Aoba Office

Chapter 1909 New World (7)

There was obviously something wrong with the way the man sank into the water, as if he had been caught by something at the bottom of the river.

This is not the first time I have seen this kind of scene. Ghosts seem to use this method to kill people in the water.

However, compared to the ghost killing scenes I have seen in the past few times, this time it was more rapid.

I didn't see the man's struggle. Even if my perspective changed to the bottom of the river, I could only see the man stretching his hands and being dragged straight into the water. He seemed to be in a coma, but his eyes were open, his expression was painful, and there were subtle changes. He opened his mouth, bubbles came out of his mouth, water poured into his mouth, and he choked and coughed. However, there is only this change of water and air, and there is no unnecessary struggle.

Everyone else was blinded. They were just young people who had just been killed by their relatives and transformed into souls. This was almost the first time they had seen such a thing.

I felt Li Yu's panic. He wanted to run away.

No matter how stupid you are, you should understand that something in the water captured that man. If you want to escape, you have to flee to the shore.

There was a constant sound of water on the water, and water splashed on the water.

The water flowing under the river was also disturbed.

In this chaos, I saw a silver light.

The man's body suddenly turned over, with his feet up and his head down. With a whoosh, he was dragged to the surface of the water.

My vision also moved to the water.

Before Li Yu and others swam ashore, they heard a noise behind them.

The man was pulled out of the water and flew high into the air.

There were thin silver threads wrapped around his feet. The thin string pulled him and drew a beautiful parabola in the air. The end of the line is the old man fishing on the shore.

Li Yu and the others searched along the river and were already a little far away from the original place.

The old man stood up from the horse, seemed to take a look at the frightened people who were still soaked in the water, and then turned around to untie the hanging people.

The man was still lying upright, motionless.

The old man took out a small knife from his pocket and opened the man's stomach like he was dissecting a live fish.

The remaining four people were frightened and ran away like crazy.

I looked at the old man for a while, always feeling a little strange.

He didn't care about the people who escaped, but patiently dealt with the souls he caught.

Li Yu had already run far away and landed on another step.

All four people knelt on the ground, leaving water stains on the ground.

They were panting, and all of them looked like they were surviving the disaster.

"It's that one..." The young man who appeared with the killed man suddenly spoke, his voice trembling, "The fisherman..."

"What?" Cousin Li Yu asked.

"Haven't you heard? There is a fisherman here on the Lianhua River! There is someone on the forum...are you not a local?" the man asked excitedly, and became relieved in an instant.

Cousin Li Yu shook his head, "It's local. But I'm not familiar with this place. Is this place called Lianhua River?"

"Yes. There used to be lotus flowers. There were lotus flowers hundreds of years ago, and lotus lanterns were put out during festivals. I heard that people who died at that time turned into ghosts, and then stayed here. Here is The Styx River, the Santu River... He will catch the dead people if they go here." The young man said incoherently, "Some people have seen people fishing here, and they can catch strange things. See. The fishhook was empty, but after he reeled in the line, it seemed like there was something on it... That's what happened... and during funerals, Qingming Festival... There used to be a lot of people living here. During the funeral, paper money has to be thrown on the river and animals must be released, just to let them clear a path and not catch their relatives. "

He told many legends related to it, but many of them were inconsistent and illogical.

He probably heard it from hearsay, and because it was so long ago, the things about the fisherman were all unreliable ghost stories.

Just like this, the four survivors were scared into silence.

They both wanted to give up, but no one spoke, they just looked at each other.

"I said, this is not possible, right?" The people traveling with Li Yu and the others broke the silence, "We are all dead, and our family members are also there in the green space. Now it seems that these ghosts... are not easy to deal with. Maybe it's The fisherman killed the one in the green field. He wants his body to unlock the seal or something..."

As he spoke, he scratched his head, "If we don't help him get the body, we will just...have you seen it on the road? Some ghosts look like people, and they can do whatever they want, and some are just stupid. Silly... We are just like human beings, we can’t do anything now.”

I heard the meaning of his words and felt Li Yu's thoughts. I also saw the signs on the faces of the other two people.

These four people are all in their twenties and less than thirty. They are young and have strong ability to accept new things. They probably have some unresolved illusions, or YY is more accurate.

What happened with Christina, the news on the Internet, and the ghosts they saw with their own eyes... all gave them the illusion that a new world had arrived and they could do great things.

After the initial panic, they all decided to take refuge in the ghost in the artificial lake in the green space, and they were also determined to complete the first task they accepted.

They treat this like a game.


I felt like I was in a trance.

In another era, if such a haunting happened, it would only lead to chaos and panic, and people would just want to deal with the ghosts that suddenly appeared.

However, in this modern era...

With a heavy heart, I stared at the four new ghosts who were thinking. I thought of Ruan Han, Zhao Hang, Huan Guang, Xu Jiu, Qin Shu and others. I thought of the man who died in the game spirit earlier and used the help before that. The game spirit easily killed Tianyi's real girl...

Modern people, especially young people, will quickly accept this new change, and perhaps actively participate in this change with a sense of excitement.

I looked towards the river embankment in the distance.

it's getting dark.

Street lights were installed on the side of the river bank next to the community, but the other side was completely dark.

In the darkness, I could feel the yin energy. The old man is still there.

"...He may only be able to do it after dark. We were in the river for so long just now, but nothing happened. It should be time...skill time, right?" Li Yu said suddenly.

He used an inappropriate term, but others readily accepted it.

They seemed to have forgotten the souls they had just captured and killed.

"Then let's wait until daybreak before we go down to the river. Speaking of which, where is the body? How long is this river?" The third person in the group stood up and looked at both ends of the river.

The young man who introduced the fishermen before said: "I don't know how long it is. I remember going here and there was a sign introducing it. Do you want to take a look?"

"It's good to know the specific location. Do you have a map? We can connect the two points with one line. Coming from the green space, the direction... the direction we are going is to go to Jingjing Road first. If we connect it like this, we can know the specific location. "Cousin Li Yu also started to come up with ideas.

The four of them were discussing and walking towards the introduction plate of the river.

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