Aoba Office

Chapter 1939 The Beginning of Death (4)

I heard the sound of water, tick, tick, tick. After a while, I realized that it was not the sound of water, but the sound of a clock.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, the seconds move.

I couldn't help but count silently in my mind. When I reached sixty, which was one minute, the sound suddenly stopped.

The world became quiet again.

I also opened my eyes at this time.

I stood on the empty street.

It's still the same road, it's still broad daylight, but there's no one there.

Not only were there no people, but there were also no vehicles on the road.

The whole world is extremely quiet.

Is this a dream?

It's not a dream of my ability, it's a real dream.

Am I dreaming?


A cat meowing made the hairs on my body stand up.

I turned around suddenly and looked behind me.

I didn't find the black cat.

"Meow." Another cat meowed.

This time it was coming from the shop to my left.

A hardware store, filled with sundries and dimly lit.

I didn't see the black cat.


The third cat meow came from the front.

The door of the convenience store opened, accompanied by the "ding-dong" sound of the doorbell, which seemed extremely strange in the empty street.

Still no black cat in sight.

I realized I was in trouble.

I can't see it, but the black cat is still there.

Without my most important sensory organ, I couldn't possibly catch the black cat.

No, there is no chance at all.

If it wants to eat me, it has to change its form and become a monster like a black panther. In that case, its yin energy will come out and I can feel it.

When I thought of this, my thoughts paused slightly.


The black panther, the size of an elephant, is a monster.

If you beat it several times, dozens of times, or hundreds of times, you will be a real monster.

Is that how the monsters in the future world come from?

It is also transformed from a ghost, but the way of using Yin Qi is a little different...


The cat meows are all in my ears.

I turned my head and looked at the shop next to me.

There is a fruity aroma wafting out from the fruit shop. Among the dazzling array of fruits, there are also black fruits, but they are not black cats.

The cry was closer.

I raised my heart.

No matter where the monster comes from, all I have to do now is catch the black cat.

That way, it's all over.

Seize it and destroy it at the source.

The opportunity is just for a moment, the moment it wants to eat me.

"Meow-ouch!" The cat's meow suddenly changed.

My voice and yin energy hit me from two directions. I decisively stretched out my hands.

The direction from which the Yin Qi came was missed.

A huge cloud of Yin energy appeared out of thin air in the direction of the sound.

I grabbed the animal's fur, which was not soft enough and a little hard and pricked my hands.

Got it!

I felt that Yin Qi enveloped my body.

But I've got it!

I activated my abilities.

But I heard a pitiful meow, and the thing caught in my hand flew sideways, causing my body to stagger before breaking free from my hand.

The gloom that enveloped me disappeared.


I heard the sound of something falling to the ground. Judging from the volume, it was not the black panther.

The yin energy has dissipated.

I ran a few steps in that direction and stopped immediately.

I felt my body being grabbed by another yin energy.

I blinked and the scenery around me changed.

I was lying on the sofa in the office and could feel Ye Qing's yin energy.

I sat up from the sofa and Chen Xiaoqiu was gone.

"I caught it. My ability has been used." I said in a calm voice, "I just need a little time."

"You don't have time." Ye Qing's cold voice sounded.

"I just need a moment!" My voice suddenly increased.

The only sound left in the room was my own breathing.

"The ability is not right. I can't see people in the dream. There was a car at the beginning... It must have done something to my ability." I scratched my hair, "Next time, I might not even I can hear its cry and not feel its yin energy anymore!”

There is no way I can guarantee that I will catch that black cat every time.

"Try again. Try again. You must help me this time!" I yelled at the empty office.

I got no response.

"Why...Gu Mo is dead. Gu Mo is dead...don't you want to save Gu Mo?" I asked blankly.

"He is just the first." Ye Qing's voice sounded again.

I was stunned.

The first... the first...

"It didn't attack me at the beginning, and it didn't attack me when I had a body." I calmed down again and spoke slowly, "There must be a reason for this. It was restricted, or it was afraid of what I would do. It was afraid. If I die in that way, I will become a powerful ghost, right?"

My question went unanswered, and I didn't expect one.

"They are afraid that I will become a ghost, they are afraid that I will become a ghost... They are using this method to lure my soul out of my body. Gu Mo... is just the first one..." I thought of another person that might exist in my body. soul.

After my soul leaves the body, it is likely that another soul will control the body.

Kill me, let another soul control the body, and erase my existence...

Will the future Qiu Ziyang showed me still continue? That future me may not be me at all.

"My parents and sister!" I suddenly remembered this and reached into my pocket to take out my phone.

I got nothing.

The phone just dropped and I didn’t pick it up.

I saw the cell phone on the coffee table.

My broken cell phone was gone, and so was Chen Xiaoqiu’s cell phone.

Chen Xiaoqiu!

"Where's Chen Xiaoqiu?!" I jumped up and rushed to the door anxiously.

Not just my parents and sister, but others too!

I opened the door and bumped into the person outside the door who was about to come in.

"Lin Qi?" Chen Xiaoqiu took a step back and stood firm.

I stared blankly at Chen Xiaoqiu who walked in.

"What...did you do? Failed?" Chen Xiaoqiu sighed.

"How did you come in from outside?" I felt strange.

"The list has been increased." Chen Xiaoqiu said, handing me his cell phone and mine.

I saw the list, but there were more people on it than before.

"It took a little longer to confirm the identity of the car owner this time. And as you said, Jin Haifeng was also found. The car driven by his husband." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

The past when Chen Xiaoqiu came to me has been changed.

I shook my head, not thinking about it, "Find other people! Confirm their situation! Gumo... is just the first one." I said this sentence with difficulty.

Chen Xiaoqiu was stunned and his expression became solemn.

I grabbed Chen Xiaoqiu's cell phone, sent a group message, and called home.

When my mother answered the phone, she felt strange when she heard my voice.

"My mobile phone is broken. If you need anything, call my colleague. Is your family okay? Are your sister and father okay?" I asked.

"No. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I hung up the phone. I didn't hear anything wrong, but I still felt uneasy.

Only by confirming with my own eyes that they are safe can I feel at ease.

I looked at Chen Xiaoqiu.

"How long can you be on guard against this?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

I clenched my fists.

"Only by killing the opponent and completely changing the past can we protect everyone." Chen Xiaoqiu took the phone from my hand and called up the list again.

"Let's try again." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

It's hot. I also have a cold..._(:3』∠)_

This is bad luck.

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