Aoba Office

Chapter 1617 Prank (3)

I thought the girl would have an emotional breakdown over this.

Anyone who suddenly discovers that he has been dead for a long time, that the world has changed, and that things and people have changed, should have some emotional fluctuations.

But the girl's brain only experienced a brief blank. After understanding her situation, she looked down at her body and stretched out her hands to the two men.

Her hands passed through the two men, not touching them at all.

She tried touching something else.

If she focused enough, her body would pass through those objects. But when her mind is relaxed, her body is just like when she was alive, hitting walls and being blocked by doors.

She seems to be addicted to playing, and has been trying various situations to see what she can do so far.

This girl... is a bit heartless.

I thought about it this way, and felt that this was the most dangerous thing for her.

There is no yin energy belonging to ghosts, and similarly, there is no malice in her.

She never thought about what she would do next, or where the human soul would go under normal circumstances.

Like a wild beast.

She quickly adapted to her new status and left the small room where she had been trapped for so long.

The school has not been renovated, but it has been repainted, and the walls in the corridors are decorated with propaganda posters from the 1980s.

The girl floated all the way, curiously observing the brand new school.

In fact, this campus can no longer be considered new. It's long overdue for renovation. Even those promotional posters are a little faded and yellowed.

There is no one in the school. It seems to be on vacation.

This is probably why people from the school came to carry out measurements and prepare for renovation.

The girl walked around, entered the teacher's office, and rummaged through the drawers and cabinets.

She had some difficulty doing these movements.

Just like what I saw in my previous dreams, it is very difficult for these ghosts to affect reality.

Toddlers eventually learn to run.

This girl has amazing perseverance and persistence.

She succeeded in doing what she set out to do.

The teacher's lesson plans, prepared test papers, some student files, teaching tools...

She looked at everything curiously and enjoyed it.

After reading the things, she threw them away.

I saw the problem even from the sidelines.

If the teacher in this office returns to school, he will definitely find that things in the office have been touched.

But most people would just think that a thief came into the school...

Just as I was thinking this, the girl turned around and stared at a locked drawer.

The drawer couldn't be opened, so she pulled hard several times, causing the table to make a clanging sound.

This time, it doesn't take hard work to succeed.

She changed her mind, squatted on the ground, and reached out from under the drawer.

Her hand passed through the drawer and touched the contents. But she couldn't get them out.

Judging from the outlines that can be touched, there are paper clips, pens, notebooks, and paper in the drawer...

She got into trouble with the drawer.

While rummaging around, she touched an object with a distinctive texture.

She pinched the thing and moved it to the edge of the drawer.

The workmanship of the desk is not fine.

She stuffed the thing out of the gap.

It's an old photo.

The girl stared at the black and white photo for a long time.

The photo was a group photo of a class, and those people were wearing clothes similar to hers.

The girl looked at it for a while, not many intense emotions emerged in her mind.

She put the photo back, stood up, and saw the notebook on the table.

There was also a name written on the notebook.

Zhang Jifen.

The girl's mind pictured the appearance of a young woman.

The woman's appearance overlapped with that of the only adult woman in the black and white photo.

"Still here..." the girl muttered.

Her emotions were like a breeze, leaving no trace.

Turning around, the girl passed through the office wall and reached other rooms.

Her memory was slightly disturbed. Although there was no obvious change in mood, those past memories still emerged one by one.

Zhang Jifen was not her teacher, but a female teacher in the upper grade. She graduated from a normal school and has studied abroad. She is a female intellectual.

There were many rumors about her in school. Everyone is very curious about this new beautiful female teacher.

The girl just heard her classmates mention Zhang Jifen with envy and adoration.

For girls of that age, a beautiful, elegant, and educated young woman is their ideal future.

Like children who want to chase after older children, they are very close to Zhang Jifen.

Only the girl I possess is as naughty as a boy and is not interested in the intellectual big sister at all. All she could think about was playing and catching fish in the river, which were more interesting than sitting under a tree and reading foreign books.

If you sit under a tree, insects will fall down. What will Zhang Jifen do then? Screaming and jumping?

The girl's footsteps stopped.

If she hadn't died, she would probably have found an opportunity to climb a tree and throw a caterpillar onto Zhang Jifen.

The thought came to her mind and she became melancholy.

I'm now pretty sure there's something wrong with this girl.

Her way of thinking is different from ordinary people.

The feeling of danger became even stronger.

I looked at her feet.

Her feet are in good condition.

She scared Hu Guangsheng to death out of spite.

But the strange thing is that in that dream, I didn't feel her malice. She seems to have no idea about this. Seeing Hu Guangsheng's tragic death, he would not feel that he was at fault.

I can't help but think of Shen Xiaorong.

They are all abnormal souls, lacking emotions and moral sense.

While I was thinking about this, the scene in the dream changed.

I saw a women's room.

Time seems to have passed a long time, and the toilet looks somewhat similar to the toilet in Aoba's video.

The school environment has also completely changed. Not a campus at all.

I looked at the girl.

She didn't know where she got a rope, hung one end on the water tank, and tied the other end around her neck.

The clothes she was wearing were also changed into another school uniform.

After posing, she stretched her legs and tilted her head, leaning against the tiles.

The bell rang, the sound harsh.

The noise from the students soon drowned out the sound. The ringing ended before I knew it.

Footsteps sounded in the corridor, slowly approaching the door.

The first girl came in, followed by girls one after another.

The fourth girl who came in went to the last toilet cubicle.

Before she reached the end of the toilet, she stepped on the steps of the toilet. Her lowered eyes probably saw the girl's feet first, and she wanted to move away.

She looked up inadvertently and saw the girl in full view.

"Ahhh-" screamed out.

She was so frightened that she turned and ran away.

Everyone else looked over, curiously walked to the last compartment and took a peek inside.

People kept screaming, crying, and falling.

There were also brave ones who approached cautiously and reached out to push the girl.


The girl's body tilted against the tiles, and the rope around her neck tightened, causing her head to bounce.



Everyone was scared and ran away.

I saw the corner of the girl's mouth curl up.

She grabbed the rope, pulled it off, and floated up.

"Dead people!"

"Someone hanged himself in the toilet!"

Shouts erupted outside.

A teacher scolded him a few times and ran in.

Of course they saw nothing.

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