Aoba Office

Chapter 1618 Prank (4)

I heard the girl's clear and hearty laughter.

She was sitting on the water tank, no one could see her, and she looked at the busy students and teachers below, and looked at the girls who were crying while being criticized by the teachers, and smiled happily. She laughed till she fell forward and backward, clapped her hands, tilted her body, fell down from the water tank, and stood on the ground very lightly.

The girls were called out by the teachers, who also carefully checked the toilet and found no abnormalities.

The time in the dream changed, and I saw students whispering.

The rumor that someone hanged himself in the toilet has spread, and the teacher can't suppress the rumor at all.

Those girls who witnessed the girl hanging were chased and questioned by other students, and some girls swore to describe the scene without seeing anything.

Like most rumors, these were constantly amplified and distorted, with endless stories emerging about the girl's identity and the cause of her death.

After watching the fun for a while, the girl felt bored.

Her eyes fell on a girl.

That was the first girl who saw her, and she screamed in fright and ran away. Now she has become a star student, surrounded by other classmates like stars.

"I really saw it! That's it, that's it..." She tilted her head back, making a hanging posture, and stuck out her tongue.

"I'm not that ugly..." The girl sat on the windowsill next to her, muttering to herself.

No one else can hear her.

The more the girl talked, the more excited she became.

"...I've heard it before! The senior who graduated last year is my neighbor. I heard her say that someone hanged himself here before, hanging himself in the toilet. When he was found, the person was all rotten. I looked for her in her house during the summer vacation. When school started, the toilet smelled so bad!" She was dancing and talking happily.

The girl curled her lips, rolled her eyes, and glanced at the back door of the classroom. Suddenly she ducked and floated there.

Her body floated up, her head pressed against the window of the back door, and her eyes fell on the girl.

"Look over here...look over here...look over here..." the girl muttered silently in her heart, but received no response.

She frowned, looked around, and took out a ball of scratch paper from the trash can behind the classroom.

The scratch paper was held in her palm, and no one else saw the strange sight of garbage flying.

Her body floated out of the door, but her hands remained in the classroom.

With a swish, the ball of scratch paper hit the girl who was gushing.

The finger-sized paper ball flew such a long distance, so the touch should be very slight.

The girl felt it and turned her head subconsciously.

The girl's face was pressed against the back door window, eyes wide open, staring straight at the girl.

Eyes facing each other.

"Ahh-" The girl suddenly fell off the seat, trembling.

Only she saw the girl.

The girl opened her mouth and showed a weird smile.

Her appearance also changed, as if the fast forward button was pressed all of a sudden, and her body showed signs of decay.

On the highly decayed body, the eyes disappeared, leaving only black eye sockets. His whole face seemed to be melting and drooping. This layer of meat is still stuck to the glass.

"Ah! Ghost! That ghost! Ahhh!" the girl screamed.

People around could not see the girl, but they were frightened by the girl's true expression of fear, and commotion spread in the classroom.

It wasn't until the teacher came in that the commotion was barely suppressed.

The girl was called out by the teacher.

She was like a poor drowned rat, with a wilted head and brain, and her whole body was still trembling.

The girl turned around and faced the corridor, staring at her as well.

"Don't go there...don't go there...Teacher, she's right there! Don't go there! I don't want to go there!" the girl cried.

The teacher held her hand and glanced at the back door of the classroom. She must have felt a little scared inside. But soon he became impatient.

"There is nothing! There is nothing there! If you ask other people, no one has seen it. Cheng Xinxin, let me tell you, if you lie like this again, the school will find your parents and punish you." The teacher's tone Gradually it became stricter.

The girl named Cheng Xinxin kept crying, unable to speak out because of fear. She didn't dare to look at the girl, she just lowered her head and kept her body weight back.

The students around were in a commotion.

"...Maybe she just saw it..."

"Does she have yin and yang eyes?"

The teacher interrupted the discussion, "Everyone go back to the classroom!"

Another teacher rushed over.

Several female teachers persuaded me and the male teachers held me back. Cheng Xinxin screamed loudly, lying on the ground and refusing to leave.

The girl just kept standing and staring, motionless.

She put too much pressure on Cheng Xinxin.

Under the heavy pressure, this teenage girl was on the verge of collapse.

The teachers finally compromised and took Cheng Xinxin to the empty classroom at the other end of the corridor.

The girl stood there and watched Cheng Xinxin leave.

But when Cheng Xinxin entered the empty classroom, her figure flashed, disappeared, and appeared directly in the classroom. She was standing behind the podium in the classroom, with her back to the door.

She slowly turned her head, faced Cheng Xinxin with her intact face, and showed that deliberately intimidating smile.

"Ahhhhhh-" Cheng Xinxin screamed, desperately trying to shake off the teacher's hand and run away.

Neither of the two male teachers dared to use too much force, causing her to break free from their control and stumble back.

She fell and the teachers gathered around her.

The girl floated above the crowd, looking down at Cheng Xinxin.

A coil of rope appeared out of thin air around her neck.

The rope was wrapped around her neck, and the hanging part also formed a circle, swinging in front of Cheng Xinxin.

Cheng Xinxin didn't scream this time. She rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Ugh-" the girl snorted, and the rope around her neck disappeared.

The teachers were in a panic and called an ambulance to take Cheng Xinxin to the hospital.

The girl is not an earthbound spirit, and her movement range is not restricted. She moves very freely.

She followed into the ambulance, humming songs all the way, and stayed close to Cheng Xinxin.

Cheng Xinxin was given first aid and examined. She just fainted due to excessive fright, and her physical signs were normal.

When her parents came over, the teacher explained the whole incident to them seriously.

"...I have had her for two years. She has always been very good. She is serious in class, does her homework seriously, has a good relationship with her classmates, and respects the teacher. Has she been exposed to anything recently? Children nowadays , they all like to watch those movies and novels, which are all about ghosts and weird things. At their age, they have rich imaginations and are in a stage of mental development, so they are easily affected. "

Cheng Xinxin's parents couldn't explain why.

"There is no such thing at home. We asked her last time she came home, and she said she really saw it...Teacher, please tell us the truth. Has anything happened in the school before? "

"No." The teacher shook his head, "I have been teaching in the attached middle school for more than ten years, and I have never encountered this kind of thing. There used to be students in the school who were stressed, skipped classes, and were tired of studying. Some students had sudden changes at home while they were studying. , had to drop out of school, or was bad at studying... But this kind of thing has never happened in our campus. Let me tell you the truth, there were fights in the school before, and the most serious one was that a student broke his hand. That’s it. There is no such thing as suicide or hanging.”

Both sides are very sincere.

But they had no clue, and looked at Cheng Xinxin's unconscious face with worried expressions.

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