Aoba Office

Chapter 1907 New World (5)

Li Yu and his cousin both turned into ghosts. The pain of suffocation and drowning still lingered in their senses. Both of them fell to their knees and kept choking.

Their parents were too frightened to react. All the onlookers had already fled, and those gathered here were the souls who had come out of the underworld.

At this time, the old lady knelt down and held her two grandchildren in her arms with a kind expression. She comforted her like coaxing children: "It's okay, my two good boys. It's okay, it's okay. It's okay. Look, You have become ghosts!"

Li Yu was so frightened that he pushed the old lady away and backed away. He saw his current appearance and his body on the ground. He screamed repeatedly, his mind went blank, and the screams he made were all calls of unknown meaning.

Li Yu's cousin was completely absent-minded, looking at himself blankly, at Li Yu, and then at the old lady.

"Don't be afraid. Grandma won't harm you. This is good for you. You are different now. You have become ghosts now, so you don't have to be afraid of anything." The old lady advised.


"Yeah yeah."

"Just like us."

The soul next to him echoed.

Li Yu was still extremely frightened. He lay on the ground with a sad face, but could not squeeze out any tears.

The old lady grabbed Li Yu's cousin, stretched out her hand again, and caught Li Yu back.

The outstretched hand made Li Yu scream, as if he was about to be killed. The scream was shrill, and it was completely the scream of death.

"Stop screaming. Xiaojiu, look at you..." the old lady shook her head and sighed, "I knew you were a kid with no great abilities... Look at your brother, how calm he is. I told you, grandma is here for you. Okay. Don't be afraid. From now on, it's better to be a ghost. Grandma is doing it for your own good. If you become a ghost now, you will have someone to take care of you. If you are killed by some cat or dog, you won't have a bright future. There’s a solution.”

Li Yu's mood changed because of these words. He thought of the former owner of the haunted house who killed Langhua, and couldn't help but shudder.

The old lady patted the backs of the two of them, "Now, go help the adults with things. Do your job well. Don't be afraid. This is the opportunity that grandma has fought hard for you. You must cherish it. Xiaosan and the others are not lucky. Give it to them. Even if you say it, they won’t believe it. Don’t be afraid. Grandma is doing this for your own good. When has Grandma ever lied to you or harmed you?

Li Yu looked at the old man.

The old lady looked exactly like she had before she was alive, and what she said sounded familiar to Li Yu.

However, originally these words were only meant for his cousin.

The content I saw changed and became Li Yu's past.

His grandparents were considered capable people when they were young. They worked in state-owned enterprises and received good benefits after retirement. Before retirement, they arranged jobs and partners for their sons and daughters. They also have arrangements for the third generation.

Li Yu's cousin is married to the granddaughter of his grandfather's old comrade-in-arms. The two were barely childhood sweethearts and worked together in the same place. When I got married, my grandma used her savings to pay the down payment for the new house.

Li Yu's grandparents paid more attention to their eldest grandson and did not make so many arrangements for Li Yu. However, when he was in college, he went abroad for exchange, and the place was obtained through people he met through his grandparents, and through several connections, he got it for him.

"Go quickly. Help the master to get the body out. Keep walking in this direction, keep walking, and when you see the river or lake, jump in. The master's body is below, under the water. You dig up the body and bring it over. Remember Are you staying?" the old lady asked, holding their hands.

Li Yu shuddered and looked at the strange ghost standing on the lake.

The old lady turned her head.

In that direction, there will be a young soul running.

"Go quickly! Go quickly! Don't let others get there first!" the old lady urged, pushing the two of them.

The two brothers were a little confused and couldn't figure out the situation, so they just started running in that direction.

I turned to look at the ghost on the lake, and my uneasiness intensified.

I don't know how powerful the ghost in front of me is. Probably similar to Shen Xiaorong, an old ghost who has been dead for who knows how many years. In any case, he is now a ghost from the old era, which is different from the ghosts from the future world. He is still trapped within the green space and cannot move freely, so the threat is really limited.

But when Li Yu and the others get the body, it's hard to say what the situation will be like.

Han Yun has become a new ghost. But Han Yun's temperament is like that of a child, he doesn't have much malice, and he has been in the world for a long time.

The ghost in front of me looks like a water ghost... Stories about water ghosts are always accompanied by death. Water ghosts and water monkeys are like monsters, not people who can communicate and are in another form of existence.

I felt uncomfortable looking at that ghost's appearance.

I didn't have time to observe the ghost.

As Li Yu ran, I left the scope of the central green space.

I felt that Li Yu's mood had changed.

He was thinking carefully about what his grandma said. Becoming a ghost and following a powerful-looking ghost seemed like a good choice.

Cousin Li Yu's idea is simpler.

"Grandma will never harm us." He just said this.

Li Yu felt a little disdainful. The old people are all dead, and at such an age, can they adapt to the changing world?

The ghost on the lake seems to be sealed, and there are still some corpses to be found. That's probably what the strength is. And it looks very gloomy...

Li Yudong thought about it, and his thoughts gradually went astray.

He looked at his body and thought about what he could do now.

People on the street couldn't see him.

Li Yu thought about it and wanted to touch the pedestrians passing by.

The target he chose was a very beautiful woman. His outstretched hand went straight to the woman's face.

"What are you doing?" Cousin Li Yu frowned.

Li Yu didn't answer, and his hand passed through the woman's face.

The woman didn't notice anything and continued walking.

Li Yu stopped.

"Hey, this doesn't exist at all. Can we dig out the body when we get there?" Li Yu complained.

His cousin didn't answer, just stared in one direction.

Li Yu looked over.

On the street, in a snack bar, there was a man who looked like a beggar sitting in it. Next to him was a young man who didn't seem to know each other. There are still empty seats in the store, so there is no need to share tables like this. This combination is really strange.

The beggar suddenly turned his head, turning his head 180 degrees and looked at the two brothers Li Yu.

Both of them were startled.

The beggar's face was expressionless and his head turned back.

The person next to him just finished eating and called the boss to pay.

The boss walked to the table, collected the money, and started packing.

The young man got up and walked away, wiping his mouth as he went.

The beggar stood up stiffly and followed the young man, almost touching his heels and floating on his back.

They reached the intersection. When the young man was waiting for the red light, the beggar behind him stretched out his hand.

Li Yu's eyes widened, and he saw the beggar push lightly, and the young man's body jumped out.

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