Aoba Office

Chapter 15 No. 023-New Year’s Day Ghost Fetus (7)

"Her parents cried miserably in the news, calling me a heartless person, calling me a beast, and not recognizing the child. I... I really didn't... I was wondering at that time if Shanshan was... She didn't dare to tell me, and she didn't want to leave me until she found out she was pregnant. I went to see Shanshan's body. My sister accompanied me. Shanshan's parents were also in the morgue, as well as reporters. They kept beating me, and I...I couldn't react at that time, so I begged them to let me take a look at Shanshan. My sister helped me in, and I couldn't stand it when I saw Shanshan's face. She jumped into the river. The person who committed suicide, that face... that face... My sister was crying next to her. She was crying. She suddenly called out, shook my hand, and pointed at Shanshan's exposed hand. She... There was a ring on my hand...that square was very cold in the morgue, but when I saw the ring, I felt even colder, from head to toe."

"Are you sure it's the same ring?"

"I'm sure, and my sister is also sure, it's that ring. I... we didn't dare to tell anyone. This thing is too unbelievable. How could it be possible... I couldn't tell it, but I knew at that time that Shanshan was really Something happened. I think it happened on New Year's Day in that hotel. I went to the hotel. At that time, many people watched the news and looked at me like that... The people in the hotel didn't want to talk to me. Finally, a young girl who worked at the front desk scolded me angrily, and I found out that day... When Shanshan came down from upstairs, she was disheveled and injured... They thought... they even asked Shanshan, asked her if she wanted to help, Shanshan just shook her head that day and said nothing. I...I am really useless! I was obviously right next to you, and I didn’t know at all!"

"Mr. Pan, I can't blame you. This is a supernatural event, and it's normal for ordinary people to be unable to deal with it."

"But Shanshan...if I persist, if I have a good talk with Shanshan, it will never be like this! I will never...will not let her die like that..."

"Please express my condolences to Mr. Pan."


"Can I ask, will you still have contact with Miss Shi's family in the future? We can't find the current contact information of her parents. It would be great if you could provide it."

"Please don't disturb them. They moved to the countryside after Shanshan died and don't want to mention this matter again."

"Well, okay. Then may I ask, what happened to the ring?"

"I don't know. Shanshan's funeral was organized by her parents, and her family didn't let me go... I don't know how they disposed of the relics."

Shi Wenshan was confirmed as the second victim. The incident occurred in 2001. It is inferred that the root cause was before then. The "square diamond ring" can be added as an investigation target.

On April 29, 2004, he checked into Room 809 of Junli Hotel again and searched the room, but no square diamond ring was found. Audio file 02320040429.wav.


"...I have never picked up a ring before. Guests are very careful about such a valuable thing and will not leave it behind."


"...I heard from my colleagues that they picked it up once, and the owner even appeared on TV."

"Is it the woman who committed suicide by jumping into the river?"

"Ah! Yes, that's it! It's that ring. They all said that the proposal was rejected, and then they took advantage of it."

"Other than that, is there nothing else? It's a square diamond ring that fell in room 809."

"Did you drop it?"

"Our client dropped a very commemorative ring and wants to find it back."

"Maybe it was dropped somewhere else. The hotel probably doesn't have it."


On May 3, 2004, the client's parents were tracked but the client was not found, the client's husband Wang Fangjie was not found, and the client's medical records in hospitals in this city were not found.

On May 3, 2004, it was confirmed that Meng Fangfang was infertile and was currently undergoing treatment. Zhang Xuan was not found to have any other relationships with men and women.

On May 11, 2004, the fourth deceased, Sun Qian, was killed. The murderer committed suicide on the spot without identification.

Attached: A photocopy of the case file.

Audio file 02320040511.wav.


"...Sun Qian...that Sun Qian! He was a colleague, but I didn't know him well. After he was transferred here, he spoke a dialect and it was difficult to communicate. I remember that he died tragically, and the TV station even came to our unit to interview him. Yes, I asked a lot of people."

"Do you know the murderer?"

"I don't know. The TV station said she was his girlfriend, but we haven't heard him say he has a girlfriend. He and we don't usually hang out together."

"So, did you know that he stayed at the Junli Hotel in 1999?"

"Huh? What? How do I know this? I haven't noticed whether he comes home from get off work or not."


"...I really don't know. I told the TV station that I didn't know. I'm really unfamiliar with it."

"Did you know that he stayed at the Junli Hotel in 1999?"

"I don't know. I told you I'm not familiar with him anymore."


"...When you said that, I remembered that he asked me which hotel here is good. When I answered... I gave several names when I answered. There should be Junli Hotel."

"Did you hear him mention why he booked a hotel?"

"I ordered it for a friend. I'm not sure. It's too hard to talk to him. He has a heavy accent. I had to ask several times to understand."

"Have you ever met his friend?"

"Never seen it."

"Please recall carefully. Have you ever seen a stranger come to him? Has he mentioned any relevant people?"

"I don't know this, neither men nor women know."


Sun Qian was suspicious and the investigation was at a deadlock.

On May 17, 2004, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200405171139.mp3.

"Qingye! Is it Qingye's?"

"Yes, you are..."

"I am Yu Meng! Help me! Please help me!"

"Miss Yu, where are you now?"

"Xiaoling, who are you calling?"

"Ah! Ah! No..."

"Xiao Ling, you are so naughty."


On May 17, 2004, the telephone recording was analyzed. Audio file 200405171139G.wav.

"...Xiaoling, who are you calling?"


"This voice..."

"Isn't it very problematic? You are calling 'Xiao Ling', but there is no 'Ling' in Yu Meng's name."

"Could it be a nickname?"

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise."

click! click!

"Xiaoling, who are you calling?"

click! click!

"Xiaoling, who are you calling?"


"Mushroom, what are you doing?"

"I told you to stop arguing."

click! click! click! …

"...I can't keep it, it's absolutely impossible to keep it..."

click! click! click!

"Xiaoling, who are you calling?"


"What did you find?"

"It's one person's voice. The one named Xiaoling is the same person as Yu Meng's first time here, and the 'bitch' and 'kill' are the same person's voice."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, very sure, it's definitely a person's voice!"

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