng ignored the sound, returned to his seat, put on his headphones, and opened the lecture file.

I walked through the door and looked at the black cat locked in the kitchen.

It scratched the door for a while, then gave up and fiddled with the data cable around its neck.

It hooked the data cable with its claws, but instead of pulling it randomly, it inserted its claws into the gap in the knot.

Brother Wang Teng just tied two knots casually. Data cables are not fishing wires, piano wires, or even sewing threads, they are easy to untie.

After a few tugs, the cat pulled the two knots apart.

When I saw this scene, I felt even more strange.

It's not the black cat, it's not a ghost, and I don't have that keen sense for me, but in other respects, the cat's behavior is full of spirituality, or should I say, humanity.

But if this is the case, its previous behavior of provoking Wang Teng's brother was a bit weird.

After the black cat broke free from the data cable, he didn't try to open the door. Instead, he bit the data cable as if chewing a dried fish and took a few bites.

There were a lot of teeth marks on the data cable, and some of them were bitten off.

After doing this, the cat jumped on the kitchen stove again and pushed open the lid of the pot.

There is nothing in the pot. There are vegetables, peppers, onions and other vegetables that have not yet been processed in the basket.

It seemed a little disappointed and jumped from the stove to the refrigerator. After pulling for a while, it opened the refrigerator door.

It got into the refrigerator, bit two holes in the milk carton, took a few sips, and then turned to look at the beer can.

Ignoring the milk that was still flowing, it raised its teeth on the beer can, bit out two holes with difficulty, and drank the beer.

I feel weirder and weirder.

In another situation, I would have thought I was watching a movie. When a person's soul enters an animal's body, the person becomes an animal and begins a strange journey...

This thing looks harmless, but I always feel uneasy.

That's when I heard footsteps.

The cat didn't know whether he was drunk or just didn't care and continued drinking the beer.

Half of the kitchen door is frosted glass.

I could see the light from the balcony lamp, and when I turned my head, I saw the orange light coming from the refrigerator.

Footsteps came to the door, and the shadow of the person blocked the balcony light.

The doorknob was twisted and the door opened.

Brother Wang Teng appeared at the door. When he saw the scene in the kitchen, he was stunned for a moment, with an expression of vigilance and fear on his face. He immediately noticed the data cable hanging behind the door.

One end of the data cable was empty, there was no cat, and there were signs of being chewed.

The fear on Wang Teng's brother's face immediately disappeared, replaced by anger.

He rushed to the refrigerator and saw the black cat that was blocked by the refrigerator door just now.

The black cat was lifted up and let out a shrill cry.

Brother Wang Teng looked very angry, but instead of dealing with the black cat directly, he grabbed it and walked away.

The door to the master bedroom was opened, and curses could be heard.

"That damn cat opened the refrigerator! He spilled the beer and milk!" Brother Wang Teng said, looking at his sister who followed his parents, and threw the cat on the woman.

The black cat showed his claws unceremoniously and waved them randomly in the air.

It was thrown onto the woman, leaving several marks on her body with its claws.

"Yeah!" the woman screamed, hurriedly trying to shake the cat away.

The cat's claws hooked the woman's navel ring, and the other three claws left several bloody marks on the woman's belly.

The woman jumped and pulled the cat, but couldn't pull it away.

The cat opened its mouth and bit the woman's wrist, and blood fell to the ground.

The others were a little flustered.

The middle-aged woman screamed in a mess, but didn't dare to move forward.

The middle-aged man reached out to help pull the cat, but saw that the navel ring was pulling the woman's belly, and the cat's claws also pierced into the woman's skin, bringing out blood.

"Go get a knife! Get a knife!" the middle-aged man shouted.

The door of the bedroom next door opened.

Brother Wang Teng was so scared that he ran to the kitchen, and his body staggered, as if he had bumped into someone. He didn't look at it for a second time, rushed into the kitchen, and came out with a kitchen knife.

"Chop it off! Chop it off quickly!" the middle-aged man shouted.

Brother Wang Teng was at a loss.

The cat was being pulled, and there was a lot of place to attack.

However, Wang Teng's brother obviously had never done anything like this before, so he was a little soft-handed. He only cut the cat's fur with one cut.

The cat struggled even harder, and its claws almost tore the woman's belly.

The woman cried and screamed, her voice was deafening.

Wang Teng's brother's hand shook, and the knife fell directly to the ground.

He was knocked away, and the middle-aged woman picked up the knife on the ground at this time.

I only saw the kitchen knife fall, and blood spurted out of the cat.

I saw the cat's spine.

Even so, the cat still didn't let go of its claws.

"Cut off your hand! Cut off your claws!" the middle-aged man shouted.

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and swung the kitchen knife again.

There was also a crack on the cat's claws, deep enough to see the bone. The next second, the bone was broken.

The cat's cry became more and more shrill. After both front paws were cut off, it became more and more ferocious, twisting its body and biting the middle-aged man's arm.

"Ah!" The man yelled, grabbed the cat's two hind legs, and slammed it against the door frame.


The blood on the cat fell on the wall.


After another bang, the cat opened its mouth and fell to the ground.

Its soft body was still squirming, as if it wanted to bite something again.

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