Aoba Office

Chapter 14 No. 023-New Year’s Day Ghost Fetus (6)

"According to the information we found, your wife's suicide was published in the newspapers at the time. Many people at the scene saw and heard the ghost fetus crying and crawling out of her belly."


"Mr. Zhou?"

"Yeah, I... saw it too... When Yi Nan jumped down, his clothes were open and his belly landed on the ground. His whole belly was split like a watermelon. It was red... the ground was all red... I... I heard it at that time When I heard the child's cry... it was very soft, but very close. It was obviously crying, but I don't know why, but I thought of the child's laughter that Yi Nan said. There was something moving in the pool of blood, and I couldn't control it. , I thought that I must not look at it, but I still looked at it. The child...the full-term child crawled out of Yi Nan's belly..."

"Has anyone ever touched that ghost fetus?"

"No. Everyone was scared. They were shouting and running, and some people's legs were weak from fear. Me too... I didn't dare to go there... It was cold at that time, and my whole body seemed to be frozen. All the time. When the ambulance came, the police came, and the police came to talk to me and my mother. I only moved my eyes at that time, and when I looked at Yi Nan again... the child was gone."

"We also discovered this in the report. After discussions at the time, many people thought it was a collective hallucination."

"It's not an hallucination. It's definitely not an hallucination. I got into the police car and leaned against my mother. My hands were trembling. I remember that cry clearly. I definitely heard it. I also saw Yinan's belly... that For a while, many people said that Yi Nan was crazy, and my mother and I were also confused. There was no pregnancy at all, and they were talking nonsense about a ghost fetus... But it was all true!"

"We believe that you did encounter a supernatural event, and it was indeed a ghost fetus."


"Did anything weird happen after your wife died?"

"No more. Phew... nothing happened."

"Have you ever been to Minqing City?"

"Ha, how could I go again?"

"Isn't there any contact with the Junli Hotel where you stayed at that time?"

"Huh? You guys...did something happen to that hotel again? It's really the hotel's problem!"

"We just thought it was a good direction to investigate."

"I've never looked for that hotel again. Since Yi Nan is dead, it's over."

Wei Yinan was confirmed as one of the victims. The incident occurred in 2002. It is inferred that the root cause of the incident was before that.

On April 28, 2004, contacted Pan Ping, the boyfriend of the third deceased, Shi Wenshan. Audio file 02320040428.wav.

"Yes, we stayed at Junli Hotel on New Year's Day in 2001 because we wanted to watch the New Year's fireworks. Many people booked suites there to watch the fireworks for New Year's Day. My friend had stayed there the previous year and recommended us to go. I plan to propose to Shanshan that day."

"What happened that day?"

"I can't explain clearly... We watched the fireworks. After midnight, I proposed to Shanshan. The engagement ring was delivered to her. She was very happy. She hugged me and kissed me when she put the ring on. I... I... I didn't pay attention at first, but then she looked at the wedding ring happily, and I felt something was wrong. That ring... I actually don't understand much about it. I just listened to the shopping guide's introduction, and then my sister helped me choose it. I don't know much about those rings. What's the difference? But I remember that the ring I bought was round and the diamond was round. Shanshan was wearing a square one on her hand at that time. The diamond was not very big, and Shanshan quickly put her hand away... She was very Excited, she pulled me to talk, and we fell asleep without realizing it. I had a dream that night, Shanshan’s hand was dazzling in front of me, the ring was dazzling in front of me, and there was a very noisy sound. I don’t know, but it was very noisy. I just woke up in the morning, I was still in a daze, very tired, and found that the bedside was empty, Shanshan...Shanshan’s people and things were gone. "

"Did you go see Miss Shi later?"

"Of course! Of course I went to look for her! I thought she had gone to have breakfast first and went to the hotel restaurant, but I didn't see her. Then I asked the hotel waiter. He asked me about the restaurant and the front desk, and then The front desk... the lady at the front desk looked at me with a very strange look and told me that Shanshan left the hotel at around three o'clock and that the hotel had called a taxi for her. I was really baffled, okay. Why did she leave after three o'clock? I thought Shanshan was feeling uncomfortable, so I asked the front desk again, but the front desk ignored me. I went to Shanshan's house, and Shanshan's parents looked at me very strangely and told me to get out. I really don’t know what happened…”

"Have you not seen Miss Shi?"

"No, I didn't see her. In the next two weeks, she didn't go to work, didn't answer the phone, and didn't go out. I went there a few times, and her parents were acting weird and said things I couldn't understand."

"What did you say?"

"Calling me a beast. Ha... I really didn't know what happened at that time..."

"Mr. Pan, as far as we know, you persisted in looking for Miss Shi for more than a month."

"Well, yes, after more than a month, her parents finally called the police, and the neighbors looked at me as if they were looking at that kind of gangster. After the police came, Shanshan finally saw me. She didn't say anything and put the ring on her face. He threw it on me and went back to the room. I held the ring and felt empty in my heart. The policeman seemed to say a lot, but I didn't even listen. My sister picked me up and talked a lot... She finally asked me I held something in my hand. I opened my hand and it was the ring. My sister also asked where the ring came from. I said it was the wedding ring. She recognized it and it was not the one she chose...she thought The jewelry store made a mistake. It looked like my marriage to Shanshan was about to fall through, so she wanted to return the ring. She was responsible for all this, and I was obsessed with it during that time. One day when she came back from work, she suddenly He pulled me to sit down face to face, and then put a ring on the coffee table. It was the wedding ring I bought. My sister didn't return the ring, and the square ring fell off somewhere. Then the day before, the hotel staff I was cleaning and found the ring I bought under the carpet in the corner. When I booked the room, I told them to propose and asked them to prepare flowers and so on... When I called home, my sister answered the phone. She started I thought it was a mistake, but I went to the hotel to check it out, and it was the one I bought..."

"Found the ring under the rug?"

"Yeah, it was under the carpet, that's why it took so long to find out."

"In other words, there are two rings."

"Yes, there are two rings. I am very sure that before I gave it to Shanshan, I had not touched that ring, and no one had touched it, but the ring in the ring box was replaced and my ring fell That kind of very hidden place... My sister and I thought it was strange, but we couldn't figure out the reason. But then, I got a call from Shanshan's father, saying that Shanshan was pregnant."

"That's not your child, is it?"

"Well, it's not mine. The two of us have was after we were getting married...but she got pregnant. I...I was very angry at first. I thought Shanshan had betrayed me. I hung up the phone and was about to give the ring away. They were all sold. I don’t want to think about Shanshan anymore. I sold the ring and started a new life, but...but that night, I saw the news...Shanshan...Shanshan committed suicide..."

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