Aoba Office

Chapter 1606 Signal Error

The first thing I did when I woke up was to search the Internet for Brother Xiong’s live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room has been closed and cannot be entered.

The live broadcast room did exist, and Brother Xiong’s accounts can also be found.

These account nicknames can also be searched on the Internet. They are players in a gaming guild, have posted some posts about the game, and use the same nickname on social networks.

However, there is no information about last night's live broadcast.

I called Wu Ling and explained the situation.

Wu Ling and the others had no idea about this before.

It was almost time, so I had to pack up and go to work.

When we arrived at the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, we happened to meet Song Xian, his mother and son, who came from the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

Song Xian held two urns. Her younger son was driving and her older son was sitting in the passenger seat. When he saw Slender Man and I, he nodded and said hello. They didn't stop. All three of them looked like they hadn't slept well all night.

As I watched their car drive past, I suddenly thought of something, my head twisted, and I watched their car leave the community, turn a corner, and disappear from my sight.

"What's the matter, Brother Qi?" the thin man asked tremblingly.

When I got to the office, I told them about Brother Xiong and his group’s encounter with a ghost during their live broadcast. Others were fine, and my dry verbal description failed to frighten them. Only the thin man was very frightened. He quickly deleted the live broadcast software, and also deleted other live broadcast software.

At this point, the thin man still had some sequelae and his nerves were tense.

I told what happened in the factory that night. The ghosts of the Shin family attacked the factory. As far as I saw with my own eyes, a ghost was killed by them. And in the entire factory, ghosts were really crying and howling. Who knows how many ghosts were killed by them?

Although Shen Xiaorong is dead and the ghosts of the Shen family are gone, it is not clear what the current situation of the factory is.

The two brothers Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun took Song Xian and carried the old man's ashes there. Who knew what would happen?

I feel uneasy.

This is completely different from what happened last night.

Watching that female ghost kill someone, I was completely in a state of confusion. How that female ghost appeared, how she became so powerful in a short period of time, and how she killed several people in a row, I had no idea in my dream. I didn't do anything. I just watched her kill Brother Xiong without any thought of rescuing her.

Thinking about it now, I didn't feel any sympathy at that time, and there were only question marks circling in my mind.

Realizing this in hindsight made me a little uneasy.

But my sympathy and concern for Song Xian come from the bottom of my heart. I'm worried that something bad will happen to them if they go over there so rashly. I want to stop it, but I don't know where to start.

Song Xian had been reluctant to bring his parents' ashes to his parents who had turned into ghosts. I still supported her. Now that I'm standing in the way, Liu Zhiguo and Liu Zhijun may not support me, and Song Xian is even less likely to listen to me.

"They seem to have already made a decision. Going here so early in the morning, they must have discussed it last night." The fat man said.

This is quite possible.

The three of them, mother and son, slept in the old house in Workers' and Peasants' Sixth Village last night. Although the old house has no water or electricity, and there is still some furniture, it probably doesn't have any entertainment facilities. You can't watch the TV, so you can only sleep for one night at most. If they had carefully discussed the issue of ashes, it would be reasonable.

I was still a little uneasy, so I sent a message to Wu Ling explaining the situation.

When Director Mao saw us, he also talked about Song Xian's mother and son.

It turned out that Director Mao arrived at the neighborhood committee this morning and visited them first.

"They have already made an agreement." Director Mao sighed, "The old lady is old, what can a son do? It's just such a small thing, just coax it. Didn't that factory close down? There is no one there. They scattered the ashes over there and it would disappear as soon as the wind blew. They wouldn't go in. The old lady also agreed. It would be better if they didn't go in. It's expensive to buy a cemetery now. "

Director Mao had no idea about the haunting.

Even if Song Xian said that he saw his parents, she would regard it as an old man's imagination and lament Song Xian's filial piety and miserable childhood.

There is no way to explain this matter to Director Mao.

Wu Ling hasn't heard back yet.

I took a chance, entered Building 6, and went up to the sixth floor.

The yin energy in the office has not changed, which makes me feel that the world is still normal.

It seems a little abnormal for me to think this way.

I opened the door and went in, called Ye Qing, but when I didn't hear a response, I reluctantly sat down on the broken sofa and asked my questions about last night.

Why Ye Qing killed Shen Xiaorong, and how he planned to find that long-lost ghost, was my first question.

The female ghost I saw in the live broadcast, as well as the strange ghosts of Da Dao and Brother Xiong, are my second question.

I feel that I have made some progress after going through the ups and downs this year. At least, the questions I asked this time were not nonsense. The former is related to Ye Qing's big plan, and the latter is related to the changes in the world, both of which are quite important.

However, I waited for a long time and didn't get Ye Qing's answer.

My cell phone rang in the quiet atmosphere of the office.

Wu Ling called me.

"...The live broadcast has been investigated. Nangong has found the person you mentioned, but there is no death record. Another point is also very suspicious. Nangong has found traces of these people on the Internet, but there is no trace of them in reality."

"What? Don't they have ID cards?" I blurted out.

"No, our real-life identities cannot be found. Their online registration information and online IP address location cannot be found," Wu Ling said.

"What method did they use to hide their true information? They seem to be from a gaming guild..."

"We didn't find that game either."

I was a little confused.

"The game they play has been discussed in forums on the Internet, mentioned on social networking sites, and taken screenshots. However, this game cannot be found on the Internet around the world. Some of the contents of their accounts are in reality You can’t find it in the world. You said they use a live broadcast software called Big Horn Deer. But we can’t find the software company in reality.”

Wu Ling said a lot of "found" and "not found", which made me feel dizzy.

"So, the conclusion is..." I asked.

"We thought of a possibility." Wulington paused, "Something from the future world may have reached us."

I was stunned.

"Whether it's the big-horned deer, the game, or their identities, they may all come from that future world. They may come from a more distant point in the future, somewhere later than the seven years you see. At this point in time, we arrived. It’s not that we traveled through time, but the signal was wrong, and our network came into contact with their network. "

I held my phone blankly, listening to Wu Ling's analysis.

"Lynch, did you see the specific date in the dream? Did you see their mobile phone showing the year on it?"

"" I shook my head and recalled it carefully, "No. I didn't even pay attention to the date, I just looked at the time. Ari just saw their live broadcast yesterday..."

So I took it for granted that they had an accident last night.

"Then, another thing, what you said about Song Xian... I am outside the factory now. I just confirmed it with Liu Miao. There are no ghosts in the factory anymore. All the ghosts have disappeared." Wu Ling changed the subject, "I saw their car."

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