Aoba Office

Chapter 1607 Beheading (1)

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while. I listened carefully and finally heard some movement.

It's crying.

It seemed to be Song Xian’s cry.

I'm not sure.

After waiting for a while, I heard Wu Ling's voice.

"Song Xian should have discovered that her parents are gone." Wu Ling said.

The crying was intermittent and faint, and I also heard other voices.

I feel like my heart is filled with panic.

For Song Xian, meeting her parents who have passed away long ago and fulfilling their parents' wishes is probably her greatest expectation. But now, everything is gone. The parents disappeared, and so did this expectation.

Song Xian is no longer young.

At that time, she was young and could follow an uncle, carrying the bodies and ashes of her parents, running all the way, trying to survive.

Where is she now?

Song Xian at this age may not be able to accept such a blow.

Wu Ling remained silent since then.

I didn't hang up the phone either.

The distant cry finally died away.

"They went back." Wu Ling said.

Wu Ling seemed to have no emotion about this. After finishing speaking, he returned to the topic, "If there are really people or things from the future that are connected to our present, the situation will become very complicated. The specific details still need to be studied. For a moment. I will spread the word in the circle. If you enter the dream again, remember to pay attention to the date and place."

I responded dully.

The phone was hung up.

I didn't leave the office in a hurry. I spread my body and leaned on the sofa.

The damaged sofa shook several times, as if it was about to fall apart.

I steadied myself.

The sofa creaked.

There was only this annoying sound in the office.

Ye Qing never showed up from beginning to end.

I was in a daze for a while, took my phone and left.

Song Xian did not return to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. They haven't called me either.

Normally, they wouldn't be able to contact me.

After finishing the work for the day, Slender Man and I separated and went home.

I feel lazy and can't get excited.

Song Xian's cry still echoed in my mind.

I can imagine how devastated she was.

I didn’t look at the files, didn’t search for any more information online, and went to bed early.

Everything was still normal when I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I heard the sound of the waves.

I was woken up by the sound of waves.

The sound of the waves was very regular, until the screams of women, children, and the shouts of men broke the peaceful atmosphere.

I was pulled and my body hurt.

Opening my eyes, I saw two familiar faces.

They picked me up and stuffed me into a big tank.

The salty, cold liquid made me shiver.

"Mom..." the child shouted helplessly.

"Xiao Xian, don't talk. Hide, hide here. Don't come out. If someone comes, just sink..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrogant voice intervened.

The lid of the vat was pulled up.

I heard the quarrel outside.

My body floated up and floated outside the vat.

Song Xian's parents were dragged out of the yard. Their shouts ceased.

Outside the hospital, there were more roars and screams.

A group of soldiers rushed in and rummaged through the house.

The lid of the vat was opened, and the soldier put his gun in, stirred it twice, and met Song Xian. The gun was picked up, and a small fish was picked up and dropped out of the big tank with seaweed.

The soldiers cursed and left.

Song Xian held his breath in the water tank until his lungs hurt, and then he cautiously stuck his head out.

She climbed out of the tank clumsily. I don’t know how to cry, I can’t remember being scared.

She just instinctively shrank her body and went back to the smashed house to take a look. Then she ran to the door of the courtyard and cautiously poked her head in to take a look.

The soldiers left, and there was a lot of blood on the ground, as well as some pieces of cloth and broken porcelain...

Song Xian searched for a moment on the chaotic dirt road and saw the body under the tree. She saw her mother's face covered in blood.

Song Xian's tears suddenly welled up, and he called out "Ama" in a hoarse voice.

The small body stumbled towards the corpses.

"Ama! Abba! Ama...Ama..." Song Xian burst into tears and was about to throw himself on the body.

A man rushed out from the next room, covered Song Xian's mouth, hugged Song Xian's little body, and took her into the house.

There was the sound of leather boots hitting the ground outside.

The man hugged the crying Song Xiandong and hid.

I discovered that there was actually a tunnel inside the house, leading to the cellar under the house.

It's not an exquisite underground passage, just a cellar for storing food. It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that this place, abandoned by its owner, became a hiding place.

The man kept paying attention to the sounds outside. When it became quiet outside, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Song Xian.

Song Xian's eyes were red and swollen from crying, and he couldn't even shed tears.

"Axian..." The man knew Song Xian and gritted his teeth after calling out Song Xian's name.

Song Xian had no reaction.

The dream time jumps.

There were some more fish bones in the cellar, and two more corpses - the corpses of Song Xian's parents. They changed their clothes, had the blood wiped off their faces, and looked like they were asleep.

"Uncle...why didn't the gods come to us? Is it because A-Xian said bad things about the gods before?" Song Xian suddenly said.

The man sitting in the corner of the cellar was stunned, his face stained by dust looked sad.

Song Xian stared at the corpses of his parents and asked that question without crying or making a fuss.

The dream time jumped again.

The man took Song Xian and the bodies of her parents on a small boat.

Not a speedboat, not even a yacht. This simple little wooden boat can move forward by oars.

The men paddled for days and nights. Both he and Song Xian were exhausted and almost fainted. Finally, they saw the coast.

That's when I noticed something was wrong.

The bodies of Song Xian’s parents did not rot...

Before I could figure it out, the dream scene changed, and a raging fire engulfed the bodies of Song Xian's parents.

Men encased their ashes. He brought the urn from the island. I also saw the wooden box Song Xian asked me to take out.

When the dream scene changed again, the man was gone.

Song Xian sat alone on a chair and looked at the two urns and the wooden box on the table.

In her memory, the man suddenly disappeared.

He works outside and does hard labor to support himself and the little girl Song Xian. They fled all the way and found this small house that can protect them from wind and rain. Originally, life was on the right track and became stable.

The man did not come back that night.

Song Xian cooked the rice but didn't wait for the man. He went out to look for him but couldn't find him.

She waited and searched for several days, but she never saw the man again.

Song Xian thought that the man might have thrown away his burden. She also thought that he might have died somewhere without anyone noticing.

Song Xian's thoughts passed away in a flash. She still needs to live. Without a man to take care of her, she had to fend for herself.

My soul was suddenly pulled by a force and flew away from Song Xian.

I heard some kind of dialect and didn't understand it, but I got the meaning.


What head?

I looked ahead.

The familiar wooden box opened.

There is a fossil-like animal head placed inside, shaped like a snake's head, with fangs of the beast, fish scales, and a pair of antlers.

The head is small. The box was stuffed with cloth and cotton wool to protect the head.

The box closes.

"This is the monster's head. Our ancestors picked it up from a cave on the seabed. The story spread on Guillotine Island may be true."

I heard the voice just now say these words.

"This is a family heirloom. It must be kept well. Our ancestors specially packed it in the best treasure box..."

Before this ancient lecture was over, my head hurt sharply, and my soul felt a huge pull again.

Good night everyone~

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