Aoba Office

Chapter 16 No. 023-New Year’s Day Ghost Fetus (8)

"You should say it's a ghost's voice."

"So, this ghost has become more powerful? Is it showing up all the time?"

"Maybe he's possessed."

"Huh? Boss, are you talking about..."

"Yu Meng is in danger, and her location must be found as soon as possible."

"We can only start with monitoring."

"how long it takes?"

"It will take at least a week. The firewall of the police station is not that easy to break."

On May 19, 2004, after excluding the four people on the list of deceased persons, the existence of "Xiao Ling" could not be confirmed only in Sun Qian's social relations.

On May 20, 2004, a list of 7,000 people named No. 809 was checked and 298 women with the word "ling" or "lin" in their names were found.

On May 22, 2004, I received a contact from Zhang Dong, a retired employee of Junli Hotel. Audio file 02320040522.wav.

"I heard from my former colleagues that you were asking about the hotel, and you mentioned a square diamond ring?"

"Mr. Zhang knows about this? Can you tell us in detail?"

"Yes. I joined Junli when it first opened. At that time, I was just an ordinary employee, working in the housekeeping department. The manager of our department was my senior when I was studying abroad. He returned to China first, and after returning to China, we still kept in touch. When Junli opened, I happened to be back in China, and he asked me if I wanted to work at Junli, so I came."

"The strange things that happened in the hotel, including the square diamond ring, are they related to him?"

"...Yes, it is related to him. I...I actually don't know what happened. I always thought that the senior had a girlfriend. I have met that woman twice and she has a very good relationship with the senior. The two of them They seem to be a match, and the senior is also very happy. The two have reached the stage of talking about marriage. At least the senior has this intention. He bought a ring and prepared to propose. This practice is more popular in foreign countries, and it should be the case in China at that time. The concept of diamond wedding rings just came up. I remember that ring very clearly."

"Did he choose room 809 of the Junli Hotel?"


"The proposal failed?"


"Can I ask what's going on?"

"What's going on? Ha... that day, the senior invited his girlfriend to come to Junli and made special preparations. Many of us helped him decorate the room and blessed him, but it turned out that it was not his girlfriend who came. We all I thought it was a wrong customer, so I wanted to go and say something, but the senior opened the door first, and the man punched the senior. We were all dumbfounded, and we were stunned for about a second or two before we reacted, but The man had already pushed the senior into the room and closed the door. We were in a hurry. When we found the door card to open the door, we had been fighting for a long time. When we entered, we saw that the room was in a mess, and the man continued to beat the senior. . A few of us men rushed to stop him, but when he couldn’t hit him, we started scolding and scolding the senior... He raped his wife..."

"In other words, your senior's girlfriend is married?"

"Yes... Phew - we really didn't expect this. I saw the senior... the senior's face was swollen at the time, but I could tell that he was also shocked. He definitely didn't know about this."

"How was the matter resolved?"

"For the sake of the hotel's reputation, we didn't call the police. The senior didn't bother to call the police. He kept calling his girlfriend, but her girlfriend didn't answer. He was injured and had been off for a long time, so we couldn't ask questions. Something... But after the room was tidied up, the cleaning lady gave us the wedding ring and asked us what to do. I had no choice but to contact my senior to return the ring to him."

"Is it a square diamond ring?"

"Yeah, it's a square diamond ring."

"What did he say after the meeting?"

"At first he didn't say anything, just stared at the ring. He was very depressed. When I saw him like that, I knew that the man was not talking nonsense, nor was he crazy. It was the woman who had lied to him. Later he said he wanted to drink, and I So he went drinking with him. When he was very drunk, the senior started talking. The woman didn't answer the phone, but he still managed to find her, but she avoided him, as if she was afraid of him. He found her at that time I happened to meet her colleague in my work unit, and her colleague even advised him not to hurt her. Her husband is very fierce and beats people at every turn. For her own good, he asked the senior not to chase her."

"So, people in her unit know your senior?"

"Yes. So I said, my senior didn't even know that the woman was married! He had met her colleagues and her parents, and they were very supportive of both of them! Who knew that someone would suddenly appear out of nowhere? Husband! These people are such bastards! So is that woman! Her husband was violent to her, she called the police, divorced, whatever. Even if the social environment at that time did not allow such things, then don't harm others! They Everyone knows that she is having a hard time, and that her husband is a bastard, and they don’t help. My senior appears, and they seem to have found a life-saving straw for her. They all hide this from my senior! The senior was beaten, that woman or themselves probably I’ve been taught a lesson, but they just say such sarcastic words! Damn it! The senior had been dating that woman for half a year at that time! Damn it!”

"Is she pregnant?"

"Ah... you..."

"It seems you know a lot of things."

"I... I'm just guessing... I can only guess."

"Tell me about the pregnancy."

"The senior told me when he was drunk. The affair between him and that woman was discovered because the woman was pregnant. His husband was a long-distance bus driver and the time was not right, so he immediately knew that the woman had cuckolded him, and then he I found the senior. Did you know? The woman told her husband about this, including the room number and time of room 809. She also had an abortion without any hesitation! After being discovered by the man, she begged him like a dog. Forgive me, he went for an abortion, and he said that the senior raped him! That bitch deserves to be beaten!"

"Maybe he was domestically abused for a long time, so..."

"So she pushed my senior out. What did my senior do? Does he deserve what he deserves?"


"They are nothing. The senior did nothing wrong and was killed by them!"


"That man later used this matter to blackmail my senior. He was really a scumbag, and that woman was also a bitch. She found a small clinic to have an abortion, and the man pretended to have the child, and threatened my senior with it! One time, he even had an abortion That woman proved that the lump of flesh was the senior’s child! That woman later went to the senior alone, cried and begged him for forgiveness, and even asked the senior to save her, take her abroad with her, and escape. Ha!”

"Then what?"

"The senior knew the truth and wanted to end his relationship with that woman. They kept coming to her door and sometimes even came to the hotel. When the senior was implicated and suspended, they went to his home and almost made his parents angry to death. ...A few months later, I received a call, which was a funeral notice for my senior. He was hit by a car while hiding from those bastards, and he died like that..."

"You keep mentioning 'guessing', and from what I hear now, it's all confirmed."


"What are you guessing?"

Sorry for the late update.

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