Aoba Office

Chapter 1605 Haunted Live Broadcast (4)

Brother Xiong first felt something hit his head.

He was still staring at the mobile phone on the ground, breathing rapidly and his heartbeat was disordered. The small touch was ignored by him.

The next second, the touch became clear

The female ghost's hair has fallen on Brother Xiong's head, sweeping over Brother Xiong's head and ears, and brushing against Brother Xiong's temples. It's impossible for Brother Xiong not to feel it, and it's impossible to completely ignore this feeling.

His body stiffened and he did not dare to move. I held my breath, but my heart started beating wildly uncontrollably.

Brother Xiong squeezed out a cry from his throat and groaned out of fear.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his tear glands secreted tears unconsciously, just like beads of sweat seeping out of his pores, sliding down his skin drop by drop.

These feelings are amplified.

The female ghost was still bending down, and her hair had fallen in front of Brother Xiong's eyes.

He wanted to ignore it and pretend that nothing happened.

Black hair obscured Brother Xiong's sight.

His whole body began to tremble and tremble, and he couldn't close his eyes even if he wanted to.

The female ghost's body bent into an n-shape, and her face appeared in front of Brother Xiong.

Eyes facing each other.

Brother Xiong opened his mouth, and a broken sound came out of his throat.


The female ghost's head fell down and fell on Brother Xiong's lap.

The break on her neck was like an open lid, and blood poured directly from her body.

Brother Xiong's entire body was covered in blood.

The female ghost's body slumped down, pressing on Brother Xiong's body.

Brother Xiong jumped up like an electric shock, threw away the head, and knocked away the female ghost's body.

His foot slipped, his slippers flew off, and he lay in a pool of blood, like a ridiculous landlubber, flopping in a shallow pool.

The blood was wiped away by him and flowed on the floor.

Brother Xiong finally stood up, wanted to go around the dining table, and rushed out of the room.

He no longer cared that he was barefoot, or that he was wearing home clothes and that his body was covered in blood.

All he could think about was escape.

"Brother Bear."

A call sounded from behind Brother Xiong.

Brother Xiong had already grasped the door handle.

That was the sound of a machete.

Brother Xiong didn't look back.

I didn't pay much attention and looked directly in the direction from which the sound and the Yin Qi came.

Da Dao stood in a pool of blood.

Behind him, the corpse of the female ghost was separated and still lying on the ground.

Click, click...

Da Dao stepped on the blood on the ground and walked towards the phone.

He bent down and picked up the phone, his movements smooth and fluid, and there was nothing weird or awkward at all.

He held the phone and walked towards Brother Xiong.

Brother Xiong suddenly cried and twisted the door handle.

Click, click...

The door handle was twisted several times but the door did not open.

"Open the door! Open the door! Help, help... help!" Brother Xiong held the door handle with both hands and kept trying to open the door.

Click, click, click... The door handle was turned wildly, and the door was pulled, but it couldn't be opened at all.

Brother Xiong started to cry, "Don't come over... Don't come over... Da Dao, Da Dao, don't come over... I didn't kill you. It has nothing to do with me... It has nothing to do with me... We want to save you... Da Dao... …Please let me go…”

Brother Xiong pressed his head against the door panel, never daring to look back.

Click, click...

Da Dao was already holding the phone and walked behind Brother Xiong.

His free hand pressed on Brother Xiong's shoulder.

Brother Xiong was trembling, like a poor child being bullied, with no ability to resist at all, and no desire to resist.

Da Dao stretched out the phone in front of himself and Brother Xiong.

The phone screen was cracked and black. At this moment, the screen lit up.

A live broadcast appeared on the broken screen.

Brother Xiong's frightened and mournful face was close to Da Dao's expressionless face.

Both faces were distorted by the shattered screen.

"Brother Xiong, smile." Dadao said, his voice was very soft and there was no fluctuation in his tone.

Brother Xiong couldn't help but grinned, looking like he was about to cry.

