Aoba Office

Chapter 1608 Beheading (2)


The roar of the beast made my eardrums hurt.

The nerves in my brain were also throbbing with pain.

The tearing pain made me completely conscious.

I felt like I was flying, my body was spinning, and the scenery I was seeing was also spinning.

The sky, the earth, monsters...


So much blood...

I was startled, and my spinning body stopped.

I felt something behind me, and when I turned around, I saw a black hole.

It is the entrance and exit to a different space.

The huge snake head with fangs, fish scales and antlers flew into the black hole and disappeared.

I turned around and saw the snake-like monster still lying on the ground. Its body is as slender as a snake, but it has legs. There is a monster beneath the sharp claws.

I looked closely and realized that it was not a monster.

It's a ghost.

The ghost's Yin Qi opened up and formed a strange-looking body, which was tightly pressed under the headless monster.

The monster twisted its long body, and the broken neck was like a burst river bank, with blood constantly pouring out.

The ghost was soaked all over, making it impossible to see his exact appearance.

The only thing I could be possessed by was this monster.

I slowly fell from the air, trying to see the ghost and the surrounding situation clearly.

Seen from a high altitude, this place is a wilderness with no trace of human activity.

There are some claw marks on the grass, which should be left by this monster.

The paw prints stretched into the distance.

This ghost and monster must have been shaking all the way. When they got here, the monster caught the ghost and the ghost cut off its head.

Before I could land and fall to the ground, severe pain swept through my consciousness again.

My brain hurts so much.

This is a side effect of frequent use of abilities.

My whole body fell straight down, my consciousness fell into darkness, and I could only feel pain.

When the pain subsided, I was covered in cold sweat and gasping for air, feeling like I was alive again.

I was calm for a while, until the cold wind blew on my body and I felt the slightest chill, and I woke up.

The quilt fell to the ground, and the early winter sun shone on me, unable to dispel the chill.

I picked up the quilt and saw the notification light on my bedside phone.

The alarm clock has gone off.

I rubbed my forehead, got out of bed, changed clothes, washed up, and went out to work.

My appearance attracted the attention of the thin man and others. The thin man asked me what was wrong with concern, but I could only smile bitterly.

"I overused my ability..." I replied, suddenly remembering the content of the dream, "Song Xian, he should be dead..."

I dreamed about Song Xian. Song Xian must be dead.

Just thinking about it makes me sad.

When I arrived at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, I got a definite answer from Director Mao.

"... She left suddenly last night. It seemed that something happened when she sent the ashes there during the day. The two brothers said that she kept crying and couldn't persuade her. At night, without dinner, she passed away all of a sudden. Before the ambulance arrived at the hospital, she ran out of breath," Director Mao said regretfully. "It was also because she was older and felt great joy and sorrow... that she thought of her parents' ashes and wanted to give them to her. They were buried. That’s how people feel when they get older.”

Director Mao's emotion made me feel heavy.

If the ghosts of the Shen family had not caused trouble, eliminated the ghosts in the factory area, and eliminated Song Xian's parents, Song Xian might not have died in such a sad way. Their family of three might have a happy ending.

It's like a file Aoba encountered before, the family and the old couple in "Mushiru Shikaku".

You can have time to accept the death of your loved ones, and you can have time to say goodbye to your loved ones.

It is also a comfort to take a step back and be like my sister's junior high school classmate, to have the opportunity to fulfill the original agreement and leave this world without regrets.

Song Xian and her parents experienced two sudden separations of life and death.

I sighed and said nothing.

I also told Wu Ling about this matter.

Song Xian's death was related to the supernatural, but not directly related. As Director Mao said, it is because we are getting older and after great sorrow and joy, our body can no longer bear it.

Wu Ling felt the same way. But they still need to do some basic research, just in case.

As for what I saw in my dream, they also had to contact brothers Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun to confirm. When that monster's head falls into the hands of ordinary people, it always makes people feel uneasy.

This worry was fulfilled within a few hours.

The news came not from Wu Ling, but from Chen Yihan.

After Chen Xiaoqiu answered the phone, he kept a slightly surprised expression on his face.

When the call ended, Chen Xiaoqiu looked at us and whispered: "Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun called the police. The wooden box was opened." Chen Xiaoqiu glanced at me and said, "There is a human head in the box."

I was stunned, "Human head? But what I saw was..."

What I saw was a box from another time.

I reacted immediately.

The head in the box may have been swapped.

"Murder?" The thin man asked nervously.

Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, "Even if it is a murder case, it was a case many years ago. Now the police station has hired experts to do tests to determine the age of the head."

Chen Yihan hadn't received the results of the appraisal yet, so he called Chen Xiaoqiu, which meant telling Chen Xiaoqiu in advance so that we could have a clue.

I conveyed this matter to Wu Ling.

If the monster's head was missing, Wu Ling and the others would have to spend a lot of time investigating.

Song Xian is dead, and I have already dreamed about Song Xian once. Logically speaking, it is impossible for me to possess Song Xian again.

Or, someone who has been in contact with Song Xian dies, allowing me to meet Song Xian again in my dream. Or, the person who came into contact with the beast's head died, allowing me to directly see the whereabouts of the beast's head.

Neither condition is easy to achieve.

I don't think the beast's head will ever be found again.

If we really want to find it, it will happen when we encounter another supernatural incident, in which it accidentally appears.

When I went home in the evening and had dinner, I saw the message Chen Xiaoqiu posted in the group.

The police have identified the age of the head. What is surprising is that this head turned out to be a "cultural relic", the head of a deceased person from 800 to 1,000 years ago.

If the police want to investigate this case again, they will investigate it as a case of tomb robbing and theft of cultural relics, not a murder case.

Brothers Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun did not expect such a result.

However, they were not suspects in the first place.

And I, the person who took the wooden box out of the cabinet compartment with my own hands, became the most important witness in the whole matter.

I was called to the police station late at night to make a note explaining the origin of the wooden box.

The police officer who took my notes showed me the photos.

The box was vandalized and opened by force.

I talked about the condition of the wooden box I saw, finished writing the note, and left the police station.

In the lobby of the police station, I met Chen Xiaoqiu who was waiting there, and we went to meet Chen Yihan with her.

"How is it?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked directly.

"It's broken. The lock on the box was picked open, and a little of the edge of the box was damaged..." I said.

"I know that." Chen Xiaoqiu glanced at Chen Yihan.

She obviously knew it from Chen Yihan.

"The two brothers didn't see that the box was an old thing, so they pried it open to see what was inside." Chen Yihan said, "After discovering that it was a head, there was a dispute and they decided to call the police. Contact There are only a few of you in the box. Song Xian is already dead. You have no motive to switch the package. It is impossible for the two brothers to get such a head. "

"So, the head was removed a long time ago?" I said.

"That should be it. However, the police will not follow this line of investigation. You are the only one who sees the monster head now." Chen Yihan said.

I was startled.

What Chen Yihan said makes sense.

This matter will probably come to nothing in the end. There is an ancestral head in Song Xian's family. Although it is a bit weird, it has nothing to do with illegal crimes. It is naturally impossible for the police to continue the investigation.

As for the whereabouts of the animal head and where the human head came from, it probably depends on the progress of Qingye's investigation.

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