Aoba Office

Chapter 1616 Prank (2)

I saw a small room that seemed to be a utility room.

Above the head is a yellowing light bulb. There is only a light bulb without a lampshade. The light bulb was suspended from the ceiling, with a cord hanging down from the light bulb. You can hear the sizzling sound of electricity above your head.

"Huh--" The girl breathed out, looked around, rolled up her sleeves, and bent down to search among the messy items.

She sorted things out first, sorting them one by one, but soon she messed up the things in the room.

I sensed her thoughts.

After she checked what was in the room, she organized a small area and piled a lot of clutter together.

She laughed involuntarily, imagining in her mind the scene of someone coming in later and being hit all over the head with a bunch of ropes.

She was planning a prank on one of her classmates.

After struggling to arrange the things, she brought two more blackboard erasers from outside and placed them on the top of the debris pile.

She patted the dust on her hands, put her hands on her hips, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction.

When she turned around and was about to leave, the girl stepped on a glass bead on the ground. Her foot slipped and she fell backwards, hitting a pile of debris.

She screamed and subconsciously reached out to grab something to stabilize her body.

His fingers caught the light cord.

With a snap, the light was turned off.

Wow! All kinds of debris fell down.


The door to the room was slammed.

"Ah!" the girl yelled again, her body was hit several times, the blackboard eraser hit her head, chalk dust fell all over her face, and even fell into her eyes.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" She moaned several times, her eyes hurt, and her body was in great pain from being hit. There was something heavy on her chest and legs. She struggled for a long time before pushing those things away.

"Huh...huh..." She was surrounded by piles of debris and couldn't move.

There was a simple wooden frame on top of her head, but it made it impossible for her to stand up smoothly. Her ankle hurt, and she probably sprained it when she fell.

"Well..." The girl's eyes were hot, and she was at a loss because of pain and fear.

She shed tears. When she wiped her eyes, the dust on her hands got into her eyes again, which made her eyes burn with pain.

Even with the lights on, she probably wouldn't be able to see.

After a while of this, her mood calmed down.

She tried to move, but failed again, so she shouted twice at the top of her lungs.

However, she knew that no one would come to save her at this time.

School has ended, and there should be no one in the school.

She came in quietly over the wall alone. She just wanted to arrange something to punish the classmate who rolled her eyes at her tomorrow.

She just wanted to make a joke and tease the classmate.

The feeling of grievance came up again.

This time, she cried for a while longer. Tears washed the dirt from her eyes.

I felt her struggling again.

Memory and reality coincide.

She couldn't even tell how long she had been trapped here.

She was tired and hungry. After struggling several times, she couldn't move the garbage surrounding her.

When I was packing my things, I did see some heavy objects, but I didn't expect that they would cause me such trouble.

She drifted off to sleep.

Dream time becomes blurry.

I can only infer time changes from the girl's physical condition.

There are no windows in this room, so there is no change in light.

Outside the room, it was silent.

I went out to look and saw no one.

There is no one on this small but clean campus.

I felt a little nervous.

There is no yin energy and no abnormality, but such a dead campus always gives people an ominous feeling.

The girl's consciousness was hazy, and her physical condition deteriorated rapidly because she had not eaten or drank.

She also seemed to have a fever. The weather is not very warm.

As a result, I am even more unable to judge the situation in the dream clearly.

Logically speaking, someone should come to school the next day.

Logically speaking, if she doesn't go to school, a teacher should find out.

Logically speaking, if she didn't come home at night, her parents should come find someone.

There are many reasons. Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing should not happen.

But judging from the girl's memory and school environment, this dream did not occur in these twenty or thirty years, but was further back than that, maybe fifty or sixty years ago...

This girl may not have lied to Aoba's people at this point.

She died in the fifties.

The fifties...

That's too far away for me. Neither my parents were born at that time.

What happened in the 1950s that caused a campus to suddenly stop classes?


I suddenly realized that my thinking was wrong.

I went back to that girl.

The girl woke up again from her stupor, panting, resisting the urge to cry, and still struggling hard.

I moved closer to her and slowly extended my hand.

I didn't touch her body, my hand passed through her body.

I calmed down and felt it, and found that the only pain the girl felt was her ankles and back. Her foot was sprained, and something pressed against her spine.

She pushed the shelf above her head for a while, to no avail, and gave up again.

I had realized what the problem was and stayed in the dark room.

Darkness and silence make the passage of time blurry.

After being too hungry, the feeling of hunger disappeared.

The fever made her drowsy and not clear enough.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally, there was a sound at the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The girl woke up all of a sudden and shouted happily.

Her voice was loud and full of energy.

Bang! Bang!

After a knock, the door was forced open.

The sun shone in from the gap.

The light was dazzling.

The girl squinted her eyes.

"What's wrong with this room?"

"Who knows..."

The conversation came from outside the door.

There was another sound of destruction, the door lock fell off, and the door was opened.

The accumulated debris in the room seemed to be gone.

The girl was ecstatic and wanted to stand up. She stretched out her hand to the people who entered the room, and tears came out. This time it was tears of joy.

Those people wore clothes from the 1980s and had fashionable hairstyles from the 1980s.

They entered the room directly without any hindrance and passed through the girl's body directly.

The girl was stunned.

The two men seemed to be here to measure the room. They took out their tools and worked around the corners of the room.

The girl looked around.

The room was empty, nothing was there.

She looked up and saw the lonely light bulb. It was covered in dust and had turned black. The pull cord to turn on the light was gone.

"Just knock this room down and combine it with the room next door."

The two men talked.

"We'll do whatever the higher-ups decide."

The girl stood up from the ground.

The pain was gone.

Her body felt light.

She had long since become a ghost.

But she didn't know it herself.

Good night, everyone~

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