Aoba Office

Chapter 1908 New World (6)

The young man fell to his knees with a thud.

There was a non-motor vehicle lane in front of him. A bicycle ran over his palm and stopped in time.

People around him screamed, all frightened by this sudden accident.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Is it hypoglycemia?"

"Should we call an ambulance?"

Under the barrage of questions, the young man jumped up and turned his head to look behind him.

"Someone pushed me! Someone just pushed me!" He shouted loudly, obviously frightened, angry and anxious.

The people waiting at the red light looked confused.

These people looked at each other with strange expressions and distanced themselves from each other.

Some people shouted that they were wronged, while others questioned the young people carefully.

I saw the beggar showing a weird smile.

He smiled like this and his head started to spin. This time it turned 360 degrees, a full circle.

He is like one of those weird toys from the past, with unreasonable design and various rotating parts. It makes children giggle and makes them laugh. If they are a little older, they will feel creepy.

The young man cursed and refused to give up.

After an argument, he actually started fighting with a passerby.

The scene was chaotic.

The beggar was still smiling against him.

He was pulled away and kicked his legs angrily.

The beggar almost touched his face, his head turned, and his hands grabbed the young man's feet.

The young man screamed, as if he was injured.

The scene became increasingly chaotic, and more and more people gathered around to watch, blocking my view.

I felt Li Yu's mood change again.

"Let's go quickly." Cousin Li Yu urged uneasily.

Li Yu followed absentmindedly, looking around wildly.

He can't feel the Yin Qi, but I can clearly feel the Yin Qi around me that is either fixed or moving.

This second-tier city already has a large population, and even more ghosts.

Li Yu soon discovered the figure of another ghost. The ghost was motionless and didn't hurt anyone. It just stood there.

After leaving this downtown area and entering the community, Li Yu saw a ghost standing at the window.

The ghost was a child. He smiled at Li Yu, passed through the glass window, and fell down from the building.

Li Yu screamed, staring at the body on the ground, his heart beating wildly with fear.

Li Yu's cousin was frightened by Li Yu.

The child's body on the ground raised its face, which was bloody and bloody. But he seemed to have no feeling at all. He smiled at Li Yu, ran towards the corridor door and disappeared inside.

Not long after, Li Yu saw the figure of the child again behind the window. The child returned to his original state, his injuries gone.

Li Yu shuddered when he saw him jumping down again.

"Let's go!" Li Yu's cousin urged again, and this time he grabbed Li Yu and ran away.

Their grandma only gave them directions and they had to go straight. Neither of them can walk through walls yet, so they have to take detours from time to time.

The people running in front of them seemed to be troubled by such troubles, and gradually fell behind, walking side by side with them.

None of the three spoke.

Li Yu's heart rate gradually recovered, but he was still a little frightened.

Ghosts that were invisible before can now be seen.

The door to the new world opens, and what is revealed is not a beautiful utopia, but a world of absurdity and horror.

What's even more frightening is that Li Yu doesn't understand the changes in the world. He is like a person who has opened his yin and yang eyes, thinking that the world is still the same as before, but now he sees the true face of the world.

When he thought about it, he might have passed by a ghost before, he might have been followed by a ghost, and everything he ate, drank, and used might have been touched by a ghost, and Li Yu felt scared.

He comforted himself by thinking that luckily he had become a ghost now.

He no longer resists his own death and current state.

This kind of happiness is just a subtle emotion that Li Yu doesn't even care about.

I saw Yin Qi coming out of Li Yu.

Compared with the other two, Li Yu's mind is obviously more complicated, with many thoughts and changeable emotions. This also makes him the first person to possess Yin Qi and transform from soul to ghost.

Li Yu didn't notice this and kept running without daring to complain.

The three of them ran together from morning to night before they saw the river.

"Is this it?" Cousin Li Yu asked uncertainly.

The river they saw was very narrow, surrounding a residential area, and on the other side was an open space that had not yet been built. The river water was slightly turbid. There was a step not far away, and there was a small boat like those in the park parked below. It looked dirty.

"Let's go down that way." The third person in the group pointed to the steps and asked, "You can swim, right?"

Brother Li Yu nodded.

They walked along the embankment to the steps. The steps are narrow and the stones are cracked.

The boat below blocked the way. As we got closer, we could see that there was still dirty water in the boat. The whole boat was green, and there seemed to be a foul smell coming from it.

Li Yu covered his mouth and nose and made a retching motion.

They entered the water and could only cross in a small boat.

The water is not clean and the depth is unknown.

Li Yu thought of retreating.

The fellow traveler was very decisive and stepped on the bow of the boat.

The hull of the boat suddenly swayed and ripples appeared on the water.

All three people were shocked.


Suddenly there was laughter.

Li Yu turned around and saw no one, feeling furious.

The fellow traveler tried hard to find his center of gravity, but failed in the end and could only lie down on the boat.

"Hehe..." The laughter rang again.

Li Yu looked across the river this time.

There is a slope on the opposite bank instead of an embankment made of stone bricks and fences.

The river surface is only five or six meters, allowing people to clearly see the scenery on the other side.

Where there was nothing there, there was one more person. The man had gray hair, holding a boom in his hand, with a bucket and a tool box beside him. He sat on a pony and looked at the three of them.

Li Yu realized that this was another ghost and quickly looked away.

The people lying on the boat had already made a decision. They turned over and fell into the water.

Not long after he sank into the water, he floated up, stepped on the water, and looked at the two brothers Li Yu.

"You guys come down quickly."

Cousin Li Yu was also decisive. He jumped to the bow of the boat, took a deep breath, and jumped into the river.

Li Yu didn't hesitate long and followed his cousin's example and entered the river.

All three people entered the water and began to dive, looking for the body.

The river is not wide and the depth of the river is limited. The bottom of the river is full of mud and the light is dim. It is not easy to find the bodies.

The three of them seemed to have retained the habits they had when they were alive. They still treated themselves as if they were alive, and they always felt like they were suffocating underwater.

Li Yu didn't dare to try whether he could drown without dying after becoming a ghost. When I feel suffocated, I always come up to breathe. So did the other two.

As the sky grew darker, their search became more difficult.

Li Yu reached into the bottom of the river and always caught mud and garbage, but no body was found.

They are searching like this, and they don’t know when they will find it.

It should be impossible to find it...

Perhaps I should interrupt the memory I am currently reading and directly tell Wu Ling and the others about the matter so that they can dispose of the body first.

The first thing to determine is whether they have found the body "now".

As soon as I thought about it, I felt the light around me change.

Thump, thump...

I heard the water entering.

Li Yu and the others hurriedly surfaced and saw two unfamiliar faces.

The five people looked at each other and guessed each other's identity.

The new person who entered the water smiled and was about to speak when his body suddenly sank into the water.

Good night everyone~

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