Aoba Office

Chapter 1906 New World (4)

My brain fell into a kind of chaos, and my consciousness seemed to be in a dream, and it was a pure dream, not my ability.

I saw a lot of fragmented information, scenes and characters passing by one by one, some I knew and some I was unfamiliar with.

The confusion and pain prevented me from concentrating enough to discern the fragments of information.

I thought hard, and as soon as I remembered what happened with Christina, I was overwhelmed by countless messages. When I thought about it again, I remembered that I had returned to China.

Failed...there is nothing we can do...

The world is in chaos...

No, there's no big chaos yet.

It’s just that many people on the Internet are talking about this matter and spreading their own fantastic ideas.

Maybe someone encountered a ghost and was killed by a ghost. Maybe someone saw their deceased relative and wanted to take out the ashes...

By the way, take out the ashes!

That man, Li Yu!

My thoughts suddenly became clear.

I saw fixed scenery again.

Verdant green lawns come into view, with winding trails surrounding the lawns. There is a bright sun in the sky...

I saw people, not just Li Yu’s family, nor just Li Yu’s family holding the urn.

That trouble is coming...

My heart sank when I saw a figure appear on the lawn. There are also figures appearing on the lake in the distance.

They are all souls. After disappearing from the underworld, they appear in the human world and are trapped in the human world.

"Jiujiu! Boss!" A surprised shout rang out.

Li Yu and his cousin both turned back.

I followed the sound and saw an old lady running on the lake.

Li Yu's cousin said hello, and the family ran towards the lake.

I found that most of the people holding the ashes were young people. There are many people here in the central green space who have nothing to do with this matter, and they all look at these people with puzzled expressions. Some people were walking in a hurry and cautiously outside the green park, while others were curious to observe.

"Grandma!" Li Yu's cousin called, excited.

I saw Li Yu’s memory.

Li Yu's grandparents are very traditional and conservative people who favor sons over daughters. Among the many sons and grandsons, they love the eldest son and grandson the most. Li Yu's cousin certainly has the best relationship with the two old people.

He really wanted to reunite with his grandma.

Li Yu was thinking about saving himself, and was even more anxious than his cousin, urging his uncle to get the ashes quickly.

"Grandma, grandma! You have to save me! I'm being targeted by a ghost!" Li Yu shouted.

Only he and his cousin could see the old man's soul, and they could only see the old man's soul.

I took in everything and thought it was a ridiculous and frightening show. Too ridiculous to be true. So many people looked at these two young men behaving strangely, like madmen. It's so real, because the emotions of these two people are so strong, it can't be acting, it makes people feel scared.

The meaning behind their actions is probably only understood by a few. And in this scene, I am the only one who sees this scene.

I am just a bystander, I can only watch.

So I watched helplessly as Li Yu snatched the urn and cried for the old man to save him.

The old man touched Li Yu's head kindly, "You have encountered an evil ghost."

Li Yu kept nodding.

Li Yu's cousin was a little confused, and his father was also confused and stared at his brother suddenly.

Li Yu's parents were anxious and uneasy, their faces turning blue and white.

"It's okay. It's okay." The old man comforted and hugged Li Yu's shoulders, "My good grandson, my Jiujiu. Don't be afraid. You don't have to be afraid. It doesn't matter even if you die. Look, Isn’t grandma fine now?”

Li Yu's original hope was immediately dashed. He pushed the old man away, his eyes widening in horror.

"You don't have to be afraid if you become a ghost. The underworld is gone, and it doesn't matter if you die." The old man said with a smile and extended his hand to Li Yu.

I heard laughter coming from all directions.

Those souls are laughing, leaning forward and backward with laughter.

Their laughter was loud, but only they and I heard it.

"Give me the ashes." The old man smiled and stretched out his hand.

"No! You have to find a way for me! Please help me, grandma, please help me!" Li Yu shouted.

I heard the intercom. Two security guards came over.

Li Yu's cousin rushed up to grab Li Yu and snatched the urn.

"You are crazy, Li Yu! Give the ashes to grandma! Let go!"

"No! I don't want to die! Save me! Help—"

Li Yu's screams stopped abruptly.

His eyes widened.

Wow, wow...

There is water surging in the lake.

Those souls stopped laughing and looked towards the lake.

Something came out of the water.

The bubbles floated up and made two gurgling sounds.

The red liquid spread in the water, dyeing a large area of ​​the lake red.

I saw this was an illusion.

In Li Yu's eyes, these are all true.

The water surged again.

This time something real came out.

Hair like algae emerged from the water.

I felt the yin energy coming out.

It's not the ghost from the previous haunted house, it's another ghost.

The surrounding souls hid aside.

The body completely emerged from the artificial lake, dripping wet, with no face exposed, and wet hair covering his face. The water on his body is red. The clothes on his body seemed to have been soaked in blood, and the original color could not be seen.

Li Yu screamed in fright, let go of his hand, and the urn in his hand fell to the ground.

The urn was smashed to pieces, and the ashes were scattered out. When the wind blew, they flew all over the sky.

Everyone around was shocked.

The old man's soul showed a smile, laughed, and stretched out his hand to the air.

Those ashes are attached to the old man's soul.

I could see the old man's soul changing. She is changing...she is becoming a new ghost!

"Grandma..." Li Yu's cousin shouted uneasily.


"Ah! Mom!"

Li Yu's parents and uncle all shouted. They all saw the old man's figure.

More people around shouted.



I turned around and saw that two more people holding urns dropped their hands and broke the urns in their hands.


"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

The ghost smiled, as if he had gained a new life.

They did gain a strange new life.

The old man stopped laughing, lowered his hands, and looked at his two grandchildren lovingly.

"Good baby, come to grandma. Grandma has already made arrangements for you. Adults value you very much. Be just hurts a little..." She whispered, floated in front of Li Yu and his cousin, and stretched out her hand. He grabbed both of them by the shoulders.

"Grandma! What are you doing!" Li Yu's cousin shouted in horror.

Water came out of the old man's hands, and water seemed to ooze from the pores on his body, and he became soaked in an instant.

The surrounding air became humid, and both Li Yu and his cousin found it difficult to breathe.

Li Yu's father rushed up to stop him. After taking a few steps closer, he covered his neck and fell to the ground in pain.

I heard muffled laughter and cast my eyes on the ghost in the water.

That thing exuded an astonishing yin energy, and water kept rising from its body, raising the water level of the artificial lake.

The lawn was soaked with water, and the water vapor carried a gloomy air.

The surrounding crowds fled for their lives, and screams occurred one after another.

Li Yu and his cousin had water coming out of their mouths and noses. Their breathing became increasingly difficult.

I saw Li Yu's mother kneeling and crying, unable to resist at all; I also saw Li Yu's uncle collapsed on the ground in fear, trembling. A little further away, the two people who also brought urns were in the same situation as Li Yu.


Turning around, I saw Li Yu's body lying on the ground.

Goodnight everybody

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