Da Dao twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

The figure of a female ghost appeared on his face and behind him.

The female ghost's hands grabbed the corners of his mouth, making him make a "laughing" expression.

The female ghost tilted her head, and her face appeared between the two of them.

Suddenly, she grinned, revealing her toothless mouth, and her long tongue stuck out.

Three heads fell to the ground at the same time.

A lot of blood spurted out from Brother Xiong's neck, all falling on the phone screen and door panel.

Brother Xiong's body was still clutched by a machete.

The heads of the two people rolled together, with expressions of fear on their faces as they faced death.

The female ghost stretched out her hand and held the phone.

The phone screen is black.

Her figure disappeared, and the phone fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Brother Xiong's headless body also fell to the ground.

The sword disappeared.

The blood left by the female ghost disappeared.

Only Brother Xiong's body was left in the room. His hand was still on the door handle and his body was leaning against the door panel. His head lay next to his body, his eyes looking at his own body.

The dream is not over.

I saw Brother Xiong's soul quickly appear next to his body.

There is Yin Qi, but it is not strong. It is similar to the Yin Qi of a broadsword, and similar to the Yin Qi of a female ghost.

I was puzzled.

The female ghost's yin energy is not heavy and she does not look powerful. It’s understandable that she threatened Brother Xiong. But how did she attack Da Dao in the first place? When Da Dao plays live broadcast, he is not afraid of those special effects. If the big sword didn't create fear, the female ghost shouldn't have scared him so easily and killed him.

Too strange.

This is unlike any other supernatural event I've encountered before.

I thought of the collapsed underworld, the chaotic dance of demons that Ye Qing said, and the ghosts of the Shen family I saw in the last dream...

My heart is heavy.

Is this the consequence of losing the underworld?

These ghosts...

Brother Xiong suddenly moved.

His ghost looked at his body, hugged him and cried.

He cried loudly and without any restraint.

The wailing continued for some time.

The screen of his mobile phone lit up, and the live broadcast room screen appeared.

The person doing the live broadcast is a stranger.

Brother Xiong blinked and backed away in fear.

"...This special effect is okay. It can be used for marriage proposals." said the anchor who was live broadcasting.

The special effects background is a church, there is also a wedding soundtrack, and a pre-recorded priest reads the wedding vows.

The anchor smiled playfully and was about to answer the priest's words.

From the choir in the background, a woman suddenly appears. She was wearing white clothes that were incompatible with the people around her, with her long hair hanging loose, and looking at the anchor with only the whites of her eyes.

"Holy shit! These special effects are horror movie special effects!" the anchor yelled. He was so frightened that he quickly started laughing again and wanted to switch the special effects. "Hey, why can't you change it... Do you have to wait until it finishes playing?"

Brother Xiong choked and closed his eyes, not daring to look anymore.

A hand was placed on Brother Xiong's shoulder.

Brother Xiong was so frightened that he knelt down.

Da Dao's face appeared in front of Brother Xiong.

"Let's go, Brother Xiong, it's time to work." Da Dao said in a dull voice.

The fear on Brother Xiong's face turned into silence.

The two of them disappeared from the room. My soul followed Brother Xiong to another room.

I saw the anchor's back.

The two ghosts reached out their hands at the same time and grabbed the anchor's shoulders.

The anchor felt it and turned his head in fear.

On the mobile phone he was still holding, special effects scenes and live broadcasts were going on.

The female ghost approached him step by step and stood behind him.

In reality, Brother Xiong and Da Dao were on one side, holding down his body.

"Who are you? What are you doing! What are you doing!" He struggled, but was caught tightly by the two ghosts and couldn't even throw away his mobile phone.

The female ghost clung to his back and held his head with both hands.

As if she were holding a small flowerpot, she pulled out the man's head with a force.

The splatter of blood was the last thing I saw.

I blinked and realized it was already dawn. I came back to reality.

